
My dear friends,

I salute you. We are most pleased with your presence here today and we celebrate your being on earth at this time. Before I shall say anything about the subject matter of today, the children of the new age, I wish to draw attention to you. Each and every day, you try to embody more of your light and inner being on earth. You often experience heaviness in your lives and it seems sometimes like you are imprisoned in your body or in moods and emotions that suffocate you. We would like to tell you that we trust and respect you for all that you go through and accomplish in your lives. We love you just as you are and we wish that you would have more respect for yourself and all that you have already done in your life so far. By staying hopeful, cherishing your dreams and goals even if the light around you is temporarily fading and you have to deal with setbacks, you show your greatness and enormous strength. You are planting seeds of light on earth and these will bear fruit. Thanks to your inner work, you have created a bridge for a newly incarnating generation of souls who wish to shine their light on earth. It is about these souls we wish to speak today.


Before we talk of them directly, I ask you to go back in time and feel who you were when you entered the realm of earth as a newborn. Feel the innocence and beauty of your energy. Sense the sincerity of your intentions and the delicacy of your energy. Ah, you have been connected to earth for so long! So many times you have plunged into the deep as a small babe. Now feel what your intention was this time. You probably carried some personal baggage that you wished to solve in this lifetime. There may have been wounds deep in your soul that you wanted to heal and overcome. But apart from that, you were also guided by a vaster and more universal ideal, which is to enhance spiritual awareness and growth on earth. You knew you were going to be born in an age of transition, an age of crisis as well as opportunity. You knew there was “work to be done”, work on the inner level that would open up new pathways in thinking and feeling. You felt a connection with this great global transformation on earth and you were prepared to take the plunge into the deep once again to help make true this old vision of a peaceful earth: a new consciousness of unity among men and a renewed harmony between all living beings on the planet.

Time and time again you have broken through old boundaries of thinking and feeling. Every time you felt suffocated in traditional structures and rules, knowing deep inside that your soul could not flourish in a fear dominated environment or relationship, you have felt the necessity to break free. It has been painful at times, to say goodbye and travel new roads, yes difficult and very heavy, but you had to stay true to your sense that something wasn’t right, that it did not make sense to you or that something was missing. This nagging sense reminded you of the original intentions and goals of your soul. You have not been able to become well adjusted to the demands and ways of society, because they did not correspond with what you as a soul wanted to live by on earth. You were destined to be “different”, not because God or any other external authority planned that for you, but because you are who you are. You have, at some point of your soul history, become inspired by a new consciousness, that we may call Christ consciousness, awareness from the heart, or love. It is not so important how you call it. What matters is that you have been touched by it, that you have been hit by a sparkle of inspiration that has ever since propelled you to go on searching, dreaming and expanding your consciousness. The sparkle that is kindling a new consciousness on earth is now hitting many. For that reason, the “children of the new era” feel called to come. For that reason, they have been incarnating on earth for several decades now in great numbers. They are here to complete what you have started.

You who belong to the previous generation of lightworkers, roughly born before 1980, were the forerunners and trailblazers. You were inspired by the same ideal as the “new children” now; it was the same calling of the soul. But the grounds that were opened up by you, especially in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century, were much more marked by conventional beliefs and deep-seated fears about freedom of self expression, emotions, creativity and sexuality. When you go back forty of fifty years in time, the collective energy field of earth looked much different from now. It was less transparent, more dense and clouded and therefore less accessible to the loving and clear energies that are now finding their way to earth. One of the things that have enhanced this gain in love and clarity is the rise of equal rights for women (starting at the beginning of the 20th century) or in other words, the growing awareness of the equality and unique qualities of the female energy. The badly needed rehabilitation of the female energy has supported a growing awareness and validation of the dimension of feeling in life. During the sixties and seventies of the last century, much has opened up in the area of emotion, intuition and creativity.

Much work has been done by the older generation of lightworkers and it has cost them much, for they have crossed the inner valleys of self doubt and loneliness, before they could open up a new horizon for the generations to come. If you are part of that older generation, know that you have set a beacon of light for the ones after you.

Now you are passing on the torch to a new generation. And as you are passing it on, you can provide them with support and encouragement, while they can inspire you by their passion and the purity of their hearts. They are “different” to an even larger extent than you were. While you could temporarily or partly adapt yourself to an environment that didn’t truly resonate with you, they are unable to do so even at the level of outer behavior. In other words, they cannot even fake it for a bit. Their emotions and their physical body protest at a deep level as they are confronted with the limiting energies of many traditional education systems or ways of raising children. Adaptation is not an option for many of these children. Especially the most sensitive among them will physically and emotionally crash in an old energy environment and their behavior will become so problematic that the environment has to respond and change. Repressing or ignoring the problems is not possible anymore. The children that come in now will force society to deeply reflect upon its own assumptions about children and about life in general.

The children who are being born now (and have been incarnating on earth for some decades) carry a larger part of their full soul consciousness into the earth realm than most of you did. As you enter the earth realm, you go through a “veil of ignorance”, which keeps you separate from the dimension from which I presently speak. This veil is like a pair of glasses which, once you wear it, makes you believe you are a separate I, locked into your body. In fact, the veil of ignorance enables you to experience duality on earth, so it has its value, but at this moment the time is ripe for the veil to become more transparent and allow more communication from one side to the other. There are more and more people who reach through the veil and who realize they are one with something bigger than just “this body” and “this personality”. The more people do this, the more a channel is formed through which loving cosmic energy pours into the dimension of earth. On this wave of cosmic energy the new children ride in.  

Try to feel the energy of these children for a moment. Sense the wave of cosmic energy they are riding. Don’t think about it, just open your heart and allow the sensations to come through you. They vibrate at a higher level. Their energy may feel playful, light and butterfly-like but at the same time uncommonly wise and deep. They choose very consciously to embody a greater part of their soul, their divine self, on earth. They do this as they want to contribute to the transformation of consciousness on earth and they fully realize it might get them into trouble. At the level of their higher self, the most aware part of them, they have consciously made that choice. But on the level of the emotional self (or “inner child”) they might get traumatized by the clash they experience with the reality of earth. They run the very real risk of getting lost and troubled in the realm of earth, as they cannot switch off their sensitivity and higher vibration when they are in a less developed environment. Thus, they will have to either find a space on earth to express their energy safely and freely, or they will have to cope with intense doubts and frustrations inside. You can see how courageous and loving these souls are, running the risks they do. The same courage and power of love were displayed by you, when you incarnated on earth.

I will now go into some of the characteristics of this new generation of children. Not all children are the same of course, and some children display these characteristics more than others. There is a sense in which all children are “different” nowadays. They enter through a different (thinner) veil and with the intention to express more of their soul into matter than ever. But every soul has its own development and within the new generation of children there are the extraordinary sensitive ones, which are more different than the rest and which are often called “the children of the new era” or simply “the new children”. I will now list some of the most important characteristics of this specific group of children, and bear in mind that these characteristics also apply to a lesser degree to all children nowadays. Actually, by the development of consciousness on a collective scale, a “new human” is arising on earth. An evolution is taking place towards a socially and spiritually more intelligent human species, capable of living in harmony with nature and connected to its fellow humans by a sense of unity and respect. The development towards this “new human” is foreshadowed by the children. 

Characteristics of the new children

- The new children are increasingly clairsentient, empathic and telepathic. They easily absorb other people’s moods and emotions. The boundary between the world perceived by the five senses and the invisible world of feelings and energies is very fluent for them. They perceive the inner side of things often as easily as the outer (physical) side. They are not misled by outer behavior that does not truly mirror what is going on within. Their intuitive perception is astute.

- The new children are peacemakers.  They feel the impulse to bring together opposing parties and appease conflicts. Together with their intuitive abilities this often means that they mature early and are wise beyond their age. They often understand their parents at a deeper level than the parents understand themselves or each other. They try to help them or build a bridge of understanding between them. They easily become the “parent of their parents” and this may take away from their spontaneous, uninhibited, childlike part. When they identify strongly with the role of helper they may carry too great a burden of responsibility.

- The new children are idealists. They are spiritual, philosophical and imaginative. They are inspired by ideals such as equality, fraternity and respect for nature. In their aura you can often notice that the upper two chakras are wide open. Through these higher energy centers they often receive plenty of inspiration, insight and enthusiasm. But on the other hand they can easily get restless, overly dreamy and unrealistic because of these widely opened higher chakras. Their energy has not become fully grounded yet; it still has to connect fully to the body and the earthly plane of reality.

- The new children are feelers more than thinkers. They have trouble adjusting to preset structures and rules that leave little room for intuition, unpredictability and individuality. They are actually here to teach us how to break free from a tradition in which thinking and analyzing was overemphasized. All children are to some extent feelers rather than thinkers. But what distinguishes the more sensitive new children is that for them it is physically and emotionally impossible to adjust to a rigid and overly structured environment. They become sick or display severe behavioral disturbances. They are already anchored into a heart-based consciousness to such an extent that they cannot go back anymore.

- Because of their strong intuitive awareness and their inability to adapt, these children may be viewed as obstinate, rebellious and “different”. It is actually not their intention to be rebellious. They just want to be themselves. But if they feel there is no room for that, they can become isolated and even drop-outs living at the edge of society. As they are less driven by fear and the need for self-preservation, they are less responsive to discipline and authority. Yet they can suffer intensely and be confused by the lack of understanding they encounter. They can feel alienated and lonely because of that and wonder what is the meaning of their presence on earth. If they do however find their way in life and start to express their creative and spiritual energy in material form, they will flourish and many people will be touched by the profundity of their ideas and by their gentle, non-competitive way of dealing with people.

Problems faced by the new children

Summing up these characteristics already shows what problems the new children may run into. The biggest problem is that their specific energy is not recognized and understood by the people around them. When they are not given the means or opportunity to express their feelings and there is a lack of real communication, several “behavioral disturbances” may arise.

Children may become rebellious, hot-tempered and hard to handle. They feel misunderstood and mistreated, and they really want to say “no” to that, but they do not know how. They do not have the right expression and communication skills yet. What happens after a while is that they themselves do not understand anymore what is going on inside. When their inner life is not mirrored back to them by an understanding parent or teacher who gives a name to their feelings and listens with an open heart, they can get locked inside themselves and act out in ways that seem unmanageable and irrational. At that point it requires a lot of attention and a deeply attuned awareness to understand what is moving these children, as they themselves have lost touch with their feelings.    

It can also be the case that children, feeling not welcome or misunderstood, withdraw and disconnect from the environment. They do not vent their emotions through aggressive or unruly behavior. They are locked into their own little world and it is difficult to get through to them. Often these children are extremely sensitive, reacting strongly to discordant energies around them. As it is hard to imagine what it is like to be so sensitive, their boundaries are easily overstepped, and to survive emotionally they shut down their feeling center. This survival mechanism is generally called “autism”. It is a paradox that autistic children are called non-empathic (i.e. not able to see things from another person’s perspective) because they are extremely sensitive. One might say that they have so much trouble holding onto their own boundaries, that they cannot allow themselves to reach out to others, to expand their consciousness in such a way that it includes the other. They feel their world would break down if they do so, and they would be swallowed by chaos. The non-empathic behavior of the autistic child therefore stems from an enormous impressionability regarding the energy of others. It is in dealing with this overwhelming sensitivity that the autistic child seeks to protect itself and shuts down emotionally. The non-empathic or non-social behavior of autistic children is a survival mechanism and not an essential characteristic of the soul.

Children who try to solve their problems in an extraverted way (rebelliousness, agitation, lack of concentration) as well as children who seek an introvert solution (withdrawing and shutting down emotionally) share a number of common features.

- They feel unwelcome, unrecognized or not truly appreciated for who they are.

- They are not firmly rooted or grounded in their physical bodies. This you can literally perceive in their aura which often does not fully connect to earth at the underside. Practically it means that they lack an emotional foundation or anchor of safety inside from which to explore the world in a relaxed and open way. There is a basic “not feeling at ease” which makes it difficult for them to “just be” in a carefree way.

- As a result, they may display physical symptoms and disorders and/or react strongly to certain foods or substances.

- As they grow up and become teenagers, it can be difficult for them to find their place in society (by finding the right form of education or a job that suits them)

I would like to say a little more about the ways in which these children and teenagers can be supported to feel more welcome and find proper ways of self-expression. But first I wish to emphasize that it is very important not to think in terms of guilt as we speak about the causes of the problems the new children experience. The parents of these children often do their utmost to support and take care of them. A number of parents is very aware of the special qualities of their child and is getting more and more intuitively tuned into them. By their openness and willingness, an enormous learning process takes place. It is these parents who, together with their children, will pave the way in society and prepare the road for new ways of dealing with children.

The sometimes painful confrontation the new children experience with the reality of earth has been consciously chosen. They come to bring something new and they know this in their heart. This puts their difficulties in a different perspective. At the soul level, they take responsibility for what they encounter in their life; they accept the setbacks and obstacles. Society is not “against them”. Society is sleeping in many respects. It is the sleep of old habit and the coming of the new children is a wake-up call. Yes, they are a bit like you, can you feel it?! The previous generation of lightworkers has gone through the same dilemma’s as these children, with this difference that in the current age things are gaining momentum and reaching a turning point. The new children are both cause and effect of this acceleration.

Guiding the new children

In guiding the new children, as their parent, teacher or therapist, the starting point is always an inner connection to that individual child’s reality. The foundation of all real help is the willingness to open up to the child’s way of experiencing life and the ability to tune into what it communicates to you verbally or non-verbally. The most important quality one can possess if one want to coach these children is the ability to listen and be open to something new.

It is less relevant whether you have specific knowledge or skills. These can even be in the way. Theories about (new age) children often depart from general classifications of outer behavior. Syndromes and diagnoses are based on externally observable symptoms. But what’s missing here and what’s vital for successfully reaching out to these children is that an inner connection is made to what the child is experiencing: the feelings and emotions that give rise to the outer behavior.

To look at someone in an open and unbiased way, one has to let go of preconceived notions and expectations. You can only genuinely connect to someone else (who ever) if you first release everything you think you know about the other. Only then is there room for being present in the now in a truly sensitive and intuitive way. This also is a beautiful way of welcoming someone, for you are now allowing yourself to be touched by their very soul’s energy.

From such a fundamentally open attitude, which is feeling in nature rather than thinking, you can enter into a communication with the other person that is beneficial and enriching to both. The interaction with a child is never one-way traffic. In the relationship the both of you are teacher at some points and student at others. This is what characterizes all spiritual meaningful relationships.

When the relationship between guide and child is defined is such a clear and transparent way, there are many possibilities for supporting the child in its development. I will indicate some ways in a general fashion, which does not pretend to be complete but rather to point to a certain overall direction.

- Positive appraisal for their unique qualities (which make them “different”)

Help them remember who they are. Help them realize that their high sensitivity and idealism belong to the most beautiful qualities they possess. Let them articulate themselves in what respects they feel “different” and encourage them to find out how these qualities enrich and contribute to the world. Find creative ways of expressing their (high) sensitivity so that they can experience joy in it. Bring them together and let them exchange experiences and share their energies.

- Intuitive development

To train their intuitive skills in a playful way, helping them to connect to their body and their emotions, reinforces their self awareness. Grounding oneself, knowing your boundaries from within and using your intuition to find out what is good for you, are skills that these sensitive children can easily learn when they are young and unrestrained. When they are older, they may feel more inhibited regarding their natural tendency to feel, imagine and fantasize. If that’s the case, it is important to first help them become aware of the emotions or limiting beliefs that block the flow of their intuition. If there are problems in this respect, almost always the energy flow in the lower three chakras has become blocked. There are fears, frustrations and disappointments in these children as a result of which they may feel insecure, depressed or even wanting to die.

- Respect their maturity as a soul 

Know that their high sensitivity and “being different” has been a conscious choice on their part and trust their inherent capacity to solve their problems. Do not treat them like victims. Appeal to their gifts and talents and, as much as possible, let them find their own answers and solutions. Encourage them to get in touch with their passion and inspiration and help them find out how to express and manifest their inspirational energy on earth in a practical way.

- Make room for self expression

The energy of the new children or teenagers can be so ethereal and idealistic that it may seem intangible. It is important for these children to express themselves in material form. This may be a creative form such as painting or making music, or it can be through sports or games. What matters is that they know how to ground their energy and make it visible to others. In that way they channel their energy to earth. In all of these things, the starting point should be that they enjoy expressing themselves in material form. When they are encouraged to freely explore and experiment, they will find the forms that suit them on their own.

- Alternative medicine

Gentle, holistic forms of treatment such as reading, healing and alternative meds can be very helpful in dealing with physical symptoms in these children which are related to their overall energy and psychological condition. As they are so sensitive toward energy, these children respond easily to ways of treatment which are focused primarily at the energetic level (the psyche) and only secondarily at the body. It is however important here also that one does not choose a treatment or medicine based solely on external symptoms but that one makes an inner connection with the unique situation of a particular child. As a parent or therapist one can ask the child on the inner level whether the treatment is beneficial for them. And once it is old enough, the child can be involved in the choice themselves. 

- Education

Enlightened forms of education take the child and its inner world as their starting point. In the past, knowledge has often been “poured into” children in a top-down fashion. They were considered to be empty vessels which needed to be filled with useful knowledge and skills. However, if one regards the child as a mature soul with their own interests and goals, education takes on a very different form. The challenge is not so much to make something out of nothing, but to awaken and liberate something that is already present within the child: its natural soul energy that wants to manifest and express itself in the material world. There is a natural tendency in the child to want to learn, to explore and find out about the world. It is only when they are systematically forced to take in knowledge that is not related to the way they experience things that they become reluctant and unwilling to learn. Preserving and working with the natural eagerness in a child to learn is the foundation of new education. In this approach, the role of the teacher is very different. What is asked of them first and foremost is to be present with the child in an open and intuitive way. The teacher starts from the assumption that one can trust the natural and unique abilities of each child. They allow the child to lead the way, supporting it by supplying the knowledge and materials it needs to attain its goals.

Dealing with the suffering of your child

When you are the parent of a sensitive child and you notice the hardships it has to go through in dealing with the world, you dearly want to protect or save them from harm. Unnoticed, you may get to view the outside world as the enemy and your child as the vulnerable victim. You may be afraid and wonder whether your child will ever make it without you. Watching your child suffer can throw you back on your own deepest fears, sorrows and disappointments. Nonetheless, the presence of this particular child in your life always has a hidden logic to it. There is a deeper meaning with a positive intent. One way of unveiling that logic and meaning is to look at the child with different eyes. To not see it as a helpless little being but as a teacher – an angel if you want – who has come to bring you a message. I invite you to go along with me in the following meditation. If you do not have a child yourself, you can simply invite an imaginary child to come to you.

Imagine you are walking through a lovely garden. Open your heart to this world of peace and serenity and let your gaze wander around. There are many plants and flowers in the garden. Feel the rhythm of the seasons, cycles in time which alternate gently and slowly all by themselves.
Now you look at your side and you notice that a child is walking next to you. Take the first child that comes up in your imagination. It silently takes your hand and together you walk through the garden, taking in the beauty of nature.

After a while you notice an inviting place to sit down, it may be a little bench or an open spot on the ground. You both sit down. Now you take a better look at the child. See her or his little face and look deeply into her eyes. After a while you observe a transformation taking place. Slowly the face of the child changes into that of an angel. You see how the child gets a shining radiance and becomes more ethereal, belonging to a different world. Perhaps you notice colors surrounding the angel-child.

Quietly you watch this angel and you are in awe of its appearance. You feel yourself becoming smaller, like a child again. Release the burden of being a grown-up for a moment and feel that sense of wonder again that is so natural for a child. With wide eyes you look at that magnificent angel facing you and then you sense that she (or he) wants to say something to you. This she does first by conveying an energy to you through her eyes. You take in that energy and feel the essence of it.

Then you ask a question to the angel. “Why did you come to earth?” you ask, “What is the gift you are bringing?” You let the angel speak. It does not have to be in words – she can also speak through feelings. Then you suddenly know, without words or images intervening. 

When you have received the answer, let the angel know and ask: “What is the highest thing I can do for you? How can I best support you in your mission, your endeavors?”

Let the angel-child tell you, in words or in feelings.

Then say goodbye while you feel that a lasting connection has been made between you from heart to heart.

Often, the thing the child needs from you most is the thing that helps you too. The character trait or energy that is needed most to support the child is often exactly the character trait or energy that you on the soul level wish to develop and master for yourself. Let us give some examples.

It may be the case that you have an introverted child that hides its feelings and is hard to communicate with. What this asks of you is that you learn to intuitively tune into him, be patient, and be willing to look at your own feelings in depth. This helps the child. Very often, to develop the qualities that are helpful to the child is exactly right for you as well, regarding your own inner development. Perhaps you are someone who has strong beliefs about a lot of things, or someone who is very practical and efficient, and you have never explored the realm of emotion and feeling that much. Your child invites you to restore that balance. So although superficially, the child seems to present you with a problem only, there is a deeper meaning hidden inside the problem: the challenge for you to develop certain qualities which fit very well into your own specific path of inner growth.

Another possibility is that you have a very lively and strong-willed child who easily crosses your boundaries and forces you to speak up and clearly indicate what you do and don’t accept. This child may frequently upset you and you may feel overwhelmed at times by her or his presence. What this child asks of you is that you get clear about what your boundaries are, so that you can communicate your needs and wants in a resolute and self-conscious way.  If there’s a lot of struggle between you, it generally indicates that you haven’t made up your mind yet about what you do and don’t tolerate. Your child invites you to define your own space clearly and to determine where you stand in the relationship to her - and very often this also throws light on all your other relationships. The behavior of the child (and your reaction to it) magnifies a problem that was already there. Very likely you already had a problem with assertiveness before your child was born. Now the child asks of you to become truly aware of who you are and to stand by yourself, and this is precisely what you need on your own path of inner development.

When you develop the qualities that support the child, you are helping the both of you. By your added understanding, love, independence and self-awareness, you can become a role model for the child, a beacon of light. In that fashion, in a mutually inspiring process of growth and healing, a new energy is being born on earth. A torch of light is being passed on from generation to generation, and it is shining ever more brightly.

We praise you for your dedication, love and commitment. We wish that you experience joy and fun on this journey of exploration that you and the new children are undertaking. We hope you have compassion for them but especially for yourselves as you will surely make mistakes. (Remember that mistakes are always the most important learning tools). We trust that your torch will keep on burning and will spread many sparkles to the torchbearers who come after you. But whatever you do, whether you experience joy or despair, whether you have compassion or are judgmental, whether you are open and trustful or down and depressed, we love you and will keep on offering you our support and encouragement. You are welcome. Always.

Questions and answers

After the channeling, there was room for questions and answers. Some of them have been listed here.

What can I do for my autistic daughter who is 6 years old?

First I would like to say that you love your daughter immensely and that your love is very palpable for her. With this, the most important thing has already been said. Your love cloaks her in a constant, silent embrace. That doesn’t take away the problems she has, and the difficulties you experience in relation to her, but it is the prerequisite for things to work out in your lives.  So feel that for yourself for a moment, feel your integrity and the sincerity of your love: this is the most precious gift one can bestow on a child.

It’s understandable that you feel doubtful, even desperate at times, but at the core there’s a deep love that unites you. If things are not going as you planned or expected, then it is not you or her that should be blamed. There is something she wishes to go through and deal with in her life, a special reason why she has this particular problem. It is her intention to be here on earth in a very pure way.  She carries a very pure and knowledgeable energy inside of her, which will touch many people. But a lot of patience is required, on her and your part, to have this energy come down on earth intact. She has chosen – it’s complicated to put into words exactly – to bring a pure and evolved energy to earth and to be relatively unprotected in this. So her energy is not attuned to the energetic reality of earth and she needs a translator, someone who helps her make the translation to the reality of earth. She consciously chose this relative unprotectedness and high sensitivity because that way the vibration she carries within can remain at a high level.

One can put it this way (I’m speaking more generally now). If you have a “normal child”, in the sense that it easily adapts to the expectations of the outside world, the child will more easily forget themselves, i.e. lose touch with their original soul energy. It will more easily be influenced by the demands and standards of society and even the most sensitive and enlightened parents cannot prevent that. Children with behavioral disturbances such as autism do not adapt so easily. But because of that, the soul energy of the child is more easily preserved; it does not budge so to speak. The people around this child will have to adapt instead of the other way around. This situation is often quite difficult for parents, teachers or doctors. But there’s a hidden treasure in the problem. The child’s “being different” challenges the environment to find new ways of communicating, reflect upon assumptions that seemed self evident before and to be truly open to the inner reality of the child.

What is asked of you in relationship to your daughter is especially to have trust in this child and to tune into her needs. You do this very well! You have a lot of inner space in your being. Trust that your child has chosen her life path, that she has outlined certain milestones in her life and that she chose you as their parents, so that you together could enable her to shine her Light on earth. You’re doing an excellent job.

Additional notes by Pamela: after the session I did a short intuitive reading of this girl for her mother, on the basis of a picture. This showed that her autism was related to a past life experience. This is a literal transcription of the reading:

I see a lot of light blue energy above her head in the form of shining transparent stones which are linked into a standing oval above the crown chakra. There’s an energy there of high vibration; it contains a profound understanding of life and the human psyche.  I feel she lived on earth one time and had a strong spiritual or clairsentient experience during which she felt a lot of insight come to her, like an epiphany. As a result, the behaviour and the motives of the people around her became transparent to her, including the silent power plays that were going on in her community. But it was difficult for her to integrate that knowledge into her daily existence. I sense that she got ill, that she got unwell both at the bodily and at the psychological level.  She could not express her truth, because her environment would not understand, not grasp it. This made her feel very anxious; she had the feeling she possessed knowledge that could help other people and prevent them from suffering, and yet it was impossible to speak up about it because she would be locked out. My impression is that she could not solve this dilemma during that lifetime and that she broke down due to emotional stress and physical problems which were the result of not being able to integrate that higher consciousness into her physical being. She shut down emotionally and this had an effect upon her throat (self-expression), her heart (connection to others) and the lower three chakras (feeling safe and wanted).

Now (in the present) this higher knowledge (the blue oval) is hanging above her head, exquisite and pure, and it is her intention for this lifetime to integrate it with her physical and emotional reality on earth. I feel strongly that is the reason why she came to you (her mother). You also carry something of that blue energy (the quality of higher awareness) in your auric field, so there is a natural connection with her. You also have red in your aura near the lower chakras which shows that you are able to stand up for your truth, although it has been hard for you at times. My feeling is that your presence alone has a healing influence on your daughter. That’s wonderful. She wants to heal in this lifetime, step by step. You as her parents are part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Both of my sons are highly sensitive, but in very different ways and therefore they fight and argue all the time. This very hard for me to watch. I find myself struggling and arguing with them also, while I am truly someone who needs peace and harmony around her. How do I deal with this?

It is very important for you to stand up for your own truth, to stick to your gut feelings and put our some clear boundaries in relationship to others. Your consciousness easily slips into the highest two chakras (third eye and crown), from which you tune into other people’s emotions and understand their reasons for it. But you lose the connection to the lower three chakras, which tell you what you feel, what you need and what you want. You lose touch with your own inner child (the seat of the emotions) and you become ungrounded.

You are very sensitive yourself and your sensitivity contains a lot of empathy and reaching out to others. You have the desire to be connected, to be together with others, but in this you often sell yourself short. It’s important for you to take your own emotions of anger and resistance seriously and allow an energy shift to take place within you so that the balance between giving and receiving is restored.

The struggle you find yourself in with your children is there for a reason. It challenges you to become clear about your boundaries and demand respect from them. Often, this is a problem for parents who are very sensitive and who want to understand their children and not hurt them. In the role of parent they often lose their balance because they repress their own emotions and lose track of their own inner child. You should become more assertive and “self-centered” in the relationship with your children.

By becoming more self-aware and assertive, you will be able to set an example for your children and show them what it is like to be both a highly sensitive and a self-confident person. By embodying this energy of balance, you teach them more than words can ever do.  

Children pick up your energy, the feeling tones of who you are, especially sensitive children. So allow yourself some space to express yourself and you will see that it’ll make you more grounded and give you the real peace and harmony you are looking for.

How do I realize my intention and desire to work with children? I feel inspired to work with children in the manner you described but at the same time I am inhibited by my fears of failure and my doubt that “no one out there is waiting for me”. Again and again, I am “interrupted” in my outward flow of self-expression by my insecurity. How do I deal with that?

There’s an authentic longing inside of you that stems from your soul. It’s important to cherish that longing and treat it in a gentle and caring way. Apart from enthusiasm, this longing also awakens fear inside of you. It brings to the surface an old hurt, which goes back to your childhood and beyond, to previous lifetimes, in which you were rejected for the specific qualities you now want to express once more. The experience of (violent) rejection has left a trauma in your soul. This trauma now makes you resist and waver as another part of you wants to manifest your soul’s true energy again. Understanding and accepting this heritage is the first and pivotal step towards healing yourself. By being impatient with yourself and by judging your fears and insecurity, you deny the pain in you that wants to be recognized and brought to consciousness.

Take your time for healing the hurt inner child inside. Your enthusiasm points at the right direction but it can also make you restless, as you are trying to get over your inner wounds too quickly. Remember that essentially, this process you’re in is not about your manifestation in the outside world. It is about your healing. The first and foremost goal of any soul incarnating on earth is self-realization: to love and accept yourself as you are and to experience the intense liberation coming from this. That is the foundation for all truly creative, spiritual energy. Once it is laid, the outward manifestation flow comes easily and effortlessly.

The fact that you want to live and be in the world from your heart, shows you are prepared to go to the core of the fear and darkness that is still with you. The longing to express your very own soul energy on earth always comes at a time when you are ready for a deep level of self-healing. As you prepare to express your heart’s inspiration on earth, you will, more than ever, let go of your past, your education and of relationships that no longer nourish you. Connecting with your soul creates a lot of movement in your life and it may seem like you are putting one step back before your spiritual energy can gain material form. Changes occur in your life and things may even get chaotic and messy for a while. This is precisely as it should be. Do not doubt yourself when the process of manifesting your soul’s desires comes with jerks and jolts along the way. It is these jerks and jolts which make you realize who you truly are and what you have to offer to others. Going through the fear and the insecurity, facing up to them and accepting their presence, makes you all the more loving and compassionate towards others. As you let go of judgment, and truly accept who you are at this moment, you become wise. You understand that it is really about you and not the others. And at that moment, the others will start to come to you. They will see something in you that inspires them. Opportunities to manifest your soul’s inspiration will present themselves easily. You are ready and you will know it.




我向您致敬。 我們对這裡您的存在最满意今天,并且我們此时慶祝您在地球上。在我將說任何东西關於今天之前事项,新的年齡的孩子,我希望引起對您的注意。 每天,您设法實現更多您光和內在地球上。您在您的生活中經常體驗沉重,并且它有時似乎,如您被監禁在您的身体或在窒息您的心情和情感。我們希望告訴您我們信任并且尊敬您所有的您经历并且在您的生活中完成。我們愛您正您是,并且我們祝願到目前為止您在您的生活中已經做了的您會有對你自己的更多尊敬和所有。通过停留希望,珍惜您的夢想和目標,即使在您附近的光臨時地退色,并且您必須应付挫折,您顯示您的偉大和極大的力量。您種植光種子在地球上的,并且這些將結出果實。 幸亏您的內在工作,您創造了在地球希望發光他們的光靈魂的一個最近體現的世代的一座橋梁。它是關於我們希望今天講話的這些靈魂。

在我們直接地之前談話他們,我要求您及时回去和感覺誰您是您输入地球領土作為新出生。 感覺您的能量無罪和秀麗。 感覺您的意圖真誠和您的能量纖巧。啊,您被联络了到地球那麼長時間! 许多次您浸入了入深作為一個小寶貝。 现在感覺何时您的意圖是。 您大概運載了您在這一生希望解決的一些個人行李。也许有創傷深深在您想癒合和克服的您的靈魂。 除那之外,但是,您也是由更加浩大和更加普遍的理想引導的,是提高在地球上的精神了悟和成長。您知道您在轉折的年齡,危機的年齡打算出生並且機會的。 您知道有「將做的工作」,在將開放在認為和感覺的新的路的內在水平上的工作。您感到與這巨大全球性變革的連接在地球上和您準備再次採取傾沒入深幫助使成为真實這老視覺平安的地球:團結和在所有生存生存之間的更新的和諧的新的知覺在人之中的在行星。

您反覆打破了老界限認為和感觉。在您在傳統結構和規則窒息的毛氈,知道您的靈魂在恐懼被控制的環境或關係裡時候不可能茂盛的深刻的裡面,您感覺必要任意打破。是痛苦的時常,說再見和移动新路,是困難和非常重,但是您必須停留真實對某事沒有正确,它沒有有道理对您或某事是缺掉的您的感覺。這嘮叨的感覺提醒了您您的靈魂的原始的意圖和目標。 您未能变得調教好對社會要求和方式,因為他們沒有對應與什麼您作为靈魂在地球上要居住。您被注定是「不同的」,沒有,因為上帝或其他外在當局對您計劃了那,但是,因為您是誰您是。您有,您的靈魂歷史,变得啟發由新的知覺,我們也许叫基督從心臟的知覺、了悟或者愛。 不是那么重要的您怎麼叫它。什麼事關是您由它接觸了,您由啟發閃閃發光擊中了自那以后推進您继续搜尋,作和擴展您的知覺的那。 點燃在地球上的新的知覺的閃閃發光現在擊中許多。因此, 「新的時代的孩子」感觉叫來。 因此,他們在地球上現在體現几十年在了不起的數字。 他們在这里完成什麼您開始了。

您屬於lightworkers的早先世代,大致負擔在1980年之前,是先行者和開拓者。 您由理想啟發和「新的孩子一样」現在; 它是同樣叫靈魂。但是由您開放的地面,特别是在20世纪的60和七十,由常規信仰和對自我表現、情感、創造性和性別自由的根深蒂固的恐懼更指示。当您回去四十五十年及时时,地球的集體能量領域從現在起看了不同。它较不透明,密集和覆蓋并且较不容易接近對現在寻找他們的道路對地球的愛戀和清楚的能量。提高了在愛和清晰上的這獲取的其中一件事是平等权利(開始在20世纪初)換句話說,或女性能量的平等和獨特的質量的成长意识的上升婦女的。女性能量的非常需要的修復在生活中支持維度的一個成长意识和檢驗感覺。 在60和七十上一個世紀期間,在情感、直覺和創造性區域開放了。

工作由lightworkers的更旧的世代完成,并且它花費了他們,為了他們穿过了缺少自信和寂寞內在榖,在他們可能開放世代的新的天際能來之前。 如果您是那個更旧的世代的一部分,知道您在您以後設置了光烽火臺那个的。

现在您在火炬通過對新一代。 并且,因为您通過它,您能提供他們以支持和鼓勵,而他們可以由他們的激情和他們的心臟純淨啟發您。他們在更大的一定程度上比您是「不同的」。 当您可能臨時地或部分適應自己真實地沒有共鳴與您的環境时,他們无法做那么甚而在外面行為的水平。換句話說,他們不可能甚而偽造它位的。 他們的情感和他們的在一個深刻的水平的体格抗議,他們與培养孩子許多傳統教育体制或方式限制的能量面对。適應不是许多一個選擇这些孩子。 特别是最敏感在他們之中在一個老能量環境裡完全願和情感地碰撞,并且他們的行為將变得很有問題環境必須反應和改變。抑制或忽略問題不再是可能的。 現在进来的孩子將迫使社會一般來說深深地反射在它自己的假定關於孩子和關於生活。

比大多数現在出生的孩子(和在地球上體現有些十年)運載他們充分的靈魂知覺的一個更大的部分入地球領土您做了。因为您进入地球領土,您审阅無知「面紗」,保留您分別於維度我目前講話。這面紗是像的一副眼镜,一旦您佩帶它,使您相信您是分開的I,被鎖入您的身体。实际上,無知面紗使您體驗在地球上的雙重性,因此它有它的價值,但是現在时间成熟為了面紗能变得更加透明和准许從一邊的更多通信到其他。越來越有通过面紗到達,并且體會他們是一个與某事大于「這個身體」和「這種個性」的人们。 更多人做此,越多渠道被形成愛戀的宇宙能量涌入維度地球。在宇宙能量這波浪新的孩子乘坐。  

设法一會兒感覺这些孩子能量。 感覺他們乘坐宇宙能量的波浪。 不要考虑,请打開您的心臟并且允许感覺通过您來。 他們振動在高水平。他們的能量也许感覺嬉戲,輕和蝴蝶像,但是同時不凡地明智和深深。他們非常有意識地選擇實現他們的靈魂,他們神的自已的一個更加伟大的部分,在地球上。他們做此,当他們想要造成知覺的變革在地球上的,并且他們充分地體會它也許让他們陷入困境。在他們的更高的自已的水平,最明白的部分的他們,他們有意識地做出了那個选择。但是在情感自已(或「內在孩子上的")水平他們也許得到受損傷由碰撞他們體驗與地球的現實。他們冒在地球領土丟失和麻煩的得到的非常实际风险,因为他們不可能关闭他們的敏感性和更高的振動,当他們在一個欠發達的環境裡时。因此,他們將必須或者發現在地球上的空間安全地和自由地表達他們的能量,否则他們將必須沮丧地裡面強烈的疑義和应付。您能看到多么勇敢和愛這些靈魂是,冒他們的風險。 當您在地球上,體現了愛的同一勇氣和力量由您顯示。

我現在將进入某些孩子的這新一代的特徵。 當然不是所有的孩子是同樣,并且有些孩子更比其他顯示這些特徵。 有所有孩子是「不同的」現今的感覺。他們輸入通过不同的(更加稀薄的)面紗和以意圖表達更多他們的靈魂入問題。但是每靈魂有它自己的發展,并且在孩子之內的新一代有非凡敏感部分,跟休息不同,并且經常称「新的時代孩子」或完全「新的孩子」。我現在將列出某些這個具體小組的最重要的特徵孩子,并且記住這些特徵現今稍微也适用于所有孩子。 实际上,由知覺的發展在一集體等级的,「新的人」在地球上升起。 演變發生往社會上和精神上更加聰明的人的種類,能够居住與自然一致和連接到它的人由團結和尊敬感覺。往這個「新的人的」發展由孩子預示。 


-新的孩子是越來越clairsentient,神入和傳心術的。 他們容易地吸收其他人民的心情和情感。 在五感覺察覺的世界和感覺和能量之間無形的世界的界限為他們是非常流利。 他們經常一样容易地察覺事的內在邊象外面(物理)邊。 他們沒有由真實地不反映得怎么回事內的外面行為誤引。 他們直覺的悟性是精明的。

-新的孩子是調解人。  他們感覺衝動帶來对方当事人和姑息衝突。与他們直覺的能力一起這經常意味着他們及早成熟并且在他們的年齡之外是明智的。 他們比父母彼此了解或經常明白他們的父母在一個更加深刻的水平。他們设法幫助他們或修筑橋梁瞭解在他们之間。 他們容易地成為他們的父母「父母」,并且這也许從他們的自發,不受禁令約束,純稚部分拿走。当他們強烈辨認與幫手时的角色他們也许承担太責任的巨大负担。

-新的孩子是唯心。 他們是精神,哲學和有想像力的。 他們由理想啟發例如平等、對自然的聯誼會和尊敬。在他們的氣氛您能經常注意上部二chakras大開。 通过這些高能集中他們經常接受大量啟發、洞察和熱情。但是在另一隻手他們可以容易地得到不安定,過度夢想和不切實際由於這些廣泛被打開的更高的chakras。 他們的能量未变得充分地著陸; 它必須充分地仍然連接到身體和現實塵世飛機。

-新的孩子比思想家試探者更多。他們有麻煩調整對离开直覺、不可預料和個性的一点室的被預先設定的結構和規則。 他們實際上在这里教我們如何從認為和分析被過分強調的傳統任意打破。所有孩子在某種程度上是試探者而不是思想家。 但是什麼區別更加敏感的新的孩子是那的他們的對一個剛性和過度被構造的環境調整完全和情感地无法的。他們适合病殘或顯示嚴厲關於行為的干擾。 他們已經停住入基於心臟的知覺,在某種程度上他們不可以再回去。

由於他們強的直覺的了悟和他們的無能適應, -,这些孩子也许被觀看如賭氣,反叛和「不同」。實際上不是他們的意圖是反叛的。 他們想要是他們自己。 但是,如果他們感覺沒有那的室,他們可以变得隔绝和居住在社會邊緣的甚而退學者。因为他們被恐懼和對自我保存的需要駕駛,他們對學科和當局是较不敏感的。 他們可能強烈地遭受和由缺乏瞭解他們混淆遇到。因此他們可以感到疏遠和孤獨和想知道什麼是他們的在地球上的存在的意思。然而如果他們在生活中寻找他們的道路并且开始表達他們創造性和精神能量以物質形式,他們將茂盛,并且許多人民接觸由他們的想法深度和將由他們柔和,非競爭性方式处理人。


總結這些特徵已經顯示什麼問題新的孩子也许遇到。 最大的問題是他們的具體能量沒有由在他們附近的人民认可并且不瞭解。 当沒有給他們手段时或機會表现出他們的感覺和那裡是缺乏真正的通信,幾個「關於行為的干擾」也许出现。

孩子也许变得反叛,愛發脾氣和难處理。 他們感覺誤會和虐待,并且他們真正地想要對那「沒有」說,但是他們怎麼不知道。他們沒有正确的表示和表达能力。 什麼一會後發生是他們自己不瞭解再怎么回事裡面。当他們的內在生活沒有被反映回到他們由給一個名字他們的感覺并且聽與開放心臟的一位瞭解的父母或老師时,他們可以得到鎖著的裡面和行動用似乎無法處理和不合理的方式。 那時它要求很多注意和深深地被調和的了悟瞭解什麼移動这些孩子,因为他們自己脫離了他們的感覺。    

它可能也是孩子,感覺不受歡迎或誤會,從環境撤出并且分開的盒。 他們不通过積極或難駕馭的行為发泄他們的情感。他們是鎖著的入他們自己小的世界,并且通過有他們是难的。 通常这些孩子是極端敏感的,強烈起反應對不和的能量在他們附近。因为想像是难什麼它是像是很敏感的,他們的界限容易地被超出限度,并且情感地生存他們關閉他們的感覺中心。 這個生存機制通常称「孤獨性」。它是矛盾自我中心孩子告诉非神入(即不能看事物从另一個人的方面),因為他們是極端敏感的。有人可能說他們非常有在他們自己的界限上的麻煩藏品,那他們不可能允许自己提供援助到其他,擴展他們的知覺,在這種情況下它包括其他。他們感覺他們的世界將劃分,如果他們如此,并且他們將由混亂吞下。自我中心孩子的因此非神入行為源於關於其他的能量的一極大的impressionability。它是與自我中心孩子寻求保護本身并且情感地關閉的這種壓倒多數敏感性打交道。自我中心孩子非神入或非社會性的行為是生存機制靈魂的而不是一個本质特征。



-他們在他們的体格沒有堅定地根源也沒有被著陸。 您在他們的氣氛能逐字地察覺不充分地經常連接到地球在下面的這。实际上意味着他們缺乏安全一個情感基礎或船錨裡面從哪些探索世界用一個輕鬆和開放方式。有使困難為了他們能「」用一個無憂無慮的方式的一基本「不感覺輕鬆自在地」。



我希望說有點更多關於這些孩子和少年可以支持感覺更多歡迎和發現自我表現適當的办法的方式。 但是我首先希望強調不認為根據罪狀是非常重要的,因为我們對新的孩子有問題的起因講話。 这些孩子的父母經常做他們的最大支持和照顾他們。很多個父母知道非常他們的孩子的特別質量和得到越來越直覺地調整了入他們。 由他們的開放性和自願,一個極大的学习进程發生。它是,與他們的孩子一起,將铺平道路在社會的并且路为新的方式处理做准备孩子的這些父母。

新的孩子體驗與地球的現實的有時痛苦的交鋒有意識地被選擇了。 他們來帶來新的事,并且他們知道此在他們的心臟。 這在一個不同的观点投入他們的困難。在靈魂水平,他們承担什麼的责任他們在他們的生活中遇到; 他們接受挫折和障礙。 社會不是「反對他們」。 社會在眾多方面睡覺。它是老習性睡眠,并且來臨新的孩子是一個喚醒的電話。 是,他們是像您,能您感覺它?! lightworkers的早先世代审阅困境的和在當前年齡事得势并且到達一個转折点的这些孩子一样,有這個區別。 新的孩子是都這加速度因果。 


在引導新的孩子,比如他們的父母、老師或者治療師,起点總是與那單獨儿童的現實的內在連接。 所有真正的幫助的基礎是自願對體驗生活和能力儿童的方式開放調整入什麼它传达给您口頭上或非語言地。 如果一个想要教練这些孩子是能力聽和开放对新的事最重要的質量一可能擁有。

是较不相關的您是否有具體知識或技能。 這些可能甚而就象。 關於(新的年齡)孩子的理論經常离开外面行為的一般分類。 綜合症狀和診斷根据外表上可观测的症狀。 但是什麼缺掉的在这里,并且什麼是对成功提供援助對这些孩子至关重要是內在联系被建立與什麼孩子體驗: 提升外面行為的感覺和情感。

要看某人用一個開放和公正的方式,一个必須放棄被預想的概念和期望。 您能真誠地只連接到別人(誰),如果您首先發布您認為的一切您知道关于其他。那时有是的室存在現在用一個真實地敏感和直覺的方式。 這也是一個美好的方式歡迎某人,為了您現在允许自己由他們的靈魂的能量接觸。

從這樣根本地開放態度,感覺本质上而不是認為,您能开始與是有利和豐富對兩個的另一個人的通信。 與孩子的互作用從未是单向。 在的關係你們倆是老師在一些點和學生在其他。 這是什麼描繪所有精神意味深長的關係。

当指南和孩子之间的關係被定義时是這樣清楚,并且透明方式,那裡是支持孩子的許多可能性它的發展的。 我將用一般地方式表明有些方式,不假裝是完全的,但是寧可指向某一整體方向。


帮助他們記住誰他們是。 帮助他們意识到他們擁有的他們的高敏感性和理想主義屬於最美好的質量。讓他們表達清晰他們自己在什麼方面他們感到「不同」并且鼓勵他們发现這些質量怎麼豐富并且造成世界。發現表達他們的(上流)敏感性創造性的办法,以便他們可以體驗在它的喜悅。 带来他們并且讓他們交換經驗和分享他們的能量。


要訓練他們直覺的技能用一個嬉戲的方式,帮助他們連接到他們的身體和他們的情感,加強他們的自我意識。著陸,知道您的界限從的內部和使用您的直覺发现什麼有益于您,是这些敏感孩子能容易地學會的技能他們什么时候是年輕和無限制的。当他們更旧时,他們也许感覺更禁止關於他們的自然倾向感覺,想像并且幻想。如果那是实际情形,是重要对他們发觉情感或限制信仰阻攔他們的直覺流程的第一幫助。如果對此有問題,在更低的三chakras的能流几乎总是变得阻攔。 有恐懼、在他們也许感覺不安全,沮喪甚至想要死的这些孩子的失望和失望。


知道他們的高敏感性和「是不同的」是在他們的部分的一個神志清楚的選擇并且信任他們的固有能力解決他們的問題。 不要對待他們像受害者。喜欢他們的禮物和天分,并且,儘量,讓他們發現他們自己的答復和解答。鼓勵他們與接觸與他們的激情和啟發和帮助他們发现如何表達和體現他們在地球上的激動人心的能量在一個实用方式。


它也许似乎無形新的孩子或少年的能量可以是很飄渺和理想主義的。 自我表達以物質形式这些孩子是重要的。這也许是一個創造性的形式例如繪畫或製造音樂,或者它可以是通过體育或比賽。 什麼事關是他們会研他們的能量和使它可看見對其他。用那個方式他們開闢他們的能量對地球。 总计這些事,起点應該是他們喜欢自我表達以物質形式。當他們被鼓勵自由地探索和實驗,他們將發現獨自地適合他們的形式。


治療的柔和,全部形式例如讀書,癒合和供選擇的meds可以是非常有用的與在与他們的整體能量和心理情况有关的这些孩子的物理症狀打交道。因为他們是很敏感的往能量,这些孩子容易地反應被聚焦主要在精力充沛的水平治療的方式(靈魂)和只次要地在身體。然而是重要的這裡也一个不選擇根据外在症狀或醫學單獨地的治療,但是一个建立內在联系以一個特殊孩子的獨特的情況。父母或治療師一能要求在內在水平上的孩子治療是否為他們是有利的。 并且,一旦它是足够老,孩子在選擇可以介入。 


教育的被啟迪的形式採取孩子和它的內在世界作為他們的起点。 以前,知識「經常涌入了」孩子自上而下的時尚。他們认为需要充满有用的知識和技能的空的船。 然而,如果一认为孩子與他們自己的興趣和目標的成熟靈魂,教育承担一個非常不同的形式。挑戰非常不是做某事在沒什麼外面,但是喚醒和解放在孩子之內已經是存在的事: 想要用物質世界體現和自我表達的它的自然靈魂能量。有在孩子的一種自然倾向想要得知,探索和发现世界。 是只有他們在沒有与方式有关他們體驗事的知識系統地被迫採取他們变得勉強和不願意學會。保存和与在孩子的自然渴望一起使用學會是新的教育的基礎。 在這種方法,老師的角色是非常不同的。什麼首要被要求他們是存在與孩子用一個開放和直覺的方式。 老師从假定开始一个可能信任每個孩子的自然和獨特的能力。他們允许孩子带路,支持它通过提供它需要獲得它的目標的知識和材料。 


当您是它必須经历與世界打交道一個敏感孩子的父母时,并且您注意困難,您非常想要从中害處保護或拯救他們。未被注意,您可以得到觀看外界作為敵人和您的孩子作為脆弱的受害者。 您可以害怕并且想知道您的孩子是否將做它,不用您。觀看您的孩子遭受能投擲您獨自地最深刻的恐懼、哀痛和失望。 但是,這個特殊孩子存在您的生活中总是有暗藏的邏輯對它。有與正面意向的一個更加深刻的意思。 一種方式揭幕那邏輯和意味将看用不同的眼睛的孩子。沒看見它作為無能為力是的一點,而是作为老師-天使,如果您要-來帶來您消息。 我邀請您陪我一起去以下凝思的。如果您沒有一個孩子,您能邀請一個虛構的孩子走向您。

想像您通过一個可愛的庭院走。 對和平和平靜這個世界打開您的心臟并且讓您的注視漫游。 有許多植物和花在庭院裡。 感覺季節的節奏,輕輕地和慢慢地交替所有獨自的週期及时。
现在您看您的邊,并且您注意孩子在您旁邊走。 採取在您的想像力過來的第一個孩子。 它默默地採取您的手,并且您通过庭院一起走,採取在自然秀麗。

您一會後注意一個邀請的地方坐下,它也许是一條小的長凳或在地面上的一個開放斑點。 你們倆坐下。 现在您看一看更好的在孩子。看見她或他小的面孔并且深深地看入她的眼睛。 您一會後觀察變革發生。 孩子的面孔慢慢地改變到那天使。您看見孩子怎麼变得光亮的發光并且变得更加飄渺,屬於一個不同的世界。 或許您注意顏色圍攏天使孩子。

您平靜地觀看這個天使,并且您是感到敬畏它的出現。 您感覺自己再变得小,像孩子。一會兒發布負擔的是成年并且认为為孩子是很自然的奇蹟的感覺再。 寬眼睛您看那壯觀的天使飾面您您然后感覺她(或他)想要對您說某事。她通过表达能量首先做對您通过她的眼睛的這。 您在那能量採取并且感覺精華它。

然后您问問題對天使。 「為什麼您走向地球?」 您要求, 「什麼是您帶來的禮物?」 您讓天使講話。 它不必須在詞-她可以通过感覺也講話。 然后您突然知道,不用干預的詞或的圖像。

当您收到了答复时,讓天使知道和要求: 「什麼是我可以為您做的最高的事? 怎麼能I最佳的支持您您的使命的,您的努力?」



通常,孩子從您需要多數是事幫助也是您的事。 必要支持孩子的多數的性格特征或能量正確地經常是性格特征或能量您开发和掌握的靈魂水平願望的為你自己。 讓我們举有些例子。

它也许是实际情形您有掩藏它的感覺并且是难溝通的一個性格內向的孩子。 什麼這要求您是您學會直覺地調整入他,耐心,并且是願意看詳細您自己的感覺。這幫助孩子。 經常,开发对孩子是有帮助正確地是為您的質量,關於您自己的內在發展。或許您是有關於很多事的坚定的信心是非常實用和高效率的人,或者人,并且您從未探索情感和感覺的領土。 您的孩子邀請您恢復那平衡。因此,雖然表面地,孩子似乎提出您有仅問題的,有一個更加深刻的意思掩藏在問題裡面: 您的挑戰能开发很好適合入內在成長您自己的具體道路的某些質量。

另一種可能性是您有容易地橫渡您的界限和力量您毫无保留地说出和明顯地表明的一個非常活潑和意志堅強孩子什麼您做和不接受。這個孩子也许常常地让您烦恼,并且您可以感覺時常淹沒由她或他的存在。什麼這個孩子要求您是您得到确切關於什麼您的界限是,因此您能传达您的需要并且要用一個剛毅和自覺方式。  如果有在您之間的很多奮鬥,它通常表明您未下决心,關於什麼您做和不容忍。您的孩子邀請您明顯地定義您自己的空間和確定您哪里在對她的關係站立-和這也經常投擲在所有您的其他關係的光。孩子(和您的反应的行為对它)擴大化已經是那裡的問題。 很可能,在您的孩子出生之前,您已經有斷言的一個問題。现在孩子問您发觉真實地誰您是和待命你自己,并且這精確地是什麼您獨自地需要內在發展道路。

当您开发支持孩子的質量时,您是幫助你們倆。 由您的增加的理解,愛、獨立和自我意識,您能成為孩子,光烽火臺的一個榜样。 以那時尚,在成長和癒合的一個相互富啟示性的過程中,新的能量在地球上被負擔。 光火炬一代代通過,并且它更加明亮地发光。

我們稱讚您您的致力、愛和承諾的。 我們祝願您體驗在您和新的孩子承擔探險的這次旅途的喜悅和樂趣。我們希望您有同情他們的,但是特别是你們自己的作為您肯定將犯错误。 (切记差錯總是最重要的學習的工具)。我們相信,您的火炬將继续进行燒和傳播許多閃閃發光给在您以後來的領導人。但是什麼您,您是否體驗喜悅或绝望,您是否有同情或是主觀的,您是否是開放和信任的或者下來和壓下,我們愛您和继续进行提供您我們的支持和鼓勵。不必客气。 總是。


在開闢以後,有问题和解答的室。 列出了得有些這裡。


首先我希望說您巨大地愛您的女兒,并且您的愛為她是非常可觸知的。 此,最重要的事已經說。 您的愛掩飾她恆定,沈默容忍的。那不拿走她有的問題和您關於她经历的困難,但是它是前提对于事解決在您的生活中。  因此一會兒感覺那你自己的,感覺您的正直和您的愛真誠:這是最珍貴的禮物一可能贈送在孩子。

時常是可理解的您感到半信半疑,甚而绝望,但是在核心有團結您的深刻的愛。 如果事不去,您計劃了或期望了,则它不是應該被責備的您或她。有她希望经历和应付在她的生活中的事,一個特別原因为什么她有這個特殊問題。 是她的意圖這裡在地球上用一個非常純淨的方式。  她運載非常純淨和博學的能量裡面她,將接觸許多人民。 但是很多耐心在她和您的部分原封在地球上要求,安排這能量下来。她選擇-它複雜化正確地放入詞-給地球帶來純淨和演變的能量和是相對地無保護的在这中。不因此她的能量被調和對地球的精力充沛的現實,并且她需要翻譯,帮助她做翻譯到地球的現實的人。她有意識地選擇了這種相對unprotectedness和高敏感性,因為那個方式她運載內的振動可能依然是在高級。

一可能投入它这样(我通常現在講話)。如果您有一個「正常孩子」,也就是說它容易地適應外界的期望,孩子更加容易地將忘記自己,即脫離他們原始的靈魂能量。它將被要求更加容易地影響,并且社會和甚而最敏感和被啟迪的父母標準不可能防止那。 有關於行為的干擾的孩子例如孤獨性那么容易地不適應。但是因此,孩子的靈魂能量更加容易地被保存; 它亦所謂不移動。 在這個孩子附近的人民將必須適應而不是另一個方式。這個情況对父母、老師或者医生經常是相當很难。 但是有在問題的一件暗藏的珍寶。是的孩子的「不同的」挑戰是的環境發現新的办法溝通,反射在假定似乎不言而喻前面和真實地開放的對孩子的內在現實。

什麼被要求您對您的女兒的關係的特别是有在這個孩子的信任和調整入她的需要。 您很好做此! 您有很多內在空間在您是。相信,您的孩子選擇了她的生活道路,她在她的生活中概述了某些里程碑,并且她選擇了您作為他們的父母,因此您在地球能一起使她發光她的光。您做着一個极好的工作。

另外的筆記帕梅拉: 在會議我做了這個女孩短的直覺的讀書她的母親的之後,根據圖片。 這表示,她的孤獨性与通過生活經驗的a有关。 這是讀書的逐字副本:

我看在她的頭之上的很多淺蘭的能量以發光連接入在冠chakra之上的身分長圓形的透明石頭的形式。 有能量那裡高振動; 它包含對生活和人的靈魂的深刻理解。  我感到她在地球上居住一次并且有期間她感覺很多洞察來到她的強的精神或clairsentient經驗在,像突然顯現。結果,行為和人民的動機在她附近的变得透明對她,包括在她的社區进来的沈默集中攻势。 但是集成那知識她的每日存在她是很难的。我感覺她不適,她得到不適在身體和在心理水平的那。  她不可能表達她的真相,因為她的環境不會瞭解,不掌握它。 這使她的感受非常急切; 她有她擁有知識可能幫助其他人民和防止他們遭受的感覺,仍然講話对此无法的,因為她會被鎖。我的印象是她不可能解決這種困境在那一生期間,并且她劃分了是結果的能集成那更高的知覺她物理是的由于情志过极和物理问题。她情感地關閉了,并且這有一個作用在她的喉頭(自我表現),她的心臟(與其他的連接)和更低的三chakras (安全和被要的感覺)。

现在(在禮物)這更高的知識(藍色長圓形)在她頂頭,精妙和純淨和它之上垂懸是她的這終身的意圖能集成它與她的在地球上的物理和情感現實。我強烈意识到是原因为什么她走向您(她的母親)。 您也運載某事那藍色能量(更高的了悟的質量)在您的金領域,那么那裡是與她的自然連接。您也有紅色在表示的您的氣氛在更低的chakras附近,您能支持您的真相,雖然為您是堅硬的時常。我的感覺是單獨您的存在有對您的女兒的醫治用的影響。 那是美妙的。 她在這一生想要癒合,逐步。 您作為她的父母是解答的一部分,不是一部分的問題。

兩個我的兒子高靈敏,但是在非常不同的方式并且他們戰鬥并且一直爭論。 這非常难我的能觀看。 我寻找自己也奮鬥和爭論與他們,而我真實地是在她附近需要和平和和諧的人。 我怎麼涉及此?

支持您自己的真相,坚持您的肠感和投入我們的一些清楚的界限在對其他的關係您是非常重要的。 您的知覺容易地滑倒入最高的二chakras (三只眼和冠),您調整入其他人民的情感并且瞭解他們的它的原因。 但是您丟失與更低的三chakras的連接告诉您什麼感覺,什麼需要,并且什麼想要。 您脫離您自己的內在孩子(情感的位子),并且您变得無理由。

您是非常敏感的你自己,并且您的敏感性包含很多同情和提供援助對其他。 您有慾望被連接,是與其他一起,但是在这中您經常卖空自己。 认真採取您憤怒和抵抗的自己的情感和允许能量轉移在您之內發生您是重要的,以便恢復在給和接受之間的平衡。

您發現自己的奮鬥與您的孩子在那裡為原因。 它向您挑戰变得清楚關於您的界限和要求尊敬從他們。通常,這是非常敏感的,并且想要明白他們的孩子和不傷害他們的父母的一個問題。在父母的角色,因為他們抑制他們自己的情感并且失去他們自己的內在孩子的線索,他們經常失去他們的平衡。您應該变得斷言和「自我中心」在與您的孩子的關係。

通过变得更加自已明白和斷言,您能树立您的孩子的一個榜样和顯示他們什麼它是像是一個高靈敏和一個自信人。 通过實現平衡這能量,您教他們更比詞能做。  

孩子拾起您的能量,誰的感覺口氣您是,特别是敏感孩子。 因此给自己一些空間自我表達,并且您看見您尋找的它將做您被著陸并且給您真正的和平和和諧。 

我怎麼體會我的意圖并且渴望工作與孩子? 我感覺啟發工作與孩子以您描述的方式,但是我由「没人那裡等待我」對失敗和我的疑義的我的恐懼同時禁止。 再次,我「在自我表現我的向外流程被中斷」被我的不可靠。 我怎麼处理那?

有地道渴望源於您的靈魂的裡面您。 珍惜那渴望和對待它用一個柔和和有同情心的方式是重要的。 除熱情之外,這渴望也喚醒恐懼裡面對您。它給表面帶來老創傷,回到您的童年和以遠,早先終身,您為具體質量被拒绝您現在想要更加表達。 (猛烈)拒绝的經驗在您的靈魂把精神創傷留在。当另一個部分的您想要再,體現您的靈魂的真實的能量這精神創傷現在使您抵抗和搖擺。 瞭解和接受這份遺產是往自癒的第一和舉足輕重的步。由是不耐煩的對你自己和通过判斷您的恐懼和不可靠,您否認在您的痛苦想要給知覺被認出和被帶來。

花费癒合創傷內在孩子的时间裡面。 因为您设法太迅速,克服您的內在創傷您的在正确的方向,但是它的熱情點可能也使您不安定。 記住那本質上,您是不關於您的在外界的顯示的這個過程。 它是關於您癒合。 體現在地球上的所有靈魂的首要目標是自我實現: 要愛和接纳自己作為您是和體驗来自此的強烈的解放。 那是所有真實地創造性,精神能量的基礎。 一旦它被放置,向外顯示流程容易地和容易地來。

事實您想要在從您的心臟的世界上生活和,展示您准备着去仍然是以您恐懼和黑暗的核心。當您准备好一個深刻的水平的自恢復性能時候,渴望表達您在地球上的自己的靈魂能量总是來。当您准备表達您的在地球上的心臟的啟發,您,更,將放棄您的過去,您的教育不再養育您的和關係。连接用您的靈魂在您的生活中创建很多運動,并且它也许似乎,如您放回一步,在您的精神能量可能獲取物質形式之前。變動在您的生活中发生,并且事也许有一陣子甚而得到混亂和雜亂。 這精確地是,当它應該是。当體現您的靈魂的慾望的過程來與反射并且顛簸时,不要怀疑自己。 它是使您體會的這些反射和顛簸誰您真實地是,并且什麼您必須為其他提供。审阅恐懼和不可靠,勇敢地面对他們和接受他們的存在,使您愛戀和慈悲往其他。 因为您放棄評斷和真實地接受誰您現在是,您变得明智。您瞭解它真正地是關於您而不是其他。 并且在那片刻,其他將开始來到您。 他們將看某事在您啟發他們。 機會體現您的靈魂的啟發將容易地提出自己。您准备好,并且您將知道它。


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