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The galactic history of lightworkers - The birth of the soul
Lightworker souls were born long before the earth and humanity came into being.
Lightworker souls were born long before the earth and humanity came into being.
Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light - knowledge, freedom and self-love - on earth. They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.
In this day and age, a transition is taking place on earth. A new consciousness is dawning which will take material shape sooner or later. How exactly this transition will come about, what form it will take, is not fixed. The future is always indeterminate. The only thing that is really given is this moment: the Now. From the well of the Now, countless possible roads are springing, an infinite web of possible futures.
Dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you again. I am so glad to be in your company. You have a tendency to look up to me, or to beings like me, as masters but we do not see it that way. We see you following your path on earth at a challenging time, a time when much is changing, and we see you growing towards your own mastery. We see you becoming the masters that you still look up to at times. And this is what it is all about – finding your own mastery! Do not follow any master that is brought before you by tradition or by books or by anything someone else is telling you. Find your own mastery – that’s what it’s all about.
I AM Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love. I would like to be of support to you in these challenging times.
I am Mary and I represent the female aspect of the Christ being. I greet you all today and I would like to have you share in the joy and peace that is available for you and that belongs to the very essence of who you are. You are not here to suffer, to struggle and merely survive. You are here on earth to have joy, to be who you are and experience the miracle of that. You are beautiful as you are. Nothing needs to be changed or improved. All is well. Let it get through to you.
Dear friends, with much joy and happiness I am with you today. My energy flows among you and as you can feel, this is not a lecture in the traditional sense. I am passing on a certain energy (in addition to information) and you are as much a part of this as I and Pamela and Gerrit. In our being together here, we create a field or vortex of energy in this room, in this opening to the earth. Therefore this place is sacred. At any place where people – angels in human bodies – come together and join with the intention of seeding their light into the earth, the ground becomes sacred.
Dear friends, I bid you a cordial welcome. My energy flows among you and is discernable to you as the energy of home, a Home that you are moving towards and a Source that you are coming from. My energy is not merely the energy of one man who lived on earth two thousand years ago. I represent a Source energy in which you all take part and in which your higher selves are present as one, as a group energy.
Dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you again. You are all brave warriors. Your very presence in a physical body on earth today speaks of your great courage and readiness to face up to darkness, within and without and to throw your light on it, the light of your consciousness. You are warriors in the spiritual sense and your weaponry consists of both compassion and discernment. One does not overcome the fears and illusions of your reality by love and compassion alone. These essential, predominantly feminine qualities need to be complemented by the masculine qualities of clarity and discernment. Compassion enables you to perceive the core of light in any expression of duality, for instance to recognize the light of someone’s soul even if their personality is full of negativity. Discernment makes you aware of the presence of fear and power-related energies in any such expression and it enables you to distance yourself from it, to let it go from your energy field.
Dear friends, I rejoice at being with you again. When I see you, I do not so much see you as the physical bodies that you look at in the mirror. It is your inside that I feel and see, the inner movements of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. I am here to support you on your journey.
Dear friends, I welcome you warm-heartedly and send you all my love. I love you all so dearly. My love for you is not only universal in nature but it also has a personal touch, for I have known many of you when I was here on earth among you.
Dear friends, it is with joy and affection that I am among you today. I know you so well and it seems to me as if we met each other yesterday. In the realms where I dwell, time is not so important. I recognize you very well although your manifestation, your physical appearance, is different from the times I knew you.
Dear friends, I am delighted to be among you again and to communicate with you in this way. I must say that this means a lot to me as well. I cherish these meetings for in this way I can come closer to you than from my own plane of reality.
Dear friends,
I speak to you from the heart of Christ consciousness. I am Jeshua, but I am not solely that one particular personality who lived on earth two thousand years ago. Here, I represent more than that. I represent the Christ energy that lives and vibrates in all of your hearts. The one who speaks here now thus also represents your own energy and vibration; it is your own heart-felt longing that is turned into words in this room we are sitting in.
My dear friends,
I salute you. We are most pleased with your presence here today and we celebrate your being on earth at this time. Before I shall say anything about the subject matter of today, the children of the new age, I wish to draw attention to you. Each and every day, you try to embody more of your light and inner being on earth. You often experience heaviness in your lives and it seems sometimes like you are imprisoned in your body or in moods and emotions that suffocate you. We would like to tell you that we trust and respect you for all that you go through and accomplish in your lives. We love you just as you are and we wish that you would have more respect for yourself and all that you have already done in your life so far. By staying hopeful, cherishing your dreams and goals even if the light around you is temporarily fading and you have to deal with setbacks, you show your greatness and enormous strength. You are planting seeds of light on earth and these will bear fruit. Thanks to your inner work, you have created a bridge for a newly incarnating generation of souls who wish to shine their light on earth. It is about these souls we wish to speak today.
Dear friends,
We are gathered here today to bring to you a message of love and hope, as we see how much difficulties you are experiencing at this time. I who is speaking am Jeshua but today I strongly represent the female aspect of the christ energy.
Dear friends,
Thank you for being here today. Together we celebrate the New Era. It is present already and it is growing and evolving because of your inner transformation. You are the forerunners, the pioneers who help birth a new consciousness on earth today. In the present stage of your inner transformation, there is still much confusion inside of you. You have one foot in a new reality, a new way of conceiving and experiencing things. But the other leg is “in suspension”, in a vacuum so to speak. It cannot get back to the old and familiar ways, but at the same time you are frightened to make the whole switch and go forward with both feet on new ground. This new paradigm of consciousness is unknown territory and it does not seem to resonate yet with the outside world, the traditional values and habits which you learned at school or at home.
a message from Jesus/Yeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
Saturday, 22 September, 2007 at Tilburg, Netherlands