Dear friends, with much joy and happiness I am with you today. My energy flows among you and as you can feel, this is not a lecture in the traditional sense. I am passing on a certain energy (in addition to information) and you are as much a part of this as I and Pamela and Gerrit. In our being together here, we create a field or vortex of energy in this room, in this opening to the earth. Therefore this place is sacred. At any place where people – angels in human bodies – come together and join with the intention of seeding their light into the earth, the ground becomes sacred.
I would like to briefly say something about the phenomenon of channeling which has become so popular recently. You all know the concept of prana, which is employed in yoga and eastern philosophy. Prana is a spiritual energy that you take in with every breath. The idea is that you do not merely inhale oxygen when breathing in but also a life force energy, a cosmic energy which exceeds the physical and enables you to live. Now what I’d like to point out is this: just as everyone inhales prana along with oxygen in breathing, everyone channels continuously in his or her own way. Channeling is not reserved to a few people with a special gift. Channeling is the most natural thing in the world. You see, you cannot live without cosmic energy. You cannot exist, live and thrive without taking in cosmic energy. Just as you cannot live from oxygen alone, you cannot function even in a basic manner without some connection to the cosmic energy that is your home. Earth and cosmos, oxygen and prana, both are necessary to manifest yourself completely as a human being in earth reality.
In the previous channeling I have called you the gatekeepers, the ones who open the gate to more light on earth. But you are also the bridge builders, the ones who mediate between the cosmic and the earth realm, the ones who channel cosmic energy to the earth. This is something you actually do and it is something you need to do in order to feel joyful, purposeful and healthy. You are channeling whenever you use your intuition, whenever you go deep within and sense how things are for you and how you would like to change them. At these moments you form a channel with your higher self and you connect to the wisdom of non-earthly, cosmic realms which can support you in reaching your goals here on earth. Every one of you channels in some way to realign yourself with your greater being that is outside of space and time.
Today we share our energies and join to channel a cosmic energy which is trying to find its way to earth in this New Era. The New Era is no longer a vision of the future. It is already manifesting itself in the daily life of innumerable individuals. If you read the paper or watch the news it may seem that the time is not ripe yet. But the awakening brought forward by the New Era starts at the level of the individual, not at the level of governments, institutions and organizations. It is in your own everyday existence that a new flow of energy presents itself. It is the flow of your heart that invites you and beckons you to live and to act according to its lightness and wisdom. This is how the birthing of the New Era takes place, by ordinary individuals being attentive to the whispers of their heart. Spiritually the foundation of any real change or transformation is always laid on the individual level. The energy which is awakened in your hearts will gradually find its way through institutions and organizations which still hold on to the old paradigm of ego based consciousness. Old bulwarks of power will break down, not by violence but by the tender energy of the heart. If the heart takes over the lead the old will collapse, not under the pressure of power and violence but under the pressure of love.
In this New Era relationships undergo a major transformation. Relationships are the source of the deepest emotions within you, reaching from great joy to deep agony. In relationships you may become aware of an inner pain that is essentially much older than the relationship itself, even older than your human existence.
In this age you are invited and often challenged to achieve a deep self-healing in the field of relationships. Because of the new energy now presenting itself it is possible to transform the destructive elements of a relationship into a positive, equal flow of energy between you and the other person. However healing and personal transformation may also mean that you let go of relationships in which you cannot properly express yourself. It frequently means that even if you love someone dearly, you may have to say goodbye, because your own inner path takes you to a different place. Whether it leads to renewal or to parting in a relationship, you are all challenged to face the deepest issues in this area of personal bonding. The call of the heart, the heart based energy which marks the New Era, has entered your daily lives and you cannot ignore it anymore.
To explain why relationships can hurt you so much and turn your life completely upside down, I would like to say something about an ancient pain you carry within your soul. It is a pain which is very old, much older than this lifetime, older even than all your former lives on earth. I want to take you back to your original birthing pain as a soul.
“Once upon a time” all was whole and undivided. Can you imagine this? Allow your imagination to travel freely for a moment. Just imagine: you are not in a body, you are pure consciousness and you are part of a huge energy field that surrounds you in a comfortable way. You feel that you are part of this unity and are being cherished without conditions. Feel how this energy field encloses you as an immensely comfortable blanket, as an abundantly loving energy which allows you to explore and develop freely, without ever doubting yourself or your intrinsic right to be who you are. No anxiety, no fear. This sense of comfort and security constituted the pre-birthing conditions from which you emerged as an individual soul. It was a cosmic womb. Even if it is far removed from your present state, your heart still aches for this sense of completeness and wholeness, the feeling of absolute safety you experienced in that blanket of love and benevolence. The sense of oneness you remember was God. Together in this blanket of love you constituted God.
Within this divine consciousness or blanket of love, it was decided at some point to create a new situation. It is very difficult to put into human words but perhaps you can imagine that in God, this unity awareness, there was a longing for something different, something other than unity. There was, so to speak, a longing for experience. When you are completely assimilated into a wholeness of pure being, you do not experience things – you simply are. In spite of the ecstasy and the total safety in this state of being, there was a part of God, a part of this cosmic awareness, that wanted to explore and to evolve. This part “departed from itself.”
You are this part of God. At a certain point your consciousness agreed to this experiment of departing from unity and becoming an “I,” an entity in itself, a defined individual awareness. This was a huge step. From the bottom of your being you felt that this was a good thing. You felt that the longing for creativity and renewal was a positive and valuable aspiration. However the moment that you actually departed from the field of oneness, there was pain. For the first time in your recollection, for the first time in your life there was deep pain. You were torn loose from a realm of love and safety which had been completely self-evident to you. This is the birthing pain I referred to. Even during this first intense experience of desolation, something in your innermost being told you that it was all right, that this was your own choice. But the pain was so deep that at the outer layers of your being you got confused and disoriented. It became quite difficult to keep in touch with the deeper knowledge inside, the inner level at which you are God and where you know that all is well.
The tormented part that arose at that time I call the inner child. Your soul, your unique individuality, carries within itself the extremes of a pure divine knowledge on the one hand and a traumatized cosmic child on the other hand. This unity of God and Child, of knowledge and experience started off on a long journey. You started off as an individual soul. You started to investigate and experience what it is like to be an I, a defined individual.
God had transformed a part of Godself into Soul. The soul needs experience to find again its divine origins. The soul needs to be alive, to experience, to discover, to self-destruct and to recreate in order to feel who the soul truly is, namely God. The self evidence of being one and whole had been shattered and had to be regained by experience. This in itself was a great feat of creativity. The birthing of I-consciousness was a miracle! It had never existed before.
Often you try to transcend the boundaries of your I-ness in order to experience oneness and deep unity again. You might say that is the very aim of your spiritual quest. But consider for a moment: from God’s point of view it is the I-ness, the separateness, that constitutes the miracle! The state of being ONE was the normal situation, “how it had always been.” Within the miracle of being an individual soul lies an immense beauty, joy and creative power. The reason that you do not experience it like that is that you are still struggling with your birthing pain as a soul. Somewhere deep inside you the primal scream of anguish and betrayal still resounds: it is the recollection of being torn apart from your Mother/Father, from the omnipresent blanket of love and safety.
On your journey through time and experience you have gone through so many things. You have tried all different kinds of forms. There were quite a lot of incarnations in which you did not have the form of the human body, but that is not so relevant now. What matters to me in this context is that throughout this very long history, you were guided by two different motives. On the one hand there was the zest for exploration, creation and renewal and on the other hand there was the homesickness, the sense of being cast out of paradise and an overpowering loneliness.
By the adventurous, progressive part in yourself, the energy which pushed you out of the cosmic womb, you have experienced and created a lot. But due to the birthing pain and homesickness you carried within, you also had to deal with a lot of trauma and disillusion. Your creations were therefore not always benevolent. During your journeys through time and space you have done things you have regretted later on – things you might call “bad” (in quotation marks). These actions were, from our perspective, merely the result of the determination to plunge into experience and venture into the unknown. You see, as soon as you decide to become an individual, to break away from the self evident oneness, you cannot experience light only. You have to find out everything anew. So you will also experience the dark. You will experience all there is, up to all the extremes.
At your present point of evolution, you come to realize that everything stands or falls with the power to truly embrace your “I-ness.” It is about truly embracing your own divinity and from that self-awareness, experiencing joy and abundance. In the moment of your cosmic birth, the moment that desolation and pain enveloped you, you started to feel tiny and insignificant. From that moment on, you started to look for something that could save you – a power or force outside of you, a god, a leader, a partner, a child, etc. In the awakening process that you are now experiencing, you realize that the essential safety you are longing for is not to be found in anything outside of you, whether it is a parent, a lover or a god. However strongly this longing or homesickness may be triggered in a particular relationship, you will not find this essential safety there, not even in a relationship with God.
For the God you believe in, the God who has been handed down to you by tradition and who still heavily influences your perception, is a God outside of you. It is a God who outlines things for you, who lays out the way for you. But that God does not exist. You are God, you are that creative part of God who decided to go its own way and to experience things in a wholly different way. You had the confidence that you would be able to heal yourself from the primal wound of birth. You could say that the expansive energy of exploration and renewal is a male energy, whereas the energy of unification, joining together, the energy of Home, is a female energy. Both these energies belong to the essence of who you are. As a soul you are neither male nor female. Essentially you are both male and female. You started your journey with both these ingredients. And now the time has come to let them work together in harmony which means to truly experience wholeness in yourself. After having denied your own greatness for such a long time, you will start to realize finally that there is no alternative but to be the God you are longing for.
This is the ultimate breakthrough to enlightenment: to realize that you yourself are the God you are craving. There is nothing outside you that can bring you into the heart of your own power, your own wholeness. You are it, you are the one and you have always been the one! You have always been waiting for you.
To light this flame of self awareness within brings such joy, such a deep sense of homecoming that it puts all of your relationships into a new perspective. For example you feel less concerned about the things that other people tell you. If someone criticises or distrusts you, you do not automatically take it personally. You feel less affected or eager to react. You let it go more easily and the need to defend yourself, both to yourself and to the other person, drops away. When you are easily affected emotionally by what another person thinks of you, this indicates that inwardly there is a self contempt that makes you give credit to the negative opinions of others. You do not solve this self contempt by seeking out a conflict with the other but only by going inward and getting in touch with the emotional wounds within yourself. These are much older than this specific moment of rejection.
In fact all pain of rejection, all relationship pain, goes back to the original, unhealed birthing pain. It may seem as if I’m taking a huge step here for there are all kinds of complex situations in relationships which seem to indicate that the cause lies closer. It may seem as if your pain is caused by something your partner has done or not done. It may seem as if something outside of you causes the pain. And therefore you think that the solution to your problem lies in the behavior of the other. But let me tell you: fundamentally you are working on healing an ancient pain within yourself. If you are not aware of this, you may easily get entangled in relationship issues that can be extremely painful.
Especially in male/female relationships (love relationships), you frequently try to forge a kind of unity and safety between you that resembles the primeval state of oneness that you vaguely remember. Subconsciously you are trying to recreate the feeling of being comfortably wrapped in a blanket of unconditional love and acceptance. There is a child within you who is crying out for that unconditional acceptance. However if this child in you puts his or her arms around the child part in your partner, too often it results in a suffocating grasp that blocks both partners from genuine self expression.
What happens is that you become emotionally dependent, and then you are going to need the love or approval of the other person for your well-being. Dependence always calls into being power and control issues, for to need someone is equal to wanting to control his or her behavior. This is the beginning of a destructive relationship. To give up your individuality in a relationship, guided by a subconscious longing for absolute unity, is destructive towards yourself as well as towards the other person.
True love between two people shows two energy fields that can function in complete independence from each other. Each energy field is a unity unto itself and connects to the other on the basis of that unity. In relationships in which partners are dependent upon each other, you will find an uncoordinated striving for “organic wholeness,” not wanting or being able to function without the other. This leads to an entanglement of energies which can be observed in the auric fields as energy cords by which the partners feed each other. They feed themselves with the addictive energies of dependence and control. This kind of energy entanglement indicates that you do not take responsibility for yourself, that you do not face up to the old soul wound that only you can heal. If only you would address this deepest pain and take responsibility, you would see that you do not ever need someone else to be whole and you will liberate yourself from the destructive aspect of the relationship.
Karmic relations
In this context I would like to say something about karmic relationships. By this I mean relationships between people who have known each other in other lifetimes and who have experienced intense emotions with regard to each other. The hallmark of a karmic relationship is that the partners carry unresolved emotions within such as guilt, fear, dependence, jealousy, anger or something of the kind. Because of this unresolved emotional charge, they feel drawn to each other in another incarnation. The aim of the renewed encounter is to provide an opportunity to resolve the issue at hand. This happens by recreating the same issue in a short period of time. When they first meet, the karmic “players” feel a compelling urge to get nearer to each other and after some time they start to repeat their old emotional role patterns. The stage has now been set to face the old issue anew and perhaps handle it in a more enlightened way. The spiritual purpose of the renewed encounter is for both partners to make other choices than they made during that former lifetime.
I am going to give an example here. Imagine a woman who, in a previous lifetime, had a husband who was quite possessive and bossy. For a while she accepted this but at a certain point she decided it was enough and she broke off the relationship. Afterwards the husband committed suicide. The woman felt remorse. She believed that she was guilty. Shouldn’t she have given him another chance? She carried this sense of guilt with her for the rest of her life.
In another lifetime they meet again. There is an odd attraction between them. At first, the man is exceptionally charming and she is the center of his attention. He adores her. They enter into a relationship. But from now on he becomes increasingly jealous and possessive. He suspects her of adultery. She finds herself in an inner struggle. She is angry and upset that he wrongly accuses her but she also feels a strange obligation to be forgiving and to give him another chance. He is a wounded man, she thinks; he cannot help it that he has this fear of being abandoned. Maybe I can help him get over this. She justifies her behavior in this way but in fact she allows her personal boundaries to be violated. The relationship negatively affects her self esteem.
The most liberating choice for the woman would now be to break off the relationship and go her own way without feelings of guilt. The pain and fear of the husband are not her responsibility. His pain and her sense of guilt have led to a destructive relationship. Their relationship was already emotionally charged because of another lifetime. The meaning of the renewed encounter is that the woman must learn to let things go without feelings of guilt and that the man must learn to stand on his own feet emotionally. So the only real solution is to break off the relationship. The solution for the woman’s karma is to let go of her sense of guilt once and for all. The mistake she made in her former lifetime was not that she abandoned her husband but that she felt responsible for his suicide. The departure of his wife in this lifetime would confront the husband again with his own pain and fear and it would offer him a new opportunity to face these emotions instead of escaping them.
You may recognize a karmic encounter by the fact that the other person immediately feels strangely familiar to you. Quite often there also is a mutual attraction, something compelling in the air which urges you to be together and to discover each other. If the opportunity is available, this strong attraction may grow into a love relationship or a heavy infatuation. The emotions you experience may be so overwhelming that you think you have met your twin soul. However things are not as they seem. In such a relationship there will always be problems which sooner or later will surface. Often the partners become involved in a psychological conflict that has power, control and dependence as the main ingredients. By this they repeat a tragedy which they subconsciously recognize from a former lifetime. In a past life they could have been lovers, parent and child, boss and subordinate, or some another type of relationship. But always they touched a deep inner pain in each other by acts of unfaithfulness, abuse of power or, by contrast, too strong an affection. There was a profound encounter between them which caused deep scars and emotional trauma. That is why the forces of attraction as well as repulsion can be so violent when they meet again in a new incarnation.
The spiritual invitation to all souls who are energetically entangled in such a way is let each other go and become “entities-unto-themselves,” free and independent. Karmic relationships as mentioned here are almost never long-term, stable, loving relationships. They are destructive rather than healing relationships. Quite often the basic purpose of the encounter is to succeed in letting each other go. This is something that could not be done in one or more past lifetimes but now there is another opportunity to release each other in love.
If you find yourself in a relationship that is characterized by intense emotions, that evokes a lot of pain and grief but from which you cannot break free, please realize that nothing obligates you to stay with the other person. Also do realize that intense emotions more often refer to deep pain rather than to mutual love. The energy of love is essentially calm and peaceful, light-hearted and inspiring. It is not heavy, exhausting and tragic. If a relationship gets these traits, it is time to let it go rather than “work on it” once again.
Sometimes you convince yourselves that you have to stay together because you “share karma” and you have “to work things out together.” You call upon the nature of karma as an argument for prolonging the relationship, while you are both suffering immensely. In fact you are distorting the concept of karma here. You do not work out karma together; karma is an individual thing. The karma at stake in such relationships as mentioned before often requires that you let go completely, that you withdraw from such a relationship in order to experience that you are whole unto yourself. Again, resolving karma is something you do on your own. Another person may touch or trigger something inside you that creates a lot of drama between you. But it remains your sole task and challenge to deal with your own inner hurt, not with the other person’s issues. You only have responsibility for yourself.
This is important to realize because it is one of the main pitfalls in relationships. You are not responsible for your mate and your mate is not responsible for you. The solution to your problems does not lie in the behavior of the other person. Sometimes you are so connected to the inner child of your partner, the emotionally hurt part inside, that you feel you are the one to “rescue” it. Or your partner may be trying the same with you. But this is not going to work. You will be reinforcing emotions of powerlessness and victimhood in the other person, whereas it would be more helpful ultimately if you drew the line and stood up for yourself. It is your destination to be able to feel whole and complete, entirely on your own. That is the most important condition for a truly fulfilling relationship.
Healing relationships
There are healing and there are destructive relationships. A characteristic of healing relationships is that the partners respect each other as they are, without trying to change each other. They take much pleasure in each other’s company but they do not feel uneasy, desperate or lonely if the other person is not around. In this kind of relationship you offer understanding, support and encouragement to your loved one without trying to solve their problems. There is freedom and peace in the relationship. Of course there may be misunderstandings now and then, but the emotions they bring up are short-lived. Both partners are prepared to forgive. There is a heart connection between them as a result of which they will not take the other person’s emotions or mistakes personally. Because it does not trigger a deeper layer of pain, they do not attach so much importance to it. Emotionally both partners are independent. They draw their strength and well-being not from the approval or the presence of their mate. He or she does not fill a gap in their lives but adds something new and vital.
In a healing relationship partners may also know each other from one or more past lifetimes. But in these cases there is hardly ever an emotional karmic burden as described above. The two souls may have known each other in a past life in a way that was essentially encouraging and supporting. As friends, partners or as parent and child, they have recognized each other as soul mates. This creates an indissoluble bond throughout several lives.
I will give another example. A young man grows up in a poor family somewhere in the Middle Ages. He is gentle and sensitive by nature and he does not fit in very well with his surroundings. His family consists of hard working, rather rough people who think little of his dreamy, unpractical nature. When he is grown up, he enters a monastery. He is not really happy here either, for life is tightly regulated and there is little human warmth or companionship among the people living there. There is however one man who is a bit different. It is a priest who has a higher rank but who has no air of authority and who is truly interested in him. Now and then he inquires how things are going and he allots him a few pleasant jobs like gardening. Each time they look at each other there is a sense of recognition, something like-minded between them. There is a silent connection from the heart. Although they do not meet very often or speak much, the priest is a source of hope and encouragement for the young man.
In a following lifetime this man is a woman. Once again she has a gentle and dreamy nature. She has difficulties standing up for herself. When she is an adult she gets bogged down in a marriage with a man who is authoritarian and bossy. At first she fell for his distinct, powerful charisma but later on she realizes how his dominance restricts and oppresses her. Nevertheless she finds it very difficult to set herself free from him. At her work she sometimes mentions the subject to a colleague, a somewhat older man. He encourages her to stand up for herself and to stay true to her own needs. Each time she speaks with him she intuitively knows that he is right. Then after a great deal of inner conflict she divorces her husband. The contact with her colleague changes now. She feels affection for him. He turns out to be single. She feels so much at ease with him that it seems as if they have known each other for ages. They start a relationship which is affectionate, relaxed and encouraging for both of them. The sympathy which was flowing between them in a former lifetime now takes shape as a fulfilling relationship as husband and wife.
This is a healing relationship. The woman has taken an essential decision in leaving her husband and choosing for herself. With this she has affirmed her emotional independence. This has created the basis for a loving, well-balanced relationship with a congenial soul.
Twin souls
At this point I would like to say something about the concept of twin souls, probably familiar to all of you. The idea of twin souls exerts a deep attraction for you. However it is potentially quite dangerous, because it can be interpreted in such a way that it reinforces the birthing pain and emotional dependence in each of you, rather than resolving it. This happens when you conceive of the concept of twin souls in such a way that there is another person who perfectly suits you and makes you whole. This is the concept of the twin soul as your other half. You then assume that the oneness and safety you are missing so deeply will be found in someone else who is the perfect match for you.
According to this immature notion of twin souls, the souls are considered to be two halves who together make up a unity. Usually the two halves are respectively male and female. So this notion not only suggests that you are incomplete unto yourself but also that you are essentially male or female. You can probably see that this notion of twin souls is not healthy or healing from a spiritual point of view. It makes you dependent on something outside of you. It denies the divine origin which implies that you are everything, male and female, and that you are whole and complete unto yourself. It creates all kinds of illusions which bring you far away from home. And by “home” I mean your own self, the divinity of your “I-ness.” No soul is meant to be someone else’s other half.
Twin souls do exist and they literally are what the word implies: they are twins. They are souls with the same “feeling tone” or vibration, or you could say with the same birthing time, as is the case with biological twins. The particular time of birth, this unique moment in time and place, makes for a uniquely charged feeling tone inside the souls that come to life. They are not dependent upon each other in any way. They are neither male nor female. But they are certainly tuned into each other as kindred spirits.
What is the reason for the creation of twin souls? Why do they exist? You often think that the raison d’être for something is the learning process it effects. But this is not the case with twin souls. The reason for the existence of twin souls is not to learn something. The aim is simply joy and creativity. Twin souls have no function within duality. You will meet your twin soul when you are transcending duality, when you identify yourself again with the God inside yourself who is whole and undivided and who is able to take any form or appearance. Twin souls meet again on their journey back home.
Let us go back for a moment to the beginning of the journey. The moment you leave the state of oneness and become an individual, you enter duality. Suddenly there is dark and light, great and small, sick and healthy, etc. Reality is split. You have no frame of reference anymore for who you really are. At first you took your identity from “being-part-of-a-whole.” Now you are a single part torn loose from the whole. But without your conscious knowing, someone accompanies you who is equal to you, who resembles you as closely as anything could. You took up “the same space” in the blanket of oneness, so near to each other that you didn’t know you were two until you were born. What connects the two of you is something beyond duality, something that antedates the history of duality. This is hard to put into words properly, because it defies your usual definitions of identity in which you are either one or two and cannot be both at the same time.
Now you were both setting out on a journey, a long journey throughout many experiences. Both of you have experienced the extremes of duality, to discover gradually that your essence does not lie in duality but outside of it, in something which underlies it. As soon as you become deeply aware of this underlying oneness, your journey back begins. Little by little you feel less attached to external things such as power, fame, money or prestige. You understand more and more that the key is not what you experience but how you experience it. You create your own happiness or misery by your state of awareness. You are discovering the power of your own consciousness.
Once you have gone through all the highs and lows of duality there will be a moment when you meet your twin soul. In the energy and appearance of your twin soul, you will recognize a very deep part of yourself, your essence beyond duality, and by this very recognition you will start to understand yourself better and become aware of who you really are. Your twin is a frame of reference for you that carries you outside of the limited beliefs about yourself that you took in during your life and lifetimes before. You liberate yourself by seeing this reflection of you in your twin; it is like a reminder and it has nothing to do with emotional dependence. Meeting each other helps each of you to be stronger and more self-aware individuals, expressing your creativity and love on earth. It accelerates your return journey as it helps you step up to a higher level of oneness while fully retaining and expressing your I-ness, your unique individuality.
Ultimately we are all one. We are supported by an energy which is universal in all of us. But at the same time there is individuality in all of us. The twin soul is to some extent the link between individuality and oneness. It is like a stepping stone to oneness. If you connect with your twin soul consciously and materially, you will bring about the creation of something new: a third energy that is born out of their combined action. That energy always helps to enhance unity awareness on a larger scale than just the two of them. Because they are on their way Home, twin souls feel inspired to anchor the energies of love and oneness on earth and they do so in a way that accords with their own unique talents and skills. In this manner the twin soul love builds a stepping stone between “being one” and “being One.”
There is a deep inner bond between twin souls but that does not alter the fact that they are complete unities unto themselves. Their joining together brings about love and joy and their meeting enhances creativity and self-realization. They support each other without falling into the pitfalls of emotional dependence or addiction. The love between twin souls is not meant to make each other whole, but to create something new: instead of the two becoming one, the two shall become three.
Healing the cosmic birthing pain
You will meet your twin soul at some point. Please let this knowledge be enough to you. Try not to dwell upon hopes and expectations that take you out of the here-and-now. What matters in this very moment is that you fully realize that the love and safety you deeply desire are present within yourself. The key is to realize that this absolute self-acceptance can never be given to you by anyone else, not even by your twin soul.
Not only in love relationships but also in parent-child relationships, there is the temptation to find absolute oneness or safety in the other. Think of a parent who secretly wants his child to realize all the dreams he did not fulfill, or a child who as a grown up still clings to her parents and considers them to be her absolute safe haven.
It is important to become aware of the underlying dynamics and motives in your relationships and to heal them in the light of your consciousness. Your cosmic homesickness is not going to be healed by or in a relationship. This will be done by you alone, by the full realization of who you are, by realizing your light, beauty and divinity. This is the destination of your journey.
Also you will not return to the state of oneness from whence you came. The “blanket of love” from which you were born constituted your embryo stage. Now you are becoming mature gods. You will create a field of absolute safety and love from your own heart and allow others to share in this without any conditions. That is the essence of God: unconditional love that radiates, creates and cherishes without any agenda, without any calculation.
I would like to ask you now to be silent for a few moments and to truly feel your I-ness, your unique being unto yourself. If you are surrounded by people, then for a moment feel your “I” very strongly. Unconditionally, you are this part of God. It is not something that can be taken from you, it is an undeniable presence that IS.
And now feel how this undeniable fact of your I-presence can be a source of joy and strength to you. Say yes to the miracle of your own being and embrace it. Yes, I am I. I am separate and unique, my own being. I may connect deeply with others but also ever remain an “I.” You may think that behind this fact lies solitude and desolation but please go beyond these thoughts and feel the power and vitality within you. If you really say yes to your individuality, you experience self-confidence and trust. On that basis you will create loving relationships and the solitude and desolation will dissolve.
When feelings of loneliness and desolation overwhelm you, take the child within you on your lap. Notice the hurt in this child. It is longing for the total safety it once knew as an embryo. It wants to see that safety reflected in the face of your partner, in the face of your child, in the face of your mother or father, in the face of a therapist. Then show the child your face. You have the face of an angel for this child. You are meant to heal this child in the most absolute way you can dream of. Neither I nor any “master” is able to do it for you. We can only show the direction. You yourselves are the saviors of yourself.
Finally I would like to invite you to feel our joining together for a moment. Even if you are not present and you are reading this material, feel our connectedness. Do not focus on the I-ness now but on our togetherness in a very free and easy way. Feel the energy, feel what brings us together. It is a longing for a state of wholeness. Now imagine that we are surrounded by the most powerful energy there is, the energy of your awakened selves, the energy of the angel within you. Let us breathe in this energy and take a minute to deeply feel its power.
Thank you for your presence.
亲爱的朋友,充满喜悅和幸福我今天是以您。 我的在您之中的能流和,因为您能感到,這不是在傳統感覺的一次演講。我在有些能量通過(除信息之外),并且您是一样此的部分作为I和帕梅拉和Gerrit。在一起在这里,我們在這間屋子里創造能量一個領域或漩渦,這個開頭的對地球。 所以這個地方是神聖的。在人们的所有地方-在人体的天使-一起來臨和加入打算播種他們的光入地球,地面变得神聖。
我希望簡單地說某事關於最近变得很普遍的現象開水道。 您全部知道prana的概念,在瑜伽和東部哲學方面被使用。 Prana是您採取與每呼吸的精神能量。 想法是您不僅僅吸入氧氣,当呼吸在时,而且生活強迫能量,超出物理并且使您居住的宇宙能量。现在什麼我希望指出是這: 正大家與在呼吸的氧氣一起吸入prana,大家連續地開水道用他們自己的方式。 海峡沒有被預留给有一件特別禮物的一些人。海峡是最自然的事在世界上。 您看見,您不可能居住,不用宇宙能量。 您不可能存在,居住和興旺不採取在宇宙能量。正您不可能從單獨氧氣居住,您不可能起作用甚而以基本的方式沒有與是您的家的宇宙能量的一些連接。地球和波斯菊、氧氣和prana,兩個是必要完全地體現自己作為人在地球現實中。
在早先開闢我告诉了您看門人,對在地球上的更多光打開門的那个。 但是您也是桥梁建筑者,斡旋在宇宙和地球領土之間的那个,開闢宇宙能量對地球的那个。 這是您實際上做的事,并且它是您需要做為了感到快樂的事,有目的和健康的。 您開水道,每當您使用您的直覺,每當您去深深內并且感覺事怎麼是為您,并且您怎麼希望改變他們。在這些片刻您形成與您的更高的自已的一種渠道,并且您連接到可能支持您到達的您的目標這裡在地球上非塵世,宇宙領土的智慧。你們中的每一個在某個方面開水道重新編制自己以是在空間和时间外面的您更加偉大是。
今天我們分享我們的能量并且加入開闢在這個新的時代设法寻找它的道路到地球的宇宙能量。 新的時代不再是未來的視覺。它在無數的個體中日常生活已經體現自己。 如果您讀本文或觀看新聞也许看起来时间不成熟。但是喚醒由新的時代開始带来了在個體的水平,不在政府、機關和组织的水平。 它在能量新的流程提出本身的您自己的每天存在。它是邀請您并且召喚您根據它的輕微和智慧居住和行動您的心臟的流程。 這是新的時代的分娩怎麼發生,由是普通的個體殷勤的對他們的心臟耳語。所有真正的變動或變革的精神基礎在單獨水平上总是被打。 在您的心臟被喚醒的仍然堅持自我基于知覺老範例的能量通过機關將逐漸寻找它的道路和组织。力量老舷牆劃分,不由暴力,而且將由心臟的嫩能量。 如果心臟接管主角老將崩溃,不在力量和暴力的壓力下,但是在愛的壓力下。
在這個新的時代關係接受主要變革。 關係是深深的感情的來源在您之內的,到達從巨大喜悅到深刻的極度痛苦。 在關係您比您人的存在可以发觉比關係本質上旧的內在痛苦,老。
要解釋關係為什麼可能非常傷害您和轉動您的生活完全地顛倒,我希望說某事關於您在您的靈魂之內運載的古老痛苦。 它比這終身比在地球上的所有您的前生活甚而是非常老的痛苦,旧,旧。 我想要带您回到您原始的分娩痛苦作为靈魂。
「從前」所有是整體和未分開的。 您能否想像此? 允许您的想像力一會兒自由地旅行。 请想像:您不是在身體,您是純淨的知覺,并且您是周圍您用一個舒適的方式一個巨大的能量領域的一部分。 您认为沒有情况,您是這團結的一部分和被愛護。感覺這個能量領域怎麼附寄您作为一條巨大地舒適的毯子,作为允许您自由地探索和开发的非常愛的能量,无需怀疑或您的內在权利是誰您是。沒有憂慮,沒有恐懼。 舒適和安全這感覺構成了您湧現作为單獨靈魂的前分娩条件。 它是一個宇宙子宮。即使它從您的现状被去除,您的心臟為完整性這感覺和囫圇,您在愛和仁愛那條毯子體驗绝對安全的感覺仍然酸疼。 您记得統一性的感覺是上帝。同时在愛這條毯子您構成了上帝。
在愛之內這條神的知覺或毯子,被决定創造一個新的情況。 放入人的詞是非常难的或許,但是您在上帝,這團結了悟能想像,有不同渴望的事,某事除團結之外。 有,亦所謂,渴望的經驗。 当您完全地被同化入純淨的生存的囫圇时,您不體驗事-您是。 竟管銷魂和在這個狀態的总安全是,有上帝的部分,這宇宙了悟的部分,想探索和演變。 從本身「離去的这部分」。
您是上帝的这部分。在有些點您的知覺赞成本身离开團結和成為的這個實驗「我」,個體,被定義的單獨了悟。 這是巨大的步。 從底部您是您认为這是一件好事。您认为渴望的創造性和更新是一個正面和可貴的志向。 然而片刻您實際上离开統一性的領域,那裡是痛苦。第一次在您的往事,第一次在您的生活中有深刻的痛苦。 您從是完全地不言而喻的對您愛和安全的領土寬鬆被撕毀了。 這是我提到的分娩痛苦。即使在荒蕪期间的這第一強烈的经验,某事在您被告诉的最內在您是顺利,這是您自己的選擇。 但是痛苦是很深的在外面層數您是您弄糊塗并且迷失了方向。與裡面更加深刻的知識变得相當难,內在水平在您是上帝,并且保持聯繫您知道的地方所有很好。
那時出现我的痛苦的部分告诉內在孩子。 一方面您的靈魂,您獨特的個性,在本身之內運載純淨的神的知識的極端和另一隻手的一個受損傷的宇宙孩子。 上帝和孩子這團結在一次長的旅途和经验開始的,知識。 您開始了作为單獨靈魂。 您开始調查和體驗什麼它是像是I,一個被定義的個體。
上帝變換了Godself的部分成靈魂。 靈魂需要經驗再發現它神的起源。 靈魂需要活,體驗,發現,自毀和再創造為了感覺誰靈魂真實地是,即上帝。自已證據的一个和整體的被打碎了并且必須由經驗收復。 這本身是創造性巨大技藝。 我知覺分娩是奇蹟! 它以前未曾存在。
通常您设法超越您的我岬界限為了再體驗統一性和深刻的團結。 是您的精神搜尋的目標的您也許說。 但是一會兒考慮:从上帝的觀點它是我岬,分開,構成奇蹟! 狀態是一个是正常情況, 「它總是怎麼是」。 在奇蹟是之內個體靈魂謊言巨大秀麗、喜悅和創造性的力量。是的原因您不體驗它喜歡您仍然奮鬥充满您的分娩痛苦作为靈魂。 某處深深在您裡面悲痛和背叛最初尖叫仍然回響:它是被撕開的往事從您的母親或父親,從愛和安全無所不在的毯子。
在您的旅途通过时间和體驗您审阅许多事。 您嘗試了所有种不同的形式。 有您沒有人体的形式的相當多化身,但是那現在不是那么相關的。什麼事關给我在這上下文是那在這個非常悠久的历史中,您是由二個不同動機引導的。一方面有探險的,創作熱心,并且更新和在那裡另一隻手是鄉思、感覺被熔鑄在天堂外面和擊敗的寂寞。
由在你自己的冒險,進步部分,推擠您在宇宙子宮外面的能量,您體驗了和創造很多。但是由于您運載得內的分娩痛苦和鄉思,您必須也应付很多精神創傷和覺醒。 因此您的創作是不總是仁慈的。在您的旅途期間通过时间和空间您做了您稍後後悔了-事您也許叫「壞」的事(在引號)。這些行動是,從我們的角度看,僅僅浸入入經驗和冒險的決心的結果入未知數。 您看見,當您决定成為個體,打破遠離不言而喻的統一性,您不可能體驗仅光。您必須重新发现一切。 因此您也將體驗黑暗。 您將體驗所有那裡是,由所有極端決定。
在您的當前问题的演變,您逐渐意识到一切站立或跌倒與力量真實地接受您的「我岬」。 它是關於真實接受您自己的神性和從那自我意識,體驗喜悅和豐盈。 在您的宇宙誕生内的片刻,荒蕪和痛苦包圍您的片刻,您开始感到微小和無意義。 從那時起,您开始尋找可能救您的事-力量或力量外面您,神、領導、夥伴、孩子等等。 在您現在體驗的喚醒的過程中,您意识到您渴望的根本安全不将被找到在任何东西外面您,它是否是父母、戀人或者神。 然而強烈這渴望或鄉思在一個特殊關係也许被觸發,您不甚而在與上帝的一個關係不會發現這根本安全那裡。
对于上帝您相信,被遞了下來给您由傳統,并且沉重仍然影響您的悟性的上帝,是上帝外面您。 它是概述您的事,計劃您的方式的上帝。 但是那上帝不存在。 您是上帝,您是决定以它的自己方式和體驗事用一個完全不同的方式上帝的那個創造性的部分。 您有信心您能自癒從誕生最初創傷。您可能說探險和更新膨脹的能量是男性能量,而統一能量,一起加入,家能量,是女性能量。 这两能量屬於誰的精華您是。 因为靈魂您不是男性和女性。本质上您是男性和女性。 您開始了您的與这两種成份的旅途。 并且时间在意味真實地體驗在你自己的囫圇的和諧中現在來讓他們。以後被否認您自己的偉大這樣很长时间,您將开始最後意识到沒有選擇,但是您渴望的上帝。
這是最後突破對啟示: 要體會您你自己是上帝您熱衷。 沒什麼外面能带领您进入您自己的力量的心臟的您,您自己的囫圇。 您是它,您是那个,并且您總是那个! 您总是等待您。
要點燃內自我意識這火焰帶來這樣喜悅,它放所有您的關係入一個新看法歸鄉的這樣深刻的感覺。 例如您感到较不關心關於其他人民告訴您的事。如果某人批評或懷疑您,您不親自自動地採取它。 您感到较不受影響或熱切起反應。 您讓它更加容易地去和需要保護自己,对你自己和对另一個人,滴下。当您是情感地容易地受时什麼的影响的另一個人認為您,這表明在內部有使您相信其他的消極观点的自卑。您不仅解決這自卑通过尋找與其他的一次冲突,而是通过去在內和與接觸與在你自己之內的情感創傷。 這些大于拒绝的這具體片刻。
实际上拒绝所有痛苦,所有關係痛苦,回到原始,未治癒的分娩痛苦。 它也许似乎,好像我為那裡采取這裡一個巨大的步骤在似乎表明更加接近起因的謊言的關係的各種各樣的複雜情況。 它也许似乎,好像您的痛苦是由您的夥伴做了或未做的事造成的。 它也许似乎,好像某事外面您導致痛苦。 并且您認為對您的問題的解答在其他的行為在。 但是讓我告诉您: 您在癒合在你自己之內的古老痛苦根本地工作。 如果您不知道此,您在可以是極端痛苦的關係問題可以容易地得到捲入。
特别是在男性或女性關係(愛關係),您常常地设法偽造一种在類似統一性原始狀態您隱晦地记得的您之間的團結和安全。下意識地您在無條件的愛和採納毯子设法再創造舒適被包裹的感覺。 有在急切需要那無條件的採納的您之內的一個孩子。然而,如果您的這個孩子在儿童零件附近投入他們的胳膊在您的夥伴,它太經常导致阻攔從真正自我表現的兩個夥伴的憋氣的掌握。
什麼發生是您变得情感地依賴,您然后需要另一個人的愛或認同您的福利的。依賴性总是叫入是力量和控制問題,為了需要某人與想要是相等的控制他們的行為。 這是一個破壞性的關係的起點。要放弃您的在關係的個性,引導由下意識渴望的绝對團結,是破壞性的往你自己並且往另一個人。
在二個人之間的真實的愛顯示在從彼此的完全獨立可能起作用的二個能量領域。 每個能量領域是本身的團結并且連接到其他根據那團結。在夥伴取决于彼此的關係,您將發現一不協調力争「有機囫圇」,不要或能起作用,不用其他。這导致在金領域可以被觀察当能量繩子夥伴互相喂养能量的纏結。 他們哺養自己與依賴性致癮能量并且控制。这种能量纏結表明您不承担你自己的责任,您不勇敢地面对受傷的老靈魂的那只有您能癒合。如果只有您會演講這最深刻的痛苦并且承担责任,您看見您不需要別人整體的,并且您將解放自己從關係的破壞性的方面。
在這上下文我希望說某事關於負面的關係。 由此我意味彼此了解在其他一生,并且體驗了強烈的情感關於彼此的人之间的關係。一個負面的關係的標記是夥伴運載未解決的情感內例如罪狀、恐懼、依賴性、嫉妒,憤怒或者某事種類。 因此未解決的情感充電,他們在另一化身感覺互相畫。更新的遭遇的目標将提供機會解決手頭的问题。 這通过再創造同一個問題在短的时期發生。当他們首先见面时,負面的「球員」感覺一強制的敦促互相得到更近,并且,在不少时刻他們开始重複他們的老情感角色樣式之後。現在設置重新和或許階段面對老問題處理它用一個被啟迪的方式。 更新的遭遇的精神目的是為了兩個夥伴能做出其他选择在那前一生期間,比他們做了。
我举例子這裡。 想像,在早先一生,有一個丈夫是相當佔有慾和獨裁的一名婦女。 她有一陣子认可了它,但是在有些點她決定它是足够,并且她終止了關係。之后丈夫自殺。 婦女毛氈後悔。 她相信她是有罪的。 她不應該給了他别的机会? 她在她有生之年運載了罪狀這感覺以她。
在另一一生他們再见面。 有在他们之間的一種奇怪的吸引力。 起初,人格外是迷人的,并且她是他的注意的中心。 他崇拜她。 他們加入關係。但是他從現在起变得越來越嫉妒和佔有慾。 他懷疑她通姦。 她寻找自己在內在奮鬥中。她惱怒和生氣他不正當地指責她,但是她也感覺奇怪的義務原諒和給他别的机会。 他是一個受傷的人,她認為; 他不可能幫助它他有對被放棄的這恐懼。可能我可以帮助他克服此。 她這樣辯解她的行為,但是她實際上给她個人界限被違犯。 關係消極地影響她的自尊。
婦女的解放的選擇現在是終止關係和以她的自己方式沒有罪恶感。 對丈夫的痛苦和恐懼不是她的責任。 他的痛苦和罪狀她的感覺导致了一個破壞性的關係。由於另一終身,他們的關係已經情感地被充電。 更新的遭遇的意思是婦女必须學會讓事去,不用罪恶感,并且人必须學會情感地自立。因此唯一的真正的解决办法将終止關係。 婦女的羯磨的解答将永遠放棄罪狀她的感覺。她在她的前一生犯的错误不是她抛弃了她的丈夫,但是她感到负责对他的自殺。他的妻子離開在這一生再將面对丈夫充满他自己的痛苦,并且恐懼和它將提供他一個新的机会面對這些情感而不是逃脫他們。
您可以由事實认可負面的遭遇另一個人立刻感觉奇怪地跟熟悉您。 相當經常也有一種相互吸引力,強迫在敦促您一起是和互相發現的天空中的某事。如果機會是可利用的,這種強的吸引力也许增长入愛關係或重的糊塗。 您體驗的情感也许很壓倒多數您認為您遇見了您的雙胞胎靈魂。然而事不是,当他們似乎。 在這樣關係永远將有遲早將浮出水面的問題。 通常夥伴变得介入有力量、控制和依賴性作为主要成份的一種心理衝突。由此他們重複他們下意識地從前終身认可的一個悲劇。 在通過生活的a他們可能是戀人、父母和孩子、上司和下級,或者某一另外一種關係。但是他們由不忠實行動,滥用职权或,相反,太強的喜愛總是接觸了在彼此的深刻的內在痛苦。 有在他们之間的深刻遭遇哪些導致了深傷痕和情感精神創傷。所以,当他們在新的化身时,再见面吸引力力量並且厭惡的可以是很猛烈的。
對精力充沛地被捲入用這樣方式的所有靈魂的精神邀請是互相讓去并且成為「個體」,自由和獨立。負面的關係如被提及這裡是幾乎從未長期,穩定,愛戀的關係。 他們是破壞性的而不是醫治用的關係。 相當經常遭遇的基本的目的将在讓走成功。這是在一個或更多過去一生不可能完成的事,但是現在有另一個機會互相释放愛的。
如果您寻找自己描绘的是为強烈的情感的關係的,那召喚很多痛苦和不幸,但是從哪些您不可能任意打破,請意识到什么都不強制您和另一個人呆在一起。并且意识到強烈的情感經常提到深刻的痛苦而不是對相互愛。 愛能量本質上是鎮靜和平安,輕鬆愉快和啟發。 它不是重的,用盡和悲劇。如果關係得到這些特徵,是时间讓它是而不是「工作对此」再次。
有时您說服您必須一起聚集,因為您「分享羯磨」,并且您有「工作事一起」。 而您是巨大地,遭受的兩個您要求羯磨的本质作为延長的關係一個論據。实际上您變形羯磨的概念這裡。 您不一起制定出羯磨; 羯磨是一件單獨事。羯磨在賭注在这样關係如上所述經常要求您完全地放棄,您從這樣關係让步為了體驗的那您是无损伤你自己。 再次,解決的羯磨是您獨自地的事。另一個人也许接觸或觸發某事裡面創造在您之間的很多戲曲的您。 但是它保持您的單一任務和挑戰应付與您自己的內在創傷,不另一個人的問題。您只有你自己的責任。
因為它是其中一個在關係的主要陷阱這是重要體會。 您不负责您的夥伴,并且您的夥伴不负责您。 對您的問題的解答在另一個人的行為不在。有时您是,因此連接到您的夥伴的內在孩子,情感地损害的部分裡面,您感到您是「搶救」它的那个。 或者您的夥伴也许嘗試同樣與您。 但是這不运作。您加強無力和受害時期的情感在另一個人的,而終於是更加有用的,如果您画了線并且支持了自己。 它是您的目的地能感到整體和完全地獨自地完成。那是一個真實地履行的關係的最重要的条件。
有醫治用的,并且有破壞性的關係。 醫治用的關係的特徵是夥伴尊敬,因为他們是,无需设法互相改變。 他們在彼此的公司中採取樂趣,但是他們不感到心神不安,绝望或者偏僻,如果另一個人不是。在这种關係您提供瞭解,支持和鼓勵到您亲人,无需设法解決他們的問題。 有在關係的自由和和平。 當然也许偶爾有誤解,但是他們帶來上升的情感短命的。兩個夥伴准备着原諒。 有他们之间的心臟連接由於哪些他們不會採取個人另一個人的情感或差錯。由于它不觸發痛苦更加深刻的層數,他們非常不把重点放在它。 情感地兩個夥伴是獨立的。 他們從認同或他們的夥伴存在得出他們的力量和福利不。他或她不在他們的生活中填补空白,而是增加重要的事新和。
在一個醫治用的關係夥伴也许也彼此了解從一個或更多過去終身。 但是在這些情況下如上所述幾乎不有情感負面的負擔。二靈魂也许彼此了解通過生活的a的用本質上鼓勵并且支持的方法。 作為朋友,夥伴或者作為父母和孩子,他們互相认可了当知己。這創造可溶解的債券在幾生活中。
我將举另一個例子。 一個年轻人在一個可怜的家庭长大某處在中世纪。 他是柔和的,并且敏感天生和他不很好符合他的周圍。他的家庭包括堅硬工作,相当認為一點他夢想,不切實際的自然的粗礪的人民。 当他长大时,他进入修道院。他不在真正地愉快的這裡,為了生活緊緊被調控,并且有在居住的人民之中的一点人的溫暖或陪伴那裡。 然而有有点儿不同的一個人。它是有一個高级,但是的教士誰沒有當局空氣,并且真實地是对他感兴趣。 偶爾他詢問事怎麼去,并且他定量他像從事園藝的一些個宜人的工作。每次他們看彼此有感覺公認,事志趣相投在他们之間。 有從心臟的沈默連接。 雖然他們經常不见面也不講話,教士是希望和鼓勵的來源年轻人的。
在以下一生這個人是婦女。 再次她有柔和和夢想的自然。 有困難支持的她。 当她是成人时她在與是獨裁和獨裁的一個人的婚姻得到陷入泥淖。她為他分明起初跌倒了,強有力的特殊號召力,但是她稍後意识到他的優勢怎麼制約并且壓迫她。 然而她发现难設置自己自由從他。在她的工作她有時提及受同事,一個有些更老的人支配。 他鼓勵她支持自己和停留真實對她自己的需要。 每次她與他講話她直覺地知道他正确。然后在很多內在衝突以後她與她的丈夫離婚。 與她的同事的聯絡現在改變。 她感覺對他的喜愛。 他結果单身。她非常感觉輕鬆自在與他它似乎,好像他們彼此了解年齡的。 他們開始是富感情,輕鬆和鼓勵為他們兩個的關係。現在流動在他们之間在前一生的同情有成效作为一個履行的關係作為丈夫和妻子。
這是一個醫治用的關係。 婦女做出了在留下她的丈夫和選擇的根本决定她自己的。 此她肯定了她的情感獨立。 這創造了為愛的依據,與投機靈魂的均勻的關係。
这时我希望說某事關於雙胞胎靈魂的概念,大概你們大家的知交。 雙胞胎靈魂想法施加對您的一種深刻的吸引力。 然而是潛在地相當危險的,因為它可以被解釋,在這種情況下它加強在其中每一的分娩痛苦和情感依賴性您,而不是解決它。 這發生,当您設想雙胞胎靈魂的概念,在這種情況下有完全適合您并且构成您的另一個人。這是雙胞胎靈魂的概念作為您的另外一半。 您然後假设,您是缺掉的統一性和安全在是完善的对手对于您的別人那么深深地將被找到。
根據雙胞胎靈魂的這個未成熟的概念,靈魂认为一起组成團結的二個一半。 通常二個一半分别为男性和女性。因此這個概念不僅建議您是殘缺不全的你自己,而且您本質上是男性或女性。 您能大概看到雙胞胎靈魂的這個概念不是健康或癒合从一個精神觀點。它使您依賴於某事外面您。 它否認暗示的神的起源您是一切,男性和女性,并且您是无损伤和完全的你自己。 它造成帶來您很遠從家的各種各樣的幻覺。 并且由「家庭」我意味您自己的自已,您的「我岬神性」。 靈魂沒有被认为是別人的另外一半。
雙胞胎靈魂存在,并且他們逐字地是什麼詞暗示: 他們是孿生。他們是與同一「感覺口氣」或振動的靈魂,或者您可能說與同一分娩时间,對生物孿生通常就是這樣。誕生的特定时间,這獨特的片刻时间和地方,為在來到生活的靈魂裡面的獨特地被充電的感覺的口氣做。 他們不取决于彼此在任何情况下。他們不是男性和女性。 但是他們一定調整入彼此作為親屬的精神。
什麼是雙胞胎靈魂的創作的原因? 他們為什麼存在? 您經常認為它影響的某事的raison d'être是学习进程。但是這不是與雙胞胎靈魂的实际情形。 雙胞胎靈魂的存在的原因不是學會某事。 目標是喜悅和創造性。 雙胞胎靈魂沒有在雙重性之內的作用。您將遇見您的雙胞胎靈魂,當您超越雙重性,當您再自認有在是无损伤和未分開的,并且能採取所有形式或出現的你自己裡面的上帝的。雙胞胎靈魂在他們的旅途後面家再见面。
讓我們一會兒走旅途的起點。 片刻您留下統一性狀態并且成為個體,您进入雙重性。 突然有黑暗的,并且輕,巨大和小,病态和健康等等現實被分裂。您不再有参照系誰的您真正地是。 起初您採取了您的從「是部分整體的身分」。 现在您是從整体寬鬆撕毀的單件。但是,无需您神志清楚知道,某人伴隨與您是相等的,一样嚴密地類似您的您,象任何可能。您在互相您不知道的那附近佔去了「同一空間」在統一性毯子,如此您是二,直到您出生。 什麼联络二您是某事在雙重性之外,提早日期雙重性的歷史的事。這是难適當地放入詞,因為它違抗您二者之一一兩并且不可能同時是兩個的您的身分通常定義。
现在您是開始在旅途,在許多經驗中的一次長的旅途的兩個。 你們倆在強調它的事體驗雙重性極端,逐漸發現您的精華不說謊在雙重性,而是外面它。當您发觉深深地這部下的統一性,您的旅途後面開始。 您逐漸感觉附有外在事例如力量、名望、金錢或者聲望。 您越來越瞭解鑰匙不是什麼您體驗,但是您怎麼體驗它。 您由了悟您的狀態創造您自己的幸福或苦難。 您發現您自己的知覺的力量。
一旦您审阅所有到处雙重性將有片刻,当您遇見您的雙胞胎靈魂时。在您的雙胞胎靈魂能量和出現,您將认可一個非常深刻的部分的你自己,您的在雙重性之外的精華,并且將由這公認您开始更好明白自己和发觉誰您真正地是。您的孿生是参照系運載您在關於你自己的有限的信仰外面的您的您採取了以前在您的生活和一生期間。 您通过看這反射解放自己您您的孿生的; 它是像提示,并且它与情感依賴性无关。 遇見幫助其中每一您是更強和更加自已明白的個體,表现出您的在地球上的創造性和愛。当它帮助您提高到高水平統一性,当充分地保留和表達您的我岬,您獨特的個性时,它加速您的往返旅行。
最终我們是全部一个。 是普遍的在我們大家的能量支持我們。 但是同時有在我們大家的個性。 雙胞胎靈魂在某種程度上是個性和統一性之间的鏈接。它是像垫脚石對統一性。 如果您有意識地和物質连接用您的雙胞胎靈魂,您將达到新的事的創作: 是出生出于他們聯合的行動的第三能量。那能量比二总是幫助大規模地提高團結了悟他們。由于他們在他們的方式家,雙胞胎靈魂感覺啟發停住愛在地球上的能量和統一性和他們如此做用與他們自己獨特的天分和技能達成協議的方法。照此雙胞胎靈魂愛修造在「是一个」和「是之間的一塊垫脚石一个」。
有在雙胞胎靈魂之間的深刻的內在債券,但是那不修改事實他們是他們自己的完全團結。 他們一起加入达到愛,并且喜悅和他們的會議提高創造性和自我實現。 他們互相支持,无需落入情感依賴性或癮陷阱。 在雙胞胎靈魂之間的愛沒有被认为互相构成,但是創造新的事: 而不是二成為的一个,二將成為三。
您將遇見您的雙胞胎靈魂。 請讓這知識是足够对您。 设法不居住在採取您在此刻外面的希望和期望。 什麼在這片刻事關是您充分地意识到您深深地渴望在你自己之內是存在的愛和安全。 鑰匙是意识到這绝對自我承受不可能被給您由任何人,不甚而由您的雙胞胎靈魂。
不僅在愛關係,而且在父母孩子關係,有誘惑發現在其他的绝對統一性或安全。 秘密地要他的孩子实现所有梦想他沒有履行的認為父母,或者孩子,长大的仍然緊貼给她的父母并且认为他們她的绝對避难所。
发觉在您的關係的部下的動力學和動機和根據您的知覺癒合他們是重要的。 您的宇宙鄉思不癒合由或在關係。 這將由您單獨完成,由誰的充分的認識您是,通过體會您的光、秀麗和神性。 這是您的旅途的目的地。
并且,自何處您來了,您不會回到統一性狀態從。 愛「毯子」從哪些您出生構成了您的胚胎階段。 现在您是成為的成熟神。 您在这中將創造绝對安全和愛的領域從您自己的心臟的并且允许其他分享,不用任何情况。 那是上帝精華: 放熱的無條件的愛,創造并且愛護,不用任何議程,不用任何演算。
我希望現在要求您是沈默的在一些片刻和真實地感覺您的我岬,您獨特是你自己。 如果您由人圍攏,则非常強烈一會兒感覺您「我」。 绝對地,您是上帝的这部分。 它不是可以從您被採取的事,它是的不容置疑的存在。
并且現在感覺您的我存在這個不容置疑的事實怎麼可以是喜悅和力量的來源对您。 同意是您的自己的奇蹟并且接受它。 是,我是I。 我是分開和獨特的,是我的自己。 我也许深深地连接用其他,而且保持「I.」您也许認為在這個事實之後說謊孑然和荒蕪,但是在這些想法之外請去并且感覺在您之內的力量和生命力。 如果您真正地同意您的個性,您體驗自信和信任。 根據那個依據您將創造愛戀的關係,并且孑然和荒蕪將溶化。
当寂寞和荒蕪的感覺淹沒您时,採取在您之內的孩子您的膝部的。 注意在這個孩子的創傷。 它曾经知道作为胚胎的它渴望总安全。 它想要在治療師面前看安全反射了在您的夥伴面前,在您的孩子面前,在您的母親或父親面前。 然后顯示孩子您的面孔。 您有一個天使的面孔這個孩子的。 您被认为癒合這個孩子用您能作夢的最绝對的方式。 I和任何「大師」不能做它您的。 我們可以只顯示方向。 您你自己是救主你自己。
最终我希望邀請您感覺我們一會兒一起加入。 即使您不存在,并且您讀這材料,感覺我們的連通性。現在不要集中在我岬,而是于我們的統一性用一個非常隨便的方式。 感覺能量,感受什麼带来我們。 它是渴望囫圇狀態。现在想像我們由那裡最強有力的能量圍攏是,您的被喚醒的自已能量,天使的能量在您之內的。 讓我們呼吸在這能量和需要一分鐘深深地感覺它的力量。