
Dear friends,

We are gathered here today to bring to you a message of love and hope, as we see how much difficulties you are experiencing at this time. I who is speaking am Jeshua but today I strongly represent the female aspect of the christ energy.


At this time, starting about four months ago, there is a huge influx of female energy in the realm of earth. This wave of energy helps bring about a new birth, a rebirthing of you as well as of earth. We would like to say a little more about the current developments, which often create resistance, disharmony and insecurity within you.

You are all enveloped in a deep inner transformation. This has been your conscious choice. There was a longing in your heart, even before you were born, to clean out the past and make way for a new energetic reality to be born on earth. You knew beforehand that this lifetime was going to offer you major opportunities for growth and healing. You sensed, before you started this lifetime, that earth was going to come to the end of a long cycle of power abuse and destruction.

You have been part of this cycle, in many past lifetimes on earth, and now you, as well as earth, have reached a point of departure, an opportunity to round off the cycle and move on. This is why you wanted to be born in this age and time, because this opportunity could only be seized while living on earth. The cycle could only be brought to a close by incarnating once more and integrating the energies of this whole cycle into this lifetime. Do you wonder why it is heavy sometimes?!

Before you can even get to this mission in a minimally conscious way, you first have to be born into a human body, into a personality that is partly shaped by external influences such as your parents, your community and your society. During your childhood, you generally forget who you are, as you are influenced and practically hypnotized by the convictions and anxieties of those who bring you up. Generally, you are surrounded by energies that are old and stifling, stemming from a tradition of fear and unconsciousness. Your original soul energy gets narrowed down and often it goes into hiding for some time.

Now, it has been your intention for this lifetime to rise above these restrictions and free yourself from it, and not just for yourself, but also to be the living bridge to a new level of consciousness on earth. You are here for yourself, but as you are growing and evolving, you are helping to lift the consciousness of humanity. You are supporting the movement of earth as a spiritual being and you are contributing to developments which affect your whole solar system and beyond.

But to be a part of this transformation and make a contribution to it, you first had to incarnate into an earthly personality, with all the burdens of tradition thrown into your lap for you to deal with. You are brave warriors indeed. We love you. And you have now reached a point that you truly and deeply wish to let go of the old. You cannot stand the energy of the past anymore. You are in the midst of the labor pain. You are being born again in this very body you have lived in for decades, but as a new You. You are actually in the process of reincarnating again while in this body, but now as the higher you, the expansive you that consciously wanted to be here to seize this opportunity to finish the cycle.

It is now your desire to let your deepest inner knowing, your true self, be born on earth and manifest itself with joy and creativity. This radical and yet ‘predetermined’ desire has brought you to the place that you are now and we know it is difficult. You are turning yourself inside out, leaving no stone unturned and to others you may seem to be walking to the beat of an intangible drummer.

A huge battle is taking place within you between the old and the new. You are carrying the old to its grave, but before you can do so you have to look it into the eye and make peace with it. Otherwise it will not rest in peace. So you have to face and accept the darkness in you and in the world, before you can rise above it and be free. There is no such thing as darkness really, but as you feel tied down by heavy emotions of grief, fear and anger, you seem to be dealing with the demons of darkness. However, you are mostly dealing with your resistance to look these demons into the eye, to face up to them and accept them as viable presences. They are a part of you, the part that got hurt, frustrated and misguided. They are calling out to you to be recognized and understood by you! You are their guide, not their enemy! As you resist them, they knock on your door even harder. Only as they are embraced by your loving compassion, can they find peace and be laid to rest.

As you are going through this immense purgatory process of facing your inner demons and making room for the new, your body gets affected by the movements of your consciousness. It may react in strange ways, giving you discomfort and pain, but generally, it is all passing. It is part of the purgatory process. Emotionally, you go through highs and lows and you are faced with deep fear and doubts as everything familiar seems to slip through your hands at some point. You have to let go of it all. There’s no balancing the old and the new. This is a genuinely new beginning. The only compass you can go by is your own soul. Especially lightworkers, who are the pioneers, will find little or no support and recognition from your environment. You have to rely on yourself. You know deep down where you are heading. You planned this before your birth. Your innate knowledge and instincts in this area will bring you home.

As a human on earth you have been hypnotized by the collective belief system and traumatized energy surrounding earth. The collective human notion of life fosters the idea that life is about struggle and suffering. “You have to fight to survive, you cannot trust your fellow human, you need to be vigilant all the time.” All these beliefs and emotional structures now rise to the surface, especially now that you want to let go of them. As you want to trust and surrender, your habits of distrust and control raise their head and protest. As you want to open up and express your innermost inspiration, fear of rejection seems to block you and make you mute. A lot of inner conflict is going on, causing turmoil in your minds and hearts. The old thought patterns do not die so easily, as they are embedded in your way of being. This is a gradual process and you are moving forward. The key to remember is that you cannot overcome the old by struggling or fighting

Letting go of struggle

You have gone through many lifetimes on earth in which struggle was your middle name. Many times you have tried to kindle the light of consciousness on earth and many of you were inspired by the christ energy in whatever form it took. You were deeply moved by its inherent vision of a better world, based on equality, peace and harmony. At the same time, you were deeply involved in struggle: you often felt you were different, and had to find your own way in life. You had to struggle to understand yourself, and then to express yourself in a world that, again, seemed to walk to the beat of a different drummer. You were “aliens” so to speak, ahead of the times, and in many lifetimes you were persecuted and violently rejected for your different way of looking at things. Therefore, spirituality and struggle seem to go hand in hand for you.

What is asked of you now is to release that struggle. This is a different time. This is your time. You are here now not to struggle or defend yourselves or convince anyone. You are here to release yourself and surrender to the birth of You, your grander Self who has been waiting for this to happen.

Many of you now feel a lot of struggle and resistance in your life, like things are not flowing easily. What you need to do is go even deeper into yourself and relax into that boundless Inner Being who is not of this world. Your soul energy is available to you and it can help you remember why you are here now. Remember how clearly you knew, before you jumped into this lifetime, that this would be a profound and meaningful lifetime, including the frustrations and difficulties. Remember that you came here not to struggle but to release all struggle and come Home. Home is in the here and now, where your consciousness dwells. Wherever you are, lies the possibility to release and let go of struggle. You can accept where you are right now, and let expectations go. This is who you are now. Stand behind yourself and comfort yourself with the knowing that you are very close to what you came to do here.

To get there, you only need to give up your resistance, the idea that you have to get somewhere through struggling. You are so tied up with the notion of growing through pain that you actually think you are doing good work when you are suffering and trying and working hard on your spiritual growth. However, especially when you are confronted with heavy and dense energies from the past, the solution is to find a point of stillness within. It is not to “do anything” but to retreat into a point of neutrality, neutral awareness, “just being”. From that point, you will look at yourself and not try to change yourself. You just let yourself be.

One of the things that is still clinging to you from your last cycle of lifetimes on earth is a strong, male oriented energy of “doing”. Often you have been “warriors of the light” who wanted to change things for the better with great zest and passion. You were a bit overbearing there too. It is now asked of this male, action oriented energy to quiet down and enter into a new balance with the female side. The feminine aspect in this context is the carrier of lightness, ease and joy. It tells you to go with the flow of your feelings, to not focus so much on results as on what feels right to you now.

Allowing in the female energy will raise the question of how the flow of giving and the flow of receiving are related to each other in your life. Can you do what feels right to you and not mind other people’s expectations or your own internalized demands to yourself? Can you really take care of yourself and give yourself all that you truly long for in your life? This is not the typical lightworker’s question to ask. You have been focused enormously on the outside world, wanting to change it, improve it, etcetera. “What is my mission on earth?” and "how can I contribute to a better world?” – these are your favorite questions. And often you approach these issues with a warrior attitude that has become second nature. The idea that you are here also to nurture yourself, to enjoy and go with the flow of life, is hard to swallow for most of you! If you recognize this, it actually means that there is an imbalance between giving and receiving in your life. You are giving too much.

If you are giving a lot, working for the good of others and feeling very responsible for their needs, you are often struggling and you are “doing” a lot. You have trouble receiving and you are losing sight of your own humanness. You will likely end up frustrated and empty. To balance the male and the female energy, you need to get to that flow of living in which you feel inspired and joyful by what you do without feeling pressured to do so. Pressure signals that you are not free, that you are attached to results.
Whenever there’s pressure, withdraw and go into stillness.

Especially in these months, actually during the whole second half of 2007, a lot is moving on the inner level for lightworkers and it can be hard to find the right way of expressing or manifesting yourself presently. Instead of trying, struggling and pushing at such a time, it is easier, lighter, wiser to stay calm and not do much at all. Just feel what is going on inside of you. This new birth you are going through asks a lot from you on all levels, emotionally, mentally and physically, so perhaps this is not the time to abundantly express yourself in the outside world. Surrender is the key here, and that’s what the feminine energy is all about.

You are right on track and we can assure you that the changes you are going through can hardly go faster than they are going now. Especially when you feel stuck and nothing seems so to go smoothly anymore, big changes are taking place on the inner level. Trust this and for once, stop analyzing yourself constantly! Go with the flow and trust.

Think of the physical birthing process of a child. Primal forces of nature are guiding this process. You cannot control these forces, you cannot decide when you are going to get a contraction, but what you can do is either resist it or go along with it. Going along with it means allowing the pain of the contraction to go through you and trusting that it will subside in a while and you can catch your breath again. What you can do is align yourself with the inner flow of your feelings and therefore make the whole process more easy and gentle. So, instead of judging yourself from an external viewpoint, measuring yourself up to all kinds of expectations and demands, feel what is really going on inside of you. Feel the truth of it and see how your external reality adequately reflects this.

I now would like to invite you to travel with me for a while. I would like to take you to a future reality which may help you feel more relaxed and trustful in the Now. Just travel with me in your imagination. We are going to visit the New Earth. 

Visiting the New Earth

The New Earth is an energetic reality that is gaining more foothold gradually, thanks to your inner work. Now let us enter that world and draw in its energy. Just imagine yourself walking through a lovely forest with beautiful old trees and a soft breeze on your skin. You sense how the burdens of the past, the burdens of your current present, have dropped from your shoulders. You are a different you. You have already been born into the New Era. You feel light, with a clear inner knowing, and you realize it has all been meaningful. You have learned from everything you went through and your soul has become deep and wise because of it. You feel light and comfortable and your heart is open in joyful anticipation. You enjoy nature and as you feel the earth beneath your feet, you sense peace and calmness. Something has changed on the planet. People have now learned to live in harmony with nature.

Now you are approaching a settlement, a small community, in an open area that blends in naturally with the forest. This is where you live. You feel your heart open up as you realize who live there with you. These are your friends and soul mates. Your kinship is old, you have met in many lifetimes and they are like brothers and sister to you. It is always a blessing to be with them. You do not have to pretend or hide yourself in their presence, you can simply be who you are. You understand each other easily and you speak with each other almost telepathically, using very few words.

You have your own house there too. Take a look at it. Somewhere in that place there is a spot just for you and you go there now and take in some of the details of your house. Is it big or small, what materials is it made of, and especially….how does the house feel to you? Earth has offered you the materials to build it. Feel how the colors, materials and the view nurture you. This house is an energetic extension of you. Whenever you feel the need to withdraw yourself, you sit in this house. It allows you to enter into a deep connection with your own Being, while you are safely held by earth.

Now we are going to take a closer look at the group of people you are involved with. In the middle of this settlement there is a square, where people meet and join for mutual activities. This place holds the “energy of together” and there is something going on there right now. Let’s go see what it is about. You approach the square with a sense of curiosity and people welcome you with an open and loving smile. There is a grand circle of people holding hands, and two people immediately make room for you so that you can participate as well. You sense a deeply vibrant energy running through this group that you are part of. You sense the unity, the fellowship and the joy that you have made it together. You are now the inhabitants of the New Earth and there is much to do for you. You are engaged in various activities, in the area of building, growing food, communication, healing, whatever your area of expertise is. But all activities are pursued against the background of an all pervading harmony. No struggle, but peace. You let yourself be guided by your intuition, in the moment. There is plenty of room for play and relaxation as well.

Here you are, together, and you can feel how each one of you has gone through that birthing process that we described today. An old identity has made way for a new presence. You have been born into the light of the New Earth.

And now you hear a call coming towards you. As you stand there, joined with your brothers and sisters, you hear a call from the old earth crying out at you. It is your call, from the present, as we sit here today. As you are gathered here, feeling tired and worn out sometimes by the intensity of the birthing process, you can asking your future self and your soul family “over there” for love and support. You in the future can feel this summoning and you are able to send love and wisdom to the old you. Close your eyes and do this for a moment. Be that future self and send love to your present self. And you may sense that the group energy in that future reality knows exactly what you all need right now, for they have been you and have gone through that dark night of the soul.

Now change the perspective and come back to the present. Be on the receiving side. Accept the love and consolation coming from your soul family, and rejoice in the fact that you have indeed “made it”. Feel the respect they are paying you, for you are the ones who persevered and kept faith in yourselves as you gave birth to the New Earth. Ask your future self whether she or he has a message for you. What is important for you to know right now? Let the answer come to you, easily, lightly. There need be no words, or images, just feel the energy. Visualize how your future self takes your hands and looks you into deep the eye, transmitting hope and trust to you. Sense how you can truly let go, go with the flow of the labour contractions and take your time to integrate and ground the new energies.

We believe in you! Take it a day at a time and dare to be truly sweet and gentle for yourself. As soon as you turn hard on yourself, by being impatient and critical about yourself, you slip back into the old energy of struggle. You can release it now, the time is ripe for gentleness and kindness toward yourself. Be the face of compassion for yourself, and your radiance will bless others as well. Be the angel that you are and all else will fall into place.




我們今天被會集這裡給您帶來愛和希望消息,因为我們看見多少困難您此时體驗。 我講上午Jeshua,但是我強烈今天代表基督能量的女性方面。

此时,開始大约四個月前,有女性能量巨大的彙集在地球領土的。 能量幫助這波浪达到新的诞生, rebirthing您並且地球。 我們希望說有點更多關於當前發展,經常創造抵抗、在您之內的不調和和不可靠。

您全部在深刻的內在變革被包圍。 這是您神志清楚的選擇。 有渴望在您的心臟,在您出生以前,清除過去和做新的精力充沛的現實的方式能被負擔在地球上。您予先知道這終身打算提供您主要机会给成長并且癒合。 您在您之前感覺了,開始了這終身,地球打算來到权利滥用和破壞的一個長的週期的结束。

您是這個週期的一部分,在地球上的許多過去一生,并且現在您,並且地球,到達了出发点,機會環繞週期和继续前进。這就是為什麼您在這年齡和时间想出生,因為這個机会可能只被抓住,当居住在地球上时。週期能給關閉只被带领通过更加體現和集成這個整體週期能量进入這終身。 您想知道它為什麼有時是重的?!

在您能报复到這個使命用一個最低限度地神志清楚的方式之前,您必須首先被負擔入人体,入由外在影響部分塑造例如您的父母、您的社區和您的社會的個性。在您的童年期間,您通常忘記誰您是,因为您由培养您那些人的信念和憂慮影響和實際施催眠術。通常,您由是老和窒息的能量圍攏,源於恐懼和不自覺的傳統。 您原始的靈魂能量得到缩小,并且它有一段時間了經常躲起來。

现在,是您的意圖這終身的能上升在這些制約之上和從它釋放自己和不仅你自己的,而且是生存橋梁對知覺的一個新的水平在地球上的。 您在這裡為你自己,但是,当您是生長和演變,您幫助舉人類的知覺。 您支持地球的運動,当精神是和您对影響您的整體太阳系和以遠的發展有用。

但是這變革的部分和做對它的貢獻,您必須首先體現入一種塵世個性,当傳統的所有負擔被投擲入您的您的膝部能处理。 您的確是勇敢的戰士。 我們愛您。并且您現在到達了真實和深您放棄老的願望的點。 您不可能再站立過去的能量。 您是在辛苦痛苦中間。您是再生的在您居住在数十年的這個身體,而是作为新您。您實際上是在再轉世過程中,当在這個身體,但是現在作為高您,膨脹有意識地想在這裡抓住這個机会完成週期的您时。

現在是您的慾望讓您最深刻內在知道,您真實的自已,被負擔在地球上和體現自己與喜悅和創造性。 這個基礎,仍然`predetermined慾望給地方帶來了您您現在是,并且我們知道这是困難的。 您轉動自己裡裡外外,千方百計,并且到其他您可以似乎走到一位無形的鼓手的敲打。

一次巨大的爭鬥在您之內發生在老和新之間。 您運載老對它的墳墓,但是,在您能做,因此之前您必須看它入眼睛和得到與它的和平。否則它在和平不會休息。 因此,在您可以在它之上起来和自由之前,您必須面對和接受黑暗在您和在世界上。真正地沒有這樣事象黑暗,但是,当您感覺栓下來由哀情、恐懼和憤怒的重的情感,您似乎处理黑暗的邪魔。 然而,您主要应付您的抵抗看這些邪魔入眼睛,勇敢地面对他們和接纳他們作為可實行的存在。 他們是部分的您,受到傷害,挫敗并且引入歧途的零件。 他們召集给您將認出和明白的您! 您是他們的指南,沒有他們的敵人! 您抵抗他們,他們艱苦敲您的門。 只有当他們由您愛戀的同情擁抱,能他們發現和平和安息。

当您审阅面對您的內在邪魔和讓路給新的這個巨大煉獄過程,您的身体由您的知覺的運動受影響。它也许起反應用奇怪的方式,給您難受和痛苦,但是通常,它所有通過。 它是煉獄過程的一部分。情感地,您审阅到处和您面对深刻的恐懼和疑義,当熟悉的一切似乎通过您的手滑倒。 您必須放棄所有。 沒有平衡老和新。 這是真誠地新的起點。您可以顺道访问的唯一的指南針是您自己的靈魂。 特别是lightworkers,是先驅,將發現從您的環境的很少或沒有支持和公認。 您必須依靠你自己。 您知道您朝向的深刻的下來。 您在您的誕生之前計劃了此。 您的固有知識和天性在這個區域將帶來您家庭。

因为在地球上的一個人您由周圍集體信仰的系統和受損傷的能量施了催眠術接地。 生活的集體人的概念促进想法生活是關於奮鬥和遭受。「您必須戰鬥生存,您不可能信任您的人,您一直需要是警惕的」。 特别是即然您想要放棄他們,所有這些信仰和情感結構現在上升到表面。当您想要信任和投降,不信任和控制您的習性提高他們的頭和抗議。 当您想要開放和表達您最內在的啟發,對拒绝的恐懼似乎阻攔您和使您啞。很多內在衝突继续,導致動亂在您的頭腦和心臟。 因为他們在您的方式被埋置是,老想法樣式那么容易地不死。 這是一個逐漸過程,并且您前进。要記住的鑰匙是您不可能通过奮鬥或戰鬥克服老。 


您审阅在奮鬥是您的中间名的地球上的許多終身。 許多次您设法點燃知覺光在地球上的,并且你們由基督能量啟發在任何形式它採取了。您由它的一個更好的世界的固有視覺深深地移動,根據平等、和平和和諧。 同时,您在奮鬥深深地介入了:您經常感到您是不同的,并且必須寻找您自己的道路在生活中。 您必須努力明白自己,用,再,似乎走到一位不同的鼓手的敲打的世界然后自我表達。您是「外籍人」亦所謂,在时代之前,并且在許多一生您為看事您的不同的方式被迫害了和猛烈地被拒绝了。 所以,靈性和奮鬥似乎為您联合发生。

什麼現在被要求您是發布那奮鬥。 這是不同的时光。 這是您的时间。 您現在不在這裡奮鬥或保護自己或說服任何人。 您在這裡释放自己和嚮誕生您,等待此發生的您的更加盛大的自已投降。

你們現在感覺很多奮鬥,并且抵抗在您的生活中,像事不容易地流動。 什麼您需要做是去深入你自己和放鬆入那無邊內在是誰不是這個世界。您的靈魂能量供给您,并且它可能帮助您記住您為什麼現在這裡。在您之前記住多么您明顯地知道,跳进了這終身,這是深刻和意味深長的終身,包括失望和困難。 切记您来这里不奮鬥,而是發布所有奮鬥和回家。 家在此刻,您的知覺居住。 無論哪裡您是,謊言發布和放棄奮鬥的可能性。 您能接受您哪里現在,并且讓期望是。 這是誰您現在是。 在你自己和舒適之後站立有知道的您是非常接近什麼您來做這裡。

要到那裡,您只需要放弃您的抵抗,想法您必須通过奮鬥得到某處。您是,因此栓與生長的概念通过痛苦您實際上認為您完成好工作,当您是努力遭受和嘗試和工作在您的精神成長时。然而,特别是当您與從過去时的重和密集的能量面对,解答将發現问题的靜止內。 它不是「做任何东西」,但是撤退入问题的中立地位,中立了悟, 「是」。從那點,您將看你自己和不會设法改變自己。 您讓自己是。

仍然緊貼给您從您的終身的前個週期在地球上的其中一件事是強的,男性針對的能量「做」。 通常您是「光的戰士」誰想改變好的事充满巨大熱心和激情。您是也是壓倒的一点那裡。 現在请求這個男性,務實的能量使平靜下來和加入與女性邊的新的平衡。 女性方面在這上下文是輕微、舒適和喜悅載體。它告诉您连同您的感覺流程,非常不集中于結果在什麼現在感到不错對您。

允許在女性能量將提出问题流程給和流程接受怎样在您的生活中互相被關係。您做什麼感到不错對您和能否不介意其他人民的期望或您自己的向內的要求对你自己? 您真正地照顾你自己和能否真實地長期給自己全部那您在您的生活中?這不是要求的典型的lightworker的問題。 您集中極大地于外界,想要改變它,改进它,附加的人。 「什麼是我的在地球上的使命?」并且「怎麼可以我造成一個更好的世界?」 -這些是您喜愛的問題。 并且您經常接近與有成為的第二自然的戰士態度的這些問題。想法您也在這裡培养自己,享用和连同生活流程,是难為大多数您吞下! 如果您认可此,實際上意味着有在給和接受之間的一種不平衡狀態在您的生活中。您給太多。

如果您給得很多,工作為了其他和感到非常负责对他們的需要,您經常奮鬥,并且您「做着」很多。 您有麻煩接受,并且您忽略您自己的人。 您可能將結束挫敗并且倒空。 要平衡男性和女性能量,您需要有那流程居住在哪些您感覺啟發和快樂由什麼您做,不用被迫使的感覺如此做。 迫使信號您不自由,您附有結果的那。

特别是在這些月,實際上在2007整體下半年年期間,很多继续前进lightworkers的內在水平,并且它可以是難找到的正确的方式目前表達或體現。 而不是嘗試,奮鬥和推擠在這樣时刻,停留安靜和根本不做是更加容易,更輕,更加明智的。 感受怎么回事裡面您。 您经历的這新的诞生從您問很多在所有水平上,情感地,精神上和完全,或許,因此這不是时候非常用外界自我表達。 投降鑰匙在这里,并且那是什麼女性能量是所有關於。

您正确在軌道,并且我們可以保證您您经历的變動比他們現在去可以快速地幾乎不去。 特别是,当您感到时陷進和沒什麼如此似乎再順利地去,大變動在內在水平上發生。 僅此一次信任此和,經常分析的中止! 连同流程并且信任

認為孩子的物理分娩過程。 自然最初力量引導這個過程。您不可能控制這些力量,您不可能決定您什么时候得到收縮,但是什麼您能做是抵抗它或陪它一起去。陪它一起去意味允许收縮的痛苦审阅您和相信,它有一段時間將消退,并且您能再屏息。什麼您能做是與您的感覺內在流程排列自己并且使整體過程更加容易和柔和。因此,而不是判斷自己从一個外在觀點,測量由各種各樣的期望和要求決定,感受什麼真正地发生裡面您。感覺真相它并且看見您的外在現實怎麼充分地反射此。

我現在希望邀請您有一陣子旅行與我。 我希望把您带到也许帮助您感到輕鬆和信任在現在的未來現實。 與我的旅行您的想像力的。 我們參觀新的地球。 


新的地球是逐漸得以更多立足的精力充沛的現實,由于您的內在工作。 现在讓我們进入那個世界并且畫在它的能量。请想像自己走通过有美麗的老樹的一個可愛的森林和在您的皮膚的软的微風。 您感覺过去的负担,您的當前禮物的負擔,怎麼從您的肩膀下降了。您是不同的您。 您已經是出生入新的時代。 您感覺光,與一清楚內在知道,并且您體會它有是的所有意味深長的。您從您经历的一切學會了,并且您的靈魂变得深和明智由於它。 您感到輕和舒適和您的心臟是開放的在快樂的預期。您享受自然,并且,当您感覺在您的腳之下的地球,您感覺和平和平靜。 某事在行星改變了。 人们現在學會居住與自然一致。

现在您接近解決,一個小社區,在與森林自然地吻合的一個开阔地带。 這是您居住的地方。 您感覺您的心臟開放,当您體會誰活那裡與您。這些是您的朋友和知己。 您的親屬關係是老,您在許多一生见面了,并且他們是像兄弟和姐妹给您。 它總是祝福是與他們。您不必須假裝或在他們的存在掩藏自己,您可以是誰您是。 您瞭解自己和容易您互相幾乎傳心術地講話,使用非常少量詞。

您也是有您自己的房子那裡。 看一看在它。 某處在那個地方有一個斑點您的,并且您在某些現在去那裡并且採取您的房子細節。 是它大或小,什麼材料是它做了和特别是….房子怎麼感覺给您? 地球提供您材料修造它。 感覺顏色、材料和看法怎麼培养您。 這個房子是一個精力充沛的引伸您。 每當您感到需要撤出自己,您在這個房子裡坐。 而您由地球,安全地拿着它允许您加入與是您的自己的深刻的連接。

现在我們採取仔细的审视在您介入與的人。 在這解決中間有正方形,人们為相互活動见面并且加入。這個地方舉行「能量一起」,并且有继续的某事那裡現在。 我們去看見什麼是關於。 您接近與求知慾和人歡迎感覺的正方形您有開放和愛戀的微笑的。有人藏品手一個盛大圈子,并且二個人立刻讓路給您,以便您能參與。 您感覺跑通过這個小組的深深地充滿活力的能量您是一部分。您感覺您一起做了它的團結、同伴關係和喜悅。 您現在是新的地球的居民,并且有要做的為您。您参与各種各樣的活動,在大廈區域,生长食物,通信,癒合,什麼您的专门知识领域是。 但是所有活動被追求以所有瀰漫的和諧為背景。沒有奮鬥,但是和平。 您讓自己由您的直覺引導,在片刻内。 有大量戲劇和放鬆的室。

给你,一起,并且您能感覺每一個您怎麼审阅我們今天描述的那個分娩過程。 一個老身分做了新的存在的方式。 您是出生入新的地球的光。

并且您現在聽見電話來臨往您。 当您站立那裡,加入與您的兄弟和姐妹,聽見從老地球的一個電話大声呼喊在您的您。 因为我們今天,坐這裡它是您的電話,從禮物。 当您被會集這裡,感覺疲倦和有時用完由分娩過程,您的強度能要求您的未來自已和您的靈魂家庭「在那」愛和支持。您能在將來感到此召喚和您能送愛和智慧到老您。 闭上您的眼睛并且一會兒做此。 是那未來自已并且送愛到您的當前自已。并且您可以感覺小組能量在那未來現實中正確地知道什麼您現在所有需要,為了他們是您和审阅靈魂的那黑暗的夜。

现在改變透視并且來到禮物。 在接受邊。 接受来自您的靈魂家庭的愛和安慰,并且高興在事實您「的確做了它」。感覺他們支付您的尊敬,為了您是在你們自己堅持并且保留信念的那个,当您诞生了新的地球。 问您的未來自已她或他是否有您的一則消息。什麼对您是重要現在知道? 讓答復來到您,容易地,輕地。 需要沒有詞,或者圖像,感覺能量。形象化您的未來自已怎麼採取您的手并且调查您深深眼睛、傳送的希望和信任给您。感覺您怎麼能真實地放棄,连同辛苦收縮的流程和花些您的时间集成和研新的能量。

我們相信您! 每次需要一天并且敢是真實地甜和柔和的為你自己。 當您在你自己艱苦轉動,由是不耐煩和重要的關於你自己,您滑倒回到奮鬥老能量。您能現在發布它,时间為溫和和仁慈成熟往你自己。 是同情的面孔你自己的,并且您的發光將保祐其他。 是天使您是,并且所有將整理就緒。


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