I AM Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love. I would like to be of support to you in these challenging times.


This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface.

I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here-and-now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning. There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up.

I am taking you to the time of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate ‘I’. The ‘I-ness’ that is so familiar to you now, was an altogether new phenomenon in the universe. Being separate and individual, enables you to gather a multitude of experiences, and yes, illusions as well. But that does not make it less valuable. It is precisely in being an ‘I’, in being separate from the whole, and experiencing the illusions that go with it, that you can discover what is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first, this was not possible. At first, there was the One and nothing outside of it, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and oneness. Now try and experience fear and ignorance from in there!  

In being vulnerable and prone to illusion, you gather an enormous amount of experience, which enables you to really understand what oneness means, what love means at the level of experience. You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that moves you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the end goal of your journey, the Homecoming you are longing for: to be God-as-you, to experience oneness as an ‘I’. You do not want to give up your ‘I’ness. It is through the connection of your ‘I’ with the whole, that you experience the deepest joy and that you add your own unique energy stamp to the whole of creation. God-as-you adds something new and precious to creation.

I ask you to go back to the time that this ‘being an I’ took shape for the first time. Back then you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy, that distant beginning in which you were first ‘moulded’, got to know ‘form’.  All of a sudden you were ‘you’, distinct and separate from the others around you, and you experienced the miracle of being an individual. You were still so close to the source of divine light, that you were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create. Please go within for a moment, and see whether you can sense the truth of it: that you are an angel in the deepest part of you….

I now take a big leap in time, as I can only give a broad outline of this extensive history. I take you to the beginning of planet Earth. You were present there, you are older than the existence of Earth as a physical planet. Your birth as a pristine I-consciousness, lies much further back than the origin of Earth.

Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly, life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a broad range of possibilities for consciousnesses to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later on, animals. And you were deeply involved in this process of creation. How?

You were the angels and devas who supported and nurtured the vegetable kingdom, who knew the ‘web of life’ on Earth intimately and cared for it deeply. You have also provided animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment.

Memories you carry within of ‘paradise’ or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caregiver and keeper of life, stem from this ancient age. You were not incarnate yet then, but hovering between the ethereal and the physical realms. You were and angel on the verge of being born into matter.

Remember the innocence of that age, remember what it was like to be this angel-deva-consciousness and how dearly you loved the Earth and all manifestations of life on it. Feel the childlike aspect of your consciousness back then. You were like children playing in paradise, always in the mood for adventures, kidding around, laughing, experiencing the joy of freely expressing yourself in a safe environment. Despite your playfulness, you were in great awe of the guiding laws of life and you would not think of treating life forms with anything less than deep fondness and respect.

So, you have been in some sense the parents of life on Earth. This explains why you can be thoroughly shocked by the disturbances of nature by modern technologies, and the general abuse of the forces of nature. Why does it affect you so? It is because you have cherished and nurtured these very energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to it, to Earth and its many life forms, as a parent is to her child and a creator to his creation. And back then, when you were angels nurturing Earth life, you knew not why you were doing it.  You acted as children who felt drawn by the calling of yet another adventure, the thrill of the new, and you let yourself be guided simply by what felt joyful and exciting to you. You planted your energy wherever it felt welcome.

Thus, you helped create paradise on Earth: the splendour of life, the abundance of the plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the unconstrained development of it all. 
Please hold on to this image for a moment…….remember who you are.

Even if it seems too grandiose, when I tell you this, just allow yourself to fantasize that you were part of this, that you were present as an angel in that Garden of Life, playful, innocent, nurturing and cherishing life.

Out of paradise  - the first Fall into Experience

Many developments occurred on Earth over millions of years, which are hard to describe in a nutshell. But, at a certain point in time, your blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an outside influence, which might be termed ‘bad’ or ‘dark’.
From other dimensions in the universe, beings started to meddle with Earth. Their purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth. This happening, the interference of powerful dark energies which emerged out of nothing from your point of view, deeply shocked your angel-selves. You were not prepared. This was your first encounter with ‘evil’ and it shook your world to its foundations. For the first time, you experienced what it was like to not feel safe anymore. You got to know ‘human emotions’: fear, shock, anger, disappointment, grief, outrage: what is this?, what is happening here?!

Sense how the shadows fell upon you in that first encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality. Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, started to take possession of you yourself. This was because you felt indignation and outrage towards the attackers, and you wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion.

I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race so to speak, the origin of which does not matter much for our tale. What matters is that you partly absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus made a fall. I do not speak of a biblical Fall, as this phrase is associated with sin and guilt, but a fall into experience, into darkness, which was in a sense ‘predestined’ because you were part of the world of duality. By being an ‘I’, by experiencing separateness from the whole, the seeds for duality were born inside of you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it.

You gradually became warriors yourselves, as you desired the power to protect your ‘territory’. A new stage ensued in your history, in which you got caught up in various galactic wars and struggles. Please take a moment to feel this happening, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the harsh and angry energy of the galactic warrior. We are speaking of long periods of time. It may seem grand and unfathomable that you have gone through all this, yet I ask you to allow your imagination to travel with me for a while.

You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego. 

I have talked of this before in the Lightworker series (published on this site), and I now want to take another huge leap and tell you what the next important stage was.

After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. You had had enough. You were getting sad and battle-weary, and a kind of homesickness crept into your hearts. You had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts you were involved in. The illusion of power can exert an hypnotic influence over an untested, naïve mind. You were naïve and untested when you experienced your first fall into darkness.

But then, at a certain point, an awakening occurred within you. A vague memory of the old days in Paradise stirred in your minds and hearts, reminding you of the joy and innocence you once knew. You wished you could go back there and did not desire to fight anymore. One might say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the full experience of it. You had known all sides of the battle, the whole range of emotions having to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being slayer and slain. You had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give you what it promises to: love, happiness, fulfilment. You awoke from your hypnotic slumber and yearned for something new.  

When you reached out to rise above the energy of struggle, and connect to the energy of the heart, you were again naïve and ‘untested’. You were like children who popped your head over the wall of an altogether new country, in which not struggle or power were the leading forces but love and connection. You followed the calling of your soul and climbed over the wall. And you started to meet each other again and to recognize each other as soulmates, members of the same family. Once you had played together as angels in the Garden of Eden.

The members of the lightworker family, who are part of a same birth wave of souls, looked up on each other again and felt drawn by a common calling, a shared mission. You knew you had to do something to make the major step towards heart consciousness, the return to Paradise, actually happen for you. You felt you had dealings with Earth once again, but this time as a human being, incarnated in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars, and your abuse of power.

In your struggle for power, the Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic parties battled for dominion on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life upon her and the collective soul of evolving humanity. The reason why Earth was such an important target for all these warring parties is not so easily explained. Briefly put, Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings many different dimensions and realities together and therefore constitutes a crossroads toward the future. Many, many energies meet and mix together on Earth – within the plant, animal, and especially the human kingdom. This is very special. When these energies can peacefully coexist together, it will bring about a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos. That is why Earth is playing a key role and why she had been in the centre of a great Battle.

You were once part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in quite an aggressive manner. This caused harm to the developing human being. Humanity was then in its infant stage, the ‘stage of innocence’. Humanity was ‘inhabited’ by souls who were from a different birth wave than you. We have called them ‘Earth souls’ in the Lightworker Series. It was a group of souls younger than you were, who had manifested on Earth from early on and had to deal with outside, extraterrestrial manipulations which narrowed down the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the open and young consciousness of man. This enabled them to gain control over them.

I return now to your decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being. You had two motives. First, you sensed you were ready for an inner change and transformation. You wanted to let go of the ego’s battling attitude and grow towards another way of ‘being’. You did not know what exactly this meant; you could not grasp it fully yet, but you sensed that incarnating on Earth would offer you precisely the challenges and possibilities you needed.    

Secondly, you knew you had to make up for things that happened on Earth, partly because of your doing. You somehow sensed that, originally, you had a deep bond with Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had gotten corrupted when you let yourself be enmeshed in war and battle for this very Earth. The two extremes of you, of angel-child and hardened warrior, needed to be brought together and transformed, and what place could be more suitable for this than Earth? You felt deeply connected to this planet and you also sensed a ‘karmic obligation’ to improve conditions on Earth. You wished to change and lift the state of consciousness on Earth. So you became ‘lightworkers’.

You incarnated on Earth at the time of Atlantis.

Atlantis - the second Fall into Experience

Atlantis was a civilisation that lies much further back in time than the familiar historical era’s. Atlantis gradually came into being about 100.000 years ago and it ended about 10.000 years ago. The first beginnings even predate 100.000 years. Atlantis gradually evolved when extraterrestrial races started to ‘invade’ Earth by actually incarnating in human bodies. These souls in general had a high level of mental development. At that time, societies and communities on Earth were largely made up of Earth souls, and they were ‘primitive societies’ as you call them.

There were, even before Atlantis, many extraterrestrial influences on Earth, from galactic realms that sent thought forms to Earth in different ways. Thought forms are energies that connect themselves to humans at the ethereal or auric level, and thus influence the thoughts and emotions of people. This happens continuously as you absorb ideas and beliefs from your upbringing and society. These surround you as an infectious web. But it can also happen from the ‘astral levels’ surrounding you. The thought forms projected unto you by the galactic warriors were in general controlling and manipulative, but there have always been influences of light and gentleness as well. It is the human himself who decides what he allows in and what not. At a certain moment, the galactic parties wished to have a more profound influence on Earth and there was an opportunity for them to actually inhabit human bodies, in short to incarnate on Earth. Spirit or Life opened up this possibility for them because it fit into their inner path of development. You were one of these parties. In your spiritual literature, folks that stem from these galactic realms are often referred to as ‘star people’ or ‘starseeds’.  

Atlantis was the result of a coming together, a mixture of the native Earth societies and the influx of souls that came ‘from the outside’. You, the wave of the lightworker souls, incarnated on Earth because you wished to bring about change and progress and because you wanted to grow yourselves, from an ego-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness.

When you arrived, it felt very awkward and uncomfortable at first, to be inside of physical human bodies. Living in such dense physical matter gave you a sense of oppression and imprisonment, as you were used to much more fluid and volatile bodies, that possessed more psychic power. In higher (less material or dense) frequencies or dimensions, your psyche has a much greater direct influence on the material environment. By simply thinking of, or wanting something, you can create or attract it immediately to you on these planes. Your mind was used to creating much faster than was possible on Earth. You might say that the reaction time on Earth is much slower. So when you are here for the first time, you have the sensation that you are somehow locked into a solid and unyielding body and you get insecure, since what you desire and aspire does not materialise so easily anymore and your hold over your life and circumstances seems to be quite limited.

So you were confused when you got here. At the same time, you had highly trained mental abilities that were developed during your previous galactic lifetimes. To send out thought forms and project them unto other living beings, requires that you own quite some psychic power. Your mind was like a set of sharp knives, which had to prove their value in an altogether different environment. Your trained mental capacities were an old attainment, and because of the sense of alienation and oppression you experienced on Earth, you instinctively tried to find your way here by using this old attainment. You thus started to exert your mental powers on Earth. Originally, your intention had been to connect with Earth reality from the heart. Before you incarnated, you knew that, despite your formidable analytical and psychic powers, the grounds of your heart lay fallow and were in need of seeds, little seedlings of light. This, however, you ‘forgot’ when you plunged into Earth reality and your consciousness got veiled.

On Earth, you had to deal with the Earth souls, who lived there as human beings, and you did not understand them well. You thought they were instinctive and barbaric beings. You did not understand their direct, spontaneous way of expressing emotions. They were primitive in your eyes, they were attuned to their emotions and instincts more than to their minds. You had abilities and gifts that were different from the natural dispositions of the people on Earth.

Even though you were frequently born and raised as their children (when you were born to Earth soul parents) there gradually developed a social divide between you and them. Because of your superior mental skills, you developed technologies that were formerly unknown. This all happened slowly and naturally. We speak of thousands, even ten thousand years of time.

Without going into the details of this process, I want to ask you to feel the essence of what was happening there. Can you imagine you were part of that? Can you imagine what it must have felt like to end up somewhere you do not truly feel at home and to know: there’s something I planned to do here, but what was it…? Let me see, I have certain abilities and powers at my command……this distinguishes me from many others in my environment……I will make use of these talents to assert myself. Do you recognise this kind of pride and ambition within you? Can you remember it was yours? This is a typical Atlantean energy.

Gradually, a new culture came into being on Earth, a civilisation that brought forth an unprecedented technological development which affected all parts of society. I would like to say a little more about the kind of technology that evolved in Atlantis. What you as ‘star people’ still remembered brightly, despite the veil of forgetfulness, was that you can influence material reality by using the power of your mind, specifically the third eye. The third eye is the energy centre (chakra) of intuition and psychic awareness, and it is located behind your two physical eyes.

The power of the third eye was still very familiar to you in those first incarnations, like a second nature to your soul. You knew ‘how it worked’. You knew that matter (physical reality) has a form of consciousness, is consciousness in a certain state of being. Through this essential insight into the oneness of consciousness and matter, you could affect and form matter, by making inner contact with the consciousness in the piece of matter. In this way, you could literally move matter, manipulate it from the mind. You knew a secret that was  forgotten in more recent times.

Presently, you see matter (physical reality) as separated from consciousness (the mind). Influenced by modern science, you have forgotten that all beings are ensouled: all that is has some form of consciousness that you can connect with and cooperate with in a creative way. This knowledge was self evident to you in those ancient times. But, during Atlantis, when your heart centres had not been awakened fully, your third eye was predominantly controlled by the centre of the will or ego (the solar plexus or third chakra). You stood on the doorway of a new inner reality, the reality of heart-based consciousness, but due to the shock of being submerged in the dense reality of Earth, your tender and fresh inspirations got lost temporarily. You allowed yourselves to be led astray by the excessive use of the will mixed with the power of the third eye. You did aspire to make things better on a larger scale (‘lightwork’) but you did it in a self-centered way, with an authoritarian attitude toward the Earth souls and nature.

In the hey-day of Atlantis, there were many possibilities and the technology was highly advanced, in some areas even more than your present technology, because the power of telepathy and psychic manipulation was much better used and understood. Instantaneous, telepathic communication could take place between different persons at great distance from each other. It was possible to leave your body consciously and travel around. Communication with extraterrestrial civilisations was pursued and effected.

Much became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong as well. There generally was a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the ‘common people’, which were made up of Earth souls predominantly. They were looked upon as inferior beings, means to an end, and they were actually used for genetic experiments that were part of the Atlantean ambition to manipulate life on the biological level, so that more superior life forms could be created.

A positive aspect of the Atlantean society, by the way, was the equality of men and women during that age. The power struggle of man and woman, in which women were horribly oppressed during the last stage, was not a part of Atlantis. The feminine energy was fully respected, especially because it is directly related to the power of the third eye (intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual power). 

I now wish to take you to the downfall of Atlantis. Energies were at work there that you are still trying to come to terms with. You were deeply involved in what went wrong at that stage.
In Atlantis, you lived from the centres of the will and the third eye. Your heart energy did not open up significantly. At a certain point, you fell in love with the possibilities of your own technology and the ambition of creating more superior life forms. You applied genetic engineering and experimented on several life forms, and you were unable to understand, to feel, that you were disrespectful to Life in this. The ones you experimented upon could not count on your empathy and compassion.

The energy present at this stage of perversion in the Atlantean civilisation specifically returned in the 20th century as the Nazi regime in Germany. Cruel experimenting and a general attitude of clinical coldness towards ‘inferior life forms’ was a substantial part of that regime. The lack of compassion and empathy displayed towards the perpetrated, the lack of emotion and the mechanical way of ‘dealing with’ the victims, was similar to the Atlantean attitude. This now fills you with a deep sense of horror. You have seen and felt the other side of it, the victim side, in lifetimes that came after Atlantis. 

But during Atlantis, you were the offender. That’s where a particular ‘karma’ ensued. Atlantis is the key to your ‘offender lifetimes’, your dark side. I’m telling you this, not to make you feel ashamed or guilty, not at all. We are all part of this history, taking on various roles and disguises, and this is what it is like to be in duality. It is to experience and play all thinkable roles, from very light to very dark. If you allow yourself to know your dark side, if you can accept that you played the role of perpetrator as well, you will be more balanced, free and joyful. That is why I tell you this. 
At one point, the technological developments that you - and other soul groups - pursued, had such a great impact upon nature, that the ecological systems on Earth got disrupted. The downfall of Atlantis did not take place all at once. There were many warning signs - nature’s beckoning - but when they were not heeded, enormous natural disasters occurred through which the Atlantean civilisation got flooded and destructed.

How did it affect you on the inner level? It was a shocking experience, a traumatic experience; it was another Fall, a second Fall of Experience into the deep.

During your incarnations on Earth, you had eventually lost the connection to the heart energy that you had reached out to. Stronger than ever, you realized after the downfall of Atlantis that truth was not to be found in the controlling of life, even if the purpose seemed noble. You then really began to open up to the still voice of the heart, which tells you that there is a wisdom working through Life itself, that needs no managing or controlling. In the flow of life itself, in the flow of the heart and the feelings, there is a wisdom that you can attune to, or align with, by listening and surrendering. It is not a wisdom created from the head or by the will, it is a wisdom that comes from allowing in a higher perspective, the voice of love.  

This mystical knowing, which is accompanied by a sense of humbleness and surrender, you slowly started to feel from within. But even then, the time was not yet ripe for a joyful awakening of the heart energies. A shadow had fallen upon you during Atlantis, the shadow of having affected other beings negatively. The effects of this would have to be deeply felt and experienced by you before the awakening could take place.

Again I take another huge step in this old history, and I take you to the moment you return to Earth, after Atlantis had vanished, washed away by ocean waves. Once again you incarnated in human bodies, the memory of Atlantis buried deep within your soul memory, tied with a sense of shame and self-doubt. The downfall of Atlantis had stunned and perplexed you, but it had also opened up your hearts a little wider.

What immense developments taking place on such a grand scale of time!

Rejection as a lightworker- the third Fall into Experience

The next important cycle started with the coming of the Christ energy on Earth, most visibly represented by me. Many of you were present then or around that time. A few centuries before my birth, you started to incarnate again in great numbers. A voice from your heart enticed you, summoned you. You sensed that ‘you had to be there’, that it was time for you to take another step on your spiritual journey, which got so intertwined with Earth.

The coming of the Christ energy, my coming to Earth, was partly prepared by you. I could not have come without a layer of energy present on Earth that would receive me, ‘catch me’ so to speak. Your energy provide the channel through which I could anchor the Christ energy on Earth. It was a joint effort, truly. Your hearts had opened up to me, to what I represented. At that time, you were the part of humanity most open to receive the love and wisdom from the heart.

A certain humbleness had arisen within you, in the best sense of the word: a surrender to not-knowing, not wanting to control or ‘manage’ things, and a genuine openness to something new, something that stands apart from power and control, something different. And because of this trust and openness in your hearts, you could receive me.

I was like a light beam falling on Earth, reminding the ones who were ready of their angelic nature, their divine core. You were moved by me, by what I expressed and radiated to you from my inner core, and the Christ energy has thenceforth affected you deeply, in that lifetime around Christ and in the lifetimes after it, up to now. In all of those lives, you have tried to bring the Christ energy down to Earth, spread it through teaching and healing in different forms. You were inspired and passionate lightworkers, working hard to bring more justice, fairness and love to this planet.

In that era, the era of the awakening Christ energy, you were the ones who were opposed to religions that were too tightly organized, to authoritarian ways of subduing people. You fought for freedom, emancipation of the female energy, heart-based values in an age that was still barely aware of it. In the past two thousand years, you were freedom fighters and you were rejected and persecuted for it. You were punished and tortured for who you were, and frequently ended up on the stake or the scaffold. You carry a lot of emotional trauma from this episode of history.

In the struggles and the resistance you met, the Atlantean (and galactic) karma was working. The roles were now reversed. You became victims and went through the depths of loneliness, fear and despair. You got intimately acquainted with the deep emotion pain of rejection. This was your third Fall, a third Fall into Experience, and the one that brought you to the heart of your mission: understanding the oneness underlying both Light and Dark, learning what Love truly means. This third Fall has led you to the present, to who you are now.

Today, at the edge of a new cycle, in these transformative times, you are truly open to the meaning of the Christ energy. In your heart, a wisdom is sprouting that embraces and transcends opposites and recognizes the one divine flow in all different manifestations. Your love is not a mere abstract knowing, but a real, pure and sincere flow from the heart, that reaches out to others, and to Earth. You now recognize yourself in the countenance of the other, whether they are ‘light’ or ‘dark’, rich or poor, lightworker or earth soul, man, animal or plant. The love embedded in the Christ consciousness bridges the gap between opposites and gives you a palpable sense of the interconnectedness of all that is.  

As an angel, you once guarded paradise on Earth. You cut yourself off from this state of innocence, when you engaged in the dance of power with energies that wanted to steal paradise from you. Through this, you abandoned the spiritual realm and incarnated deeper into the material reality of form and illusion. From angel you became warrior. When you incarnated on Earth and went to experience what it was like to be human, you were again tempted by the desire to control things and this led to the downfall of Atlantis and of you as a warrior. You came back to Earth to experience the downside of the power play, to feel what it is like to fall prey to aggression and violence. The aftermath of this latter part of the cycle is still clearly present in your way of experiencing things and you are all working hard to overcome the trauma of rejection inside of you. With that, you are coming full circle, to the point where it began. You come back to your true nature as an angel, but now a fully incarnate angel, with a real and alive knowledge of the extremes of light and dark, love and fear. You are a wise and compassionate angel, a human angel…  

I have great respect for you, for the incredible journey you have made. I stand before you now as your equal. I am here as a teacher and guide, but also as a brother and a friend. I would like to offer you my love and friendship, not in an abstract manner, but as a tangible energy of companionship and understanding. I know who you are. Now recognise yourself in my countenance

You are at the end of great cycles of time, in which you have gone through many experiences. Today I wanted to speak of Atlantis, as the recognition of the energies that you embodied there, can help you get into a state of peace and wholeness with yourself. The Atlantean energy is the energy of great mental power, combined with a distinctive pride and arrogance. Dare to recognise this ‘dark energy’ within, dare to accept that you have experienced and lived it once. Feel that you have been offender and perpetrator as well as victim. Allowing this fact into your consciousness opens the gateway to the greatest wisdom you can embrace in your life: the wisdom of non-judgmentalness. By being aware of your dark side, you will let go of judging others, for being right or wrong, or even yourself. All grounds for judgment will fall away. Judgment makes way for understanding and compassion. Then you really start to understand what love is, what ‘light work’ means. The word ‘light work’ in fact suggests falsely that there is some kind of struggle going on between the light and the dark, and that the lightworker is the one beating the dark. But true light work is none of that. Real light work entails that you are able to recognise the light of love and consciousness in all that is, even if it is hiding behind masks of hatred and aggression.

You are still often tempted to pass judgments on the reality of Earth, for instance on the way politics work or the way people are treating the environment. It is easy to say that it’s all wrong and to feel yourself a stranger on this planet Earth, alienated and homeless. Try to make contact with the offender energy within you in such moments. Allow yourself to access the Atlantean energy, which is still there in your soul memory, and feel that you have been that too, and even that it was okay. All of your ‘falls into experience’ eventually bring you full circle and open up your heart to the essence of God’s creation: love, creativity, innocence. You, who have experienced the extremes of darkness and light, have all along your journey been none other than an innocent child from paradise, setting out with a spirit of frankness, bold curiosity and zest for life. On this journey, you could only learn from experience. The ‘falls into experience’ could not have been avoided, as they were the means to reach out for something new and more fulfilling. The essence of your journey is that you reach wisdom through experience. Therefore, please recognise and honour the courage of this angel-child that you were. See its vitality, courage and perseverance in venturing into the unknown, and then feel your own innocence, even in your darkest side.

I ask you to respect yourself, including the dark side of you. Just feel the power and self-consciousness of the Atlantean energy for a moment. There is a positive side to it as well. You were gifted in many ways. Invite that energy in, here and now. Allow the sense of self-esteem and self-command to return to you, and forgive yourself for the atrocities that took place in the past. Yes, you have inflicted pain on others, you were the aggressor there……but feel also how you have come to regret this deeply, and how much you have opened up now to genuine respect for all that lives. When you forgive yourself, you open up to the joy of letting go of judgment. That is the consequence, you see: if you recognise the dark part of you and are able to forgive yourself for it, you need not judge either yourself or others any more. This is such a delight for your soul…..      

So often you still put yourself on the rack of your judgments. You tell yourself there is so much you have to accomplish yet. Today, I ask you to look back and see what you have accomplished already. Be aware of the profundity of your journey throughout these great cycles of time. And do not look up to me as a master anymore. I have fulfilled that role, two thousand years ago, but that time is over. You are the Christs of this new era, you will bring peace in a world of duality and polarity, by radiating the peace that lies within your own hearts. Feel how you are ready for this role and let me simply offer you some support and encouragement as your friend and brother. We are one.




我是Jeshua。 我在您之前站立并且送您我的能量并且愛。

轉折的这次在地球上的給表面帶來許多老事。 老能量從您是化身的时期長期路过的,时期湧現并且有您體驗的生活。 所有這些老層數現在復出。

我希望今天講話這些往日,給更加深刻的理解對你們自己帶來您,誰您是此刻。 您是老,古老生存,在很多經驗之內運載。 長的旅途通过您做了的时间和空间和不仅在行星地球上。

請讓我带您回到起點。 未曾有起點,但是為這個故事,我講話起點及时,因為有一個起点對您現在追上終身的大週期。

我把您带對您的誕生的时期作为單獨靈魂,作为一分開的`I'。 現在很跟熟悉您的`我岬的,是在宇宙的一種一共新的現象。 是分開和單獨的,使您會集一許多經驗,和是,幻覺。 但是那不使它较不可貴。 它精確地在是在是分別於整体和體驗连同它,您能發現的幻覺的一`I',什麼不是。 您能發現幻覺和體驗它從裡裡外外。 起初,這不是可能的。 起初,那个和沒什麼外面它,像愛和統一性無差別的海洋。 现在嘗試和從的經驗恐懼和無知那裡!  

在是脆弱和有傾向的對幻覺,您會集大量的经验,使您真正地瞭解什麼統一性意味,什麼愛意味在經驗的水平。 您將瞭解什麼愛是,不作为一個抽象概念,而是作为生存,創造性的力量移動您和積土您的與喜悅和滿意深刻的感覺的心臟和精神。 這是您的旅途,您渴望的歸鄉的结尾目標: 是神你,體驗統一性作为`I'。 您不想要放弃您的`I'ness。 它是通过您的`I的連接與整体,那您體驗最深刻的喜悅,并且那您增加您自己獨特的能量郵票到整體創作。 神你增加珍貴的事新和到創作。

我要求您回到时间是這的`I第一次有了成效。 那時您是或者被創造了,天使。 _能您感覺這柔軟和無罪那原始的能量的您是第一`moulded',使知道的那遙遠的起點在`form'.突然您是`you',分明和分別於這其他在附近 您附近,并且您體驗這奇蹟是個體。 您仍然是,很接近神的光,那的來源您充满了愛并且溢出了與喜悅和創造性。 有在您的一個難以置信的慾望體驗,知道,感覺和創造。 請內一會兒去,并且看見您是否能感覺真相它: 您是在最深刻的部分的一個天使的您….

我現在剧增大及时,我可以只給這廣泛的歷史一個概要。 我把您带對行星地球起點。 您比地球的存在存在那裡,您老作为一個物理行星。 您的誕生作为原始我知覺,謊言比地球的起源促進。

现在想像您对生活的發展有用在地球上的。 慢慢地,生活在地球上演變了,通过在物質形式或身體提供知覺的各種各樣的可能性體現物質元素的出现: 礦物,植物,和稍後,動物。 并且您在創作的這個過程深深地介入了。 怎麼?

您是支持并且哺育植物王国,親密地知道life `網在地球上的并且對它深深地關心的天使和devas。 您也提供动物生命形式以愛、關心和醚的養料。

您運載內`paradise的記憶或伊甸园您参加作為生活的照料者和老闆的,完全平衡的自然,源於這古老年齡。 您然後不化身,但是盤旋在飄渺和物理領土之間。 您是和天使在被負擔的邊緣入問題。

記住那年齡無罪,記住什麼它是像是這天使deva知覺,并且多么您非常愛地球和生活的所有顯示对此的。 那時感覺您的知覺的純稚方面。 您是像使用在天堂的孩子,總是冒險的心情的,唬人,笑,體驗喜悅自由自我表達用一個安全環境。 儘管您的嬉鬧,您是在生活引導的法律的巨大敬畏,并且您不會認為對待生活型與任何东西较不比深深鐘愛和尊敬。

因此,您是在一些感覺生活的父母在地球上的。 這解釋您為什麼可以由自然干擾由現代技術的十分地衝擊和自然力量的一般惡習。 它為什麼如此影響您? 它是,因為您從開始珍惜并且哺育了這些能量。 從您的精華,因为父母是给她的孩子和創作者對他的創作,您被联络到它,對地球和生活型。 并且那時,當是天使哺育地球生活的您,您知道沒有您為什麼做着它。  您作为感到拉長通过叫另外冒險的孩子,興奮新和您讓自己由什麼引導感覺快樂和激發對您。 您種植了您的能量,無論哪裡它毛氈歡迎。

因此,您幫助創造在地球上的天堂: 生活輝煌,植物和动物王國的豐盈,生活型變化和所有的跌宕的發展。  




許多發展在成千上萬的地球上發生了几年,是难簡言之描述。 但是,在有些此刻,您有福的冒險在伊甸园由外部影響打扰,也許被命名`bad或`dark'。
从 在宇宙的其他維度,生存开始插手與地球。 他們的目的将施加力量和影響對生活在地球上。 這發生,湧現在沒什麼外面从您的觀點,深深地震动您的天使自已的強有力的黑暗的能量的干涉。 您未准备着。 這是您的與`evil的第一遭遇,并且它震動了您的世界對它的基礎。  第一次,您體驗了什麼它是像不再感到安全。 您知道`人的emotions':恐懼,震動,憤怒,失望,哀情,暴行: 这是什么?什麼發生這裡?!

感覺陰影怎麼落在您與黑暗的那第一遭遇的,雙重性的暗边。 慢慢地,力量的熱衷,衝擊了并且恐懼了您,开始佔有您你自己。 這是,因為您感覺往攻擊者的憤怒和暴行和您想防止和保護地球這奇怪的入侵。

我亦所謂講話地球外的影響,某一種族,起源的為我們的傳說不重要。 什麼事關是您部分吸收了這些生存能量和因而做了秋天。 我不講話聖經的秋天,当這個詞組同罪孽和罪狀联系在一起,但是一落入經驗,到黑暗里,實際上是`predestined,因為您是雙重性世界的一部分。 由是一`I',通过體驗從整体的分開,雙重性的種子是出生裡面的您。 它是您將探索雙重性所有極端創作邏輯的一部分,一旦您是在它。

当您渴望了力量保護您的`territory'.,您逐漸成為了戰士。 一個新的階段在您的歷史接著而來了,您受吸引各種各樣的太空星群的戰爭和奮鬥。 請花些時間感覺這发生,從天使孩子的嬉戲的能量的秋天在太空星群的戰士的苛刻和惱怒的能量。 我們講話長的时期。 也许似乎盛大和深奧您审阅所有這,我要求您允许您的想像力有一陣子旅行與我。

您受吸引一次劇烈和盛大爭鬥。 一部分的您的科幻文學知交,描述所有此和由在遥远的过去的真正的事件實際上啟發。 它不是僅僅小說。 實際上發生了,并且您在它深深地介入了。 您失去了自己在力量的奮鬥中,并且在您的歷史期間這個階段您十分地體驗了自我的能量。 


在久,很长时间,您以后对戰鬥疲倦。 您有足够。 您得到哀傷和爭鬥疲倦,并且一种鄉思出现了您的心臟。 您被您介入的戰爭和衝突長期佔據了心思。 力量幻覺可能施加對未經考驗的催眠影響, naïve頭腦。 當您體驗了您的第一落入黑暗,您是naïve和未經考驗的。

另一方面,但是,在有些點,喚醒在您之內發生了。 以前的隱晦的記憶在天堂引起了您的頭腦和心臟,提醒您曾经知道的您喜悅和無罪。 您祝願您可能回去那裡和沒有渴望再戰鬥。 有人可能由充分的經驗的它說自我的能量被用盡了在您。 您知道爭鬥的情感的整體範圍的所有邊和贏取和丟失,控制和投降有关,是屠宰者和殺害。 您变得幻滅與力量和發現力量不給您什麼它許諾: 愛,幸福,滿額。 您從您的催眠微睡醒了并且盼望了新的事。  

當您提供援助在奮鬥之上能量起来,并且連接到心臟的能量,您再是naïve和`untested'。 您是像流行您的在一個一共新的國家牆壁的頭,不是奮鬥或力量是主導的力量,但是愛和連接的孩子。 您跟隨了叫您的靈魂和攀登在牆壁。 并且您开始再互相遇見和互相认可作為soulmates,同一個家庭的亲属。 一旦您一起使用了作為天使在伊甸园裡。

lightworker家庭的亲属,是靈魂同樣誕生波浪的一部分,在彼此再查寻了并且感到拉長通过一共同叫,一個共有的使命。 您知道您必須做某事做往心臟知覺的主要步,回歸到天堂,為您實際上發生。 您感到您再次有與地球的往來,但是这次作為人,體現在人体,體驗從什麼的內部在地球上發生了由于太空星群的戰爭和您的滥用职权。

在您的力量的奮鬥中,地球總是重点注意。 許多太空星群的黨為在地球和這上的統治消極地影響地球,所有生活在她和演變的人類集體靈魂作戰了。 原因为什么地球是所有這些交战各方的這樣一個重要目標那么容易地沒有被解释。 简而言之投入,地球是新的事的起点: 它是帶來許多不同的維度,并且一起現實并且構成交叉路往未來的地方。 許多,許多能量在地球上见面并且混合在一起-在工厂、動物和特别是人的王國之內。 這是特別的。 當這些能量可能一起平安地共存,它將达到光巨大的爆炸在波斯菊中的。 所以地球扮演一個关键角色,并且她為什麼是在一次巨大爭鬥的中心。

您曾经作为這次爭鬥的部分,比如違者,设法相當操作在地球上的生活和知覺以積極的方式。 這導致了害處给开发的人。 人類然後进入它的嬰兒階段, innocence'.人類`階段是`inhabited由比您是從不同的誕生波浪的靈魂。 我們称他們`在Lightworker系列的地球靈魂的。 它比您,在地球上從一開始體現了并且必須涉及外面是年輕一個小組靈魂,缩小人的能力的地球外的操作。 地球外的力量射出了恐懼和劣等能量入人的開放和年輕知覺。 這使他們取得对他們的控制。

我在地球上現在回到您的決定體現作為人。 您有二個動機。 首先,您感覺了您准备好內在變動和變革。 您想放棄自我的作戰的態度和增长往`being'.另一個方式。 您不知道什麼這正確地意味; 您不可能掌握它充分地,但是您感覺體現在地球上將精確地提供您您需要的挑戰和可能性。    

其次,您知道由於您做,您必須部分補償在地球上發生的事。 您莫名其妙地感覺,最初,您有與根据愛和相互尊敬的地球的深刻的債券,并且它毀損了,当您在這地球的戰爭和爭鬥中讓自己被陷入。 二個極端您,天使孩子和被硬化的戰士,需要被帶來和被變換,和什麼地方比地球能适用于此? 您感到深深地連接到這行星和您也感覺`負面的obligation改进在地球上的条件。 您希望改變和舉知覺狀態在地球上的。 因此您成為了`lightworkers'。




亞特蘭提斯是比熟悉的歷史時代的說謊进一步後面及时的文明。 亞特蘭提斯逐漸形成了大约100.000年前,并且它結束了大约10.000年前。 第一起點甚而把100.000年日期填早。 亞特蘭提斯逐漸演變了,當地球外的種族开始了對`invade地球通过實際體現在人体。 這些靈魂一般來說有高級心理发展。 那時,在地球上的社會和社區主要由地球靈魂做成,并且他們是`原始社会的,您叫他們。

有,在亞特蘭提斯以前,對地球的許多地球外影響,從寄发想法形式到地球用不同的方式的太空星群的領土。 想法形式是連接自己到人在飄渺或金水平的能量和因而影響人的想法和情感。 当您吸收從您的養育和社會的想法和信仰這連續地發生。 這些圍攏您作为一個感染網。 但是它可能從圍攏您的`星水平的也發生。 想法形式射出了您由太空星群的戰士在一般控制和操縱,但是總是有光和溫和的影響。 它是決定的人什麼他承认,并且什麼沒有。 在某一片刻,太空星群的黨希望有對地球的更加深刻的影響,并且有他們的一個機會能實際上居住人体,简而言之體現在地球上。 因為它適合了入發展,他們的內在道路精神或生活開放了他們的這種可能性。 您是這些黨之一。 在您的精神文學,源於的夥計這些太空星群的領土經常指`星people或`starseeds'.  

亞特蘭提斯是來,混合物當地地球社會和来自`outside'.靈魂一起的彙集的結果。 您, lightworker靈魂的波浪,體現在地球上,因為您希望达到變動和進步,并且,因為您想生長自己,從基於自我的知覺到基於心臟的知覺。

當您到達了,它起初感到非常笨拙和難受,是在物理人体裡面。 居住在這樣密集的物理問題給了您壓迫和監禁感覺,因为您用于更多可变和揮發性身體,擁有更加精神的力量。 在更高的(较不材料或密集)頻率或維度,您的靈魂有一更加偉大指揮對物質環境的影響。 通过認為或者想要某事,您能立刻創造或吸引它对您在這些飛機上。 您的頭腦比可能的在地球上用于快速地創造。 您也許說在地球上的反应时间是更慢的。 因此,当您第一次时在這裡,您有感覺您是莫名其妙地鎖著的入堅實,并且堅硬身體和您得到不安全,從什麼您渴望并且嚮往那么容易地不實現再,并且您的在您的 生活和情況的舉行似乎是相當有限的。

因此,當您到這裡,您是迷茫的。 同时,您有在您的早先太空星群的一生期間,被开发的高度訓練的脑力。 要派出想法形式和射出他們其他生存生存,要求您擁有相當一些精神力量。 您的頭腦是像一套快刀,在一個一共不同的環境裡必須證明他們的價值。 您訓練的智能是老達到,并且由於您在地球的疏远感和壓迫,您上體驗通過使用這老達到,本能地设法寻找您的道路這裡。 您因而开始施加您的在地球上的智力。 最初,您的意圖将连接用從心臟的地球現實。 在您體現了之前,您儘管您強大的分析和精神力量知道,您的心臟休闲地面并且是需要種子,光小的幼木。 這,然而,您`forgot,當您浸入了入地球現實和您的知覺得到了遮掩。

在地球上,您必須应付地球靈魂,居住那裡作為人,并且您沒有很好明白他們。 您認為他們是本能和野蠻生存。 您不瞭解表现出情感他們的直接,自發方式。 他們是原始的在您的眼睛,他們被調和了對他們的情感和天性更多比對他們的頭腦。 您有是与人民自然性格不同在地球上的能力和禮物。

即使您常常地出生并且上升了,当他們的孩子(當您是出生對地球靈魂做父母)那裡逐漸开发了在您和他们之間的一個社會分界。 由於您的優越精神技能,您开发了以前是未知數的技術。 慢慢地和自然地所有發生的這。 我們講話數以萬計,甚而一萬年时间。

沒有进入這個過程細節,我想要要求您感覺发生什么的精華那裡。 您是否是能否想像您那的一部分? 能您想像什麼一定感覺像结果某處您在家真實地不感覺和不知道: 那裡某事我計劃做這裡,但是它是什麼… ? 讓我看,我有某些能力,并且在我的命令的力量......這與許多其他區別我在我的環境裡......我將利用這些天分顯示。 您是否认可这种在您之內的自豪感和志向? 您是否是能否記住它你的? 這是典型的Atlantean能量。

逐漸,新的文化在地球,帶來史無前例的技术发展影響社會的所有部分的文明上形成了。 我希望說有點更多關於在亞特蘭提斯演變的這种技術。 什麼您,因为`星people儘管丟頭落尾面紗明亮地仍然記住了,是通過使用您的頭腦的力量您能影響物質現實,明確地三只眼。 三只眼是能源中心(chakra)的直覺和精神了悟,并且它在您的二隻物理眼睛之後位于。

三只眼的力量仍然是非常知交给您那些第一化身的,像第二自然對您的靈魂。 您怎麼知道`它worked'。 您知道問題(物理現實)有知覺的形式,在某一狀態的知覺是。 通过這根本洞察到知覺和問題的統一性里,您可能通过联系內在聯絡影響和形成問題,以在問題片斷的知覺。 这样,您可能逐字地移動問題,操作它從頭腦。 您知道在最近时期被忘記的秘密。

目前,您看問題(物理現實)如從知覺(頭腦)被分離。 影響由現代科學,您忘記所有生存ensouled : 是的所有有您能連接和與一個創造性的方式合作知覺的某种形式。 這知識是不言而喻的對您那些古老时期的。 在亞特蘭提斯期間,但是,当您的心臟中心沒充分地被喚醒了,您的三只眼由意志或自我(腹腔神经丛或第三chakra)的 中心是主要地受控的。 您在新的內在現實,基於心臟的知覺的現實的門道入口站立了,但是由于震動被淹沒在地球的密集的現實,您的嫩和新啟發中得到了臨時地丟失。 您允许自己由與三只眼的力量引人歧途混合的對意志的過份用途。 您嚮往大規模地使事更好(`lightwork'),但是您做了它用一個自我中心的方式,與独裁主义的态度往地球靈魂和自然。

在亞特蘭提斯全盛時期,有許多可能性,并且技術在一些區域比您的當前技術高度被推進了,因為好使用了精神感應術和精神操作的力量并且被瞭解。 瞬間,傳心術通信能發生区别人之间在從彼此的长距离。 身体有知觉留下您的和移动是可能的。 與地球外的文明的通信被追求并且被影響了。

变得可能在亞特蘭提斯期間,但是出了錯。 通常有在主要地由地球靈魂做成的政治精神精華和`共同的people',之間的一個分界。 他們被视为,当下等對末端的生存,手段和他們為是操作在生物水平上的生活的Atlantean志向的一部分的基因實驗實際上使用了,因此更加優越的生活型 能被創造。

在那年齡期間, Atlantean社會的一個正面方面,順便說一句,是男人和婦女的平等。 男人和婦女权力争夺,在最后階段期間,婦女可怕地被壓迫,不是亞特蘭提斯的部分。 女性能量充分地被尊敬,特别是因為它直接地与三只眼有关(直覺、洞察力,精神力量)的力量。 

我現在希望把您带到亞特蘭提斯倒臺。 能量在與達成協議您仍然设法的工作那裡。 您在什麼深深地介入了出了錯在那個階段。
在亞特蘭提斯,您從意志和三只眼的中心居住。 您的心臟能量沒有極大開放。 在有些點,您愛上了您自己的技術的可能性和創造更加優越的生活型的志向。 您應用的遗传工程和試驗在幾個生活型和您无法瞭解,感觉,您是不恭的對生活在这中。 您試驗的那个在您的同情和同情不可能計數。

能量當前在Atlantean文明的反常行為時期在20世纪明確地返回了作为納粹政權在德國。 殘暴試驗和臨床寒冷一般態度往`下等生活型的是那個政權的一個堅固部分。 缺乏同情和同情被顯示往犯罪,缺乏情感和成交with的`機械方式受害者,类似Atlantean態度。 現在這積土您有恐怖深刻的感覺的。 您看了并且感覺另一邊的它,受害者邊,在亞特蘭提斯以後來的一生。 

在亞特蘭提斯期間,但是,您是違者。 那是一特殊`karma接著而來了的地方。 亞特蘭提斯是鑰匙给您的`違者lifetimes',您的暗边。 我告訴您此,不使您感觉羞愧或有罪,不es',。 我們是這歷史的所有部分,承担各種各樣的角色和喬裝,并且這是什麼它是像在雙重性。 它是體驗和扮演所有可以想像的角色,從非常輕到非常黑暗。 如果您允许自己知道您的暗边,如果您能接受您扮演犯人的角色,您將是更加平衡的,任意和快樂。 所以我告訴您此。 
您的技术发展-和其他靈魂小組-被追求,把在自然的這樣巨大衝擊,在地球上的生態學系統得到了打亂了。 亞特蘭提斯倒臺沒有同時發生。 有許多警报信号-自然的召喚-,但是,當他們未被注意,極大的自然灾害通过哪些發生了Atlantean文明充斥了并且自毀了。

它怎麼影響了您在內在水平上? 它是可怕的經驗,一個外伤经历; 它是另一秋天,經驗的第二秋天到深里。

在您的在地球上的化身期間,您最終丟失了與您提供了援助的心臟能量的連接。 強烈,您體會,在真相沒有将被找到在控制生活亞 特蘭提斯之後的倒臺,即使目的似乎高尚。 您真正地然後開始對心臟的寂靜的聲音開放,告诉您有运作通过生活的智慧,不需要處理或控制。 在生活流程,在心臟和感覺的流程,有您能調和的智慧,或者排列與,通过聽和投降。 它不是從頭創造的智慧或由意志,它是来自允許在更高的透視的智慧,愛聲音。  

這神秘知道,由謙卑和投降感覺伴隨,您慢慢地开始感觉從的內部。 但是甚而然後,时间為一快樂喚醒沒有成熟心臟能量。 在亞特蘭提斯期間,陰影下落了在您,消極影響的陰影其他生存。 在喚醒可能發生之前,此的作用將必須由您深深地感覺和體驗。

再次我采取在這老歷史的另一個巨大的步骤,并且我把您带對您回到地球的片刻,在亞特蘭提斯消失了之後,冲走由海浪。 再次您在人体,在您的靈魂記憶之內被埋沒的深深亞特蘭提斯記憶體現了,栓與羞耻感和缺少自信。 亞特蘭提斯倒臺使并且使您為難震驚,但是它更寬也開放了您的心臟一點。




下個重要週期开始了以我在地球上的基督能量,顯然地代表的來臨。 你們是存在然後或在那时间附近。 在我的誕生之前的一些個世紀,您在了不起的數字开始再體現。 從您的心臟的聲音誘惑了您,召喚您。 您感覺`您必須是there',是您的时间采取在您的精神旅途的另一個步骤,得到,因此交錯與地球。

來臨基督能量,我來到地球,由您部分準備。 我不可能亦所謂來了沒有能量層數在將接受我的地球, `抓住me。 您的能量提供我可能停住在地球上的基督能量的渠道。 它是共同努力,真實地。 您的心臟對我開放了,對什麼我代表了。 那時,您是最開放人類的部分接受愛的和智慧從心臟。

有些謙卑在您之內出现了,詞的最佳的感覺的: 除力量和控制之外,對沒有知道的投降,不想要控制或`manage事和真正開放性到新的事,站立的事,不同的事。 因此并且信任,并且開放性在您的心臟,您可能接受我。

我是像跌倒地球的一個光束,提醒准备好他們的天使自然的那个,他們神的核心。 您由我移動,由什麼我表達了并且放熱了给您從我的内核,并且基督能量從那時起影響了您深深地,在那一生在基督附近和在一生在它以後,到現在。 总计那些生活,您设法帶來基督能量現實,傳播它通过教和癒合用不同的形式。 您被啟發了和熱情的lightworkers,努力工作給這個行星帶來更多正義、公正和愛。

在那個時代,喚醒的基督能量的時代,您是被反對宗教太緊緊被組織,對制服人獨裁方式的那个。 您為自由,女性能量的解放,在仍然知道幾乎沒有它的年齡的基於心臟的價值戰鬥了。 在过去二千年,您是自由戰鬥機,并且您為它被拒绝了并且被迫害了。 您被懲罰了和拷打為誰您是和常常地結束在利益或絞刑臺。 您運載從歷史這個情節的很多情感精神創傷。

在奮鬥和您遇到的抵抗中, Atlantean (和太空星群的)羯磨工作。 角色現在被扭轉了。 您成為了受害者并且审阅寂寞、恐懼和绝望的深度。 您得到了親密地熟悉以拒绝深深的感情痛苦。 這是您的第三秋天,第三落入經驗和給您的使命的心臟帶來您的那个: 瞭解統一性強調的光和黑暗,學會什麼愛真實意味。 這第三秋天帶領了您禮物,誰您現在是。

今天,在一個新的週期的邊緣,在這些變化的时期,您真實地是開放的對基督能量的意思。 在您的心臟,智慧發芽容忍并且超越對面并且认可在所有不同的顯示的一神的流程。 您的愛是沒有一僅僅抽象知道,而是真正,純淨和懇切的流程從心臟,提供援助對其他和對地球。 您現在认可自己其他,他們是否是`窮的light或的`dark',富有或, lightworker或者地球靈魂的支持的,人、動物或者植物。 在基督知覺埋置的愛缩小對面之间的差距并且給您所有的互聯性的可觸知的感覺是。  

作为天使,您曾经守衛了在地球上的天堂。 您切開了自己從無罪這個狀態,當您参与力量舞蹈與想竊取從您的天堂的能量的。 通过此,您放棄了精神領土并且體現了更深入形式和幻覺的物質現實。 從天使您成為了戰士。 當您在地球上體現了并且去體驗什麼它是像是人的,您由慾望控制事再誘惑,并且這导致了亞特蘭提斯倒臺和您作為戰士。 您回来到地球體驗下側集中攻势,感覺什麼它是像落犧牲者對侵略和暴力。 週期的这後者部分后果仍然是明顯地存在用體驗事您的方式,并且您艱苦是克服拒绝精神創傷的所有工作裡面您。 那,您是回到原位的,對它開始的點。 您回来到您的实质作为天使,但是現在一個充分地化身天使,與極端的真正和活知識輕和黑暗,愛和恐懼。 您是一個明智和慈悲的天使,一個人的天使…  

我有對您的巨大尊敬,為了您做了的難以置信的旅途。 我在您之前現在并肩作战象您的均等。 我在這裡作為老師和指南,而且作為兄弟和朋友。 我希望提供您我的愛和友誼,不以抽象方式,而是作为有形的能量陪伴和瞭解。 我知道誰您是。 现在认可自己我的支持的。 

您是在时间的了不起的週期的结束,您审阅許多經驗。 今天我想講話亞特蘭提斯,作为您實現那裡能量的公認,可以帮助您进入和平和囫圇狀態與你自己的。 Atlantean能量是巨大智力能量,結合以特別自豪感和傲慢。 敢认可這`黑暗的energy內,膽敢接受您一次體驗了并且居住它。 认为您是違者和犯人並且受害者。 允许這個事實到您的知覺里對您能在您的生活中接受的最偉大的智慧打開門戶: non-judgmentalness智慧。 由知道您的暗边,您將放棄判斷其他的不错或错误,甚至你自己。 評斷的所有地面將背离。 評斷做瞭解和同情的方式。 然后您真正地开始明白什麼愛是,什麼`光work意味。 詞`光work錯誤地實際上建議有奮鬥继续在輕和黑暗之間的,并且lightworker是打黑暗的那个。 但是真實的輕的工作是無那。 真正的輕的工作需要您能认可愛和知覺光总计的即,即使它在仇恨和侵略之後面具掩藏。

您經常仍然被誘惑做出在地球的現實的裁决,例如在方式政治工作或方式人民對待環境。 說是所有錯誤的是容易的和感覺自己在這行星地球,被疏遠和無家可歸者上的一個陌生人。 设法联系與違者能量的聯絡在您之內在这样片刻内。 允许自己訪問Atlantean能量,仍然那裡在您的靈魂記憶和认为您是那,并且甚而它是好的。 所有您的`落入experience最終帶來您充分的圈子并且對上帝的創作精華開放您的心臟: 愛,創造性,無罪。 您,體驗了黑暗極端并且一直點燃,有您的是的旅途從天堂的一個無辜的孩子,開始與坦率、大膽的生活的求知慾和熱心的精神。 在這次旅途,您可能從經驗學會。 因为他們是手段為新的事提供援助和履行, `落入experience不可能被避免了。 您的旅途精華是您通过經驗到達智慧。 所以,請认可并且尊敬這個天使孩子的勇氣您是。 看見它的在冒險的生命力、勇氣和堅持不懈入未知數,然后感覺您自己的無罪,甚而在您的暗边。

我要求您尊敬自己,包括暗边的您。 请一會兒感覺Atlantean能量的力量和害羞。 有正面邊對它。 您在許多方面是有天賦的。 邀请那能量,此刻。 允许自尊感覺和自已命令返回到您,并且原諒自己以前發生的暴行的。 是,您給予在其他的痛苦,您在攻擊者那裡......,但是也感觉您怎麼來深深後悔此,并且多少您對對所有那的真正尊敬現在開放了生活。 当您原諒自己时,您對喜悅讓開放去評斷。 那是後果,您看見: 如果您认可黑暗的部分的您并且能原諒自己它的,您不需要再判斷你自己或其他。 這是您的靈魂的這樣歡欣.....      

您在您的評斷機架仍然那么經常投入了自己。 您告訴自己有您必須非常完成。 今天,我要求您回顾和看什麼您已經完成了。 注意您的在时间中的這些了不起的週期的旅途深度。 并且不再尊敬我作为大師。 我履行了那個角色,二千年前,但是那时间结束。 您是Christs這個新的時代,您將通过放熱在您自己的心臟之间的和平帶來在雙重性和極性世界的和平。 感覺您怎麼准备好這個角色并且讓我提供您一些支持和鼓勵作為您的朋友和兄弟。 我們是一。


©帕梅拉Kribbe 2006年

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