The flow of ease and the flow of enough

Dear friends, it is with joy and affection that I am among you today. I know you so well and it seems to me as if we met each other yesterday. In the realms where I dwell, time is not so important. I recognize you very well although your manifestation, your physical appearance, is different from the times I knew you.

I am Jeshua. I have lived on earth in a human body, as Jesus. I have been a human being among people just like you. Nothing human is foreign to me. It is from this experience with human existence that I come to support you with your own development, with your birth into the New Era. A New Era is on the way. A transformation is going on these days with which all of you feel a strong connection.

I want to tell you something else about myself. On earth I was a human being of flesh and blood and I had formed a channel with the energy of Christ. The Christ energy was flowing outward through me and that was my essential contribution to the earth at that time. But the Christ energy is not mine alone; it belongs to all of you. All of you are planting a seed, bringing a part of that energy here to earth today and in that lies your biggest fulfillment.

However this transformation from the old to the New Era uproots and shakes up many things. The area of work and money is very much involved in this “uprooting,” for this is precisely an area in which the old energies are particularly active. You could characterize these as the energies of power and ego.

The old energies have been so strongly active within this field that you may find it quite difficult to have a well-balanced attitude towards work and money issues. In your job, in the organization or company you work for or in the people who are your colleagues, you are confronted with society. Many times you ask yourself: how do I cope with energies that I have no affinity with and yet are surrounding me every day? In this encounter of the old and the new you would like to know how to deal with this friction.

On the basis of the energy centers in your body I would like to elucidate this issue a little more. The aura that belongs to each human being contains seven chakras or energy centers. In the solar plexus which is the third chakra (near the diaphragm or the stomach), the will is located. It is in this center of personal will that power and ambition are seated. In the era of the old energy, the old time human being, people have been living to excess from this center. This has to do with an attitude of being keen on winning, of putting one’s own interests first and of fighting at the expense of others. An attitude like this is often born out of fear and a feeling of being lost. It is not my point to pass judgment on these energies. I just want to mention that they are often active from the solar plexus, the third chakra.

One chakra higher we find the center of the heart. The heart connects you with your higher origin, with energy spheres you once dwelt in and from where you bring along ideals that contrast sharply with the energies of power and ego.

Now what happens in the present transformation of consciousness is a passing along of the wheel from the solar plexus to the heart. That doesn’t mean that the solar plexus should be abandoned or pushed aside altogether. It is not true that you should “get rid of the ego.” It is more a matter of passing along the steering wheel to another level of being and in so doing, founding your life on the energy of the heart. All of you are seeking to achieve this in one way or another, either in your personal life or specifically in the field of work and creativity. All of you feel a kinship with the shift toward the energy of the heart. You all sense that you can live your life with much more joy and tranquility that way.

With regard to the question of how do I deal with ego based energies (inside you and around you), the essential step that is asked of you is to connect from the heart with the energies of the solar plexus (the will and the ego) and to guide them in a loving and affectionate way. It is the connection between the heart and the solar plexus (more generally between the higher and lower seated chakras) that provides you with abundance in the field of work, creativity and money.

Now how do you know whether you are acting from your heart or from fear or ego? I would like to point out two important characteristics of the heart energy which may help you recognize it in your own daily life. The first characteristic is the absence of struggle and the presence of ease and simplicity. I will simply call it the flow of ease.

The flow of ease

You are used to struggling and fighting for the things you want. Especially in the area of work there is a lot of competition and ego battle. Often you have to act like someone you are not to get recognition and validation. This opposes the longing of your heart. The heart longs for a much more natural kind of presence. The heart energy does not exert pressure and is very smooth and gentle by nature. The heart energy speaks to you through the intuition. The heart gives gentle pushes and suggestions and will never tell you something that is emotionally charged with fear or pressure.

In your daily life you can clearly notice whether things are going smoothly and finding their natural way or whether you repeatedly encounter resistance to something you are trying to achieve. If the latter is the case it means you are not – or not completely – in alignment with your heart energy. The secret of the heart energy is that it performs miracles not with force, but with ease and tenderness.

Daring to trust your intuition is the most important way to get aligned with the energy flow of the heart which I call “the flow of ease.” Acting on your intuition in the context of work and creativity, even if this goes against the culture of your work environment, will create unexpected possibilities and opportunities for you. It will bring you closer to your own divine Self and empower you on the heart level, and it will by itself attract to you places and people who fulfill your heartfelt desires.

When you experience problems at work, when you feel that you are not at the right place in your particular work environment, spend some quiet time alone. Find a moment of stillness in which you let go of all the thoughts and ideas that you have absorbed from your social environment and all the fears and worries that go with it. Try to look at these thoughts and emotions from a deep and quiet spot at the center of your heart. See them for what they are; they are clouds hovering in front of the sun but they are not you. Go to that core of sunshine in the your heart and ask your Self what is wise for you to do right now. Connect to your ancient and wise heart, the source of your highest creativity, and ask your intuition to tell you what is the right thing to do at this moment. Do not try to base your actions on outside opinions, on social standards of behavior that especially in the field of work can be overwhelming. The social or collective consciousness in this area is strongly based on fear: fear of losing your job, fear of social failure and fear of poverty. All these fears may overshadow your intuition and yet there is an inner voice that tells you what to do right now. The key is to dare to listen to this voice and you will see it will come up with genuine answers.

When you try to go to that inner core, self doubt may block you and make you dismiss your heartfelt intuitions and inclinations as unrealistic and wrong. Self doubt may prevent you from trusting the spiritual path that is laid out for you. By your spiritual path, I mean the path of experiences that brings you in touch with your highest creative source, the creative energies that want to flow outward through you. These energies are already present. But you can only recognize and manifest them in the outer world by listening to and trusting your own feelings. Your soul speaks to you through your feelings. There are no external warrants or securities. Trust is essential. To accept the direction where your feelings are taking you and to act upon your intuition is to open yourself up to the guidance of your heart and to truly make the shift from ego based consciousness to heart based consciousness.

You have reached the end stage of the domination by the solar plexus. Your soul has entered this incarnation with the intention of releasing this way of being, and you are all highly motivated to express your creativity from the heart. I ask you to trust yourself at this stage and to continue on this path, for you are already bringing into this world a new energy which is of great value. This energy often effects changes without you knowing it; you do more good than you realize. You help birth the New Era by trusting the flow of your heart and daring to follow the flow of ease. Therefore have no doubts and continue on your path.

The energy of the heart is much more quiet and gentle than the competitive and harsh energies that often rule the arena of work. For that reason it takes courage and strength to stay centered in the heart, when you are surrounded by these ego based energies. But I tell you this: following the flow of your heart will ultimately bring you to creative possibilities that are quite real and practical, and it will bring you abundance on the material level. It is an act of faith and courage to entrust yourself to this flow.

I said that I would mention two important characteristics of the energy of the heart. I started with the flow of ease. I would now like to speak about the flow of abundance which I will call the flow of enough.

The flow of enough

The energy of the heart is the source of true abundance in your life. Abundance has to do with all areas of your life reaching from the physical, material level to the emotional, social and spiritual level. You are meant to enjoy yourself and to be nurtured on all these levels. At this point I want to address the issue of material abundance in particular, as it is of extra relevance to lightworker souls.

Lightworker souls and spiritually oriented, idealistic people in general tend to condemn money. Money is considered to be sinful by them, to be a lower energy. The reason for this condemnation is that they have come to associate money with power and wealth at the expense of others. Money has practically become synonymous with power. This association is one of the main reasons why the flow of material abundance has become blocked in many of you who read this.

Also lightworker souls who have a great spiritual zest associate money with the base and trivial things of life which need to be transcended. Here many convictions are active which date back to past lives of austerity and abstinence from the material world. These lifetimes were often spent in solitude, aimed solely at spiritual liberation. The energy of these lifetimes still resonates throughout your energy field. It results in a kind of “strictness” that is narrowing you down.

However money is innocent. Money is a flow of energy that actually represents pure potentiality. Money offers opportunities, money is potentiality and there is nothing wrong with that. Nor is it the case that by receiving money you act at the expense of others. With money you are able to create beautiful and good things for others. By receiving it joyfully, you expand the flow of abundance for both yourself and for others. The creative spiral always generates a receiving flow also, so that receiving and giving are balanced out. This is the way of the heart. Therefore do not be afraid to receive money.

It is sad to watch how you, when you truly share your highest gifts and talents with the world, still have reservations about asking and receiving from the world what you want and need for yourself. Many old judgments prevent you from truly standing up for yourself and enjoying the receiving part. But the secret of the universe is balance. The universe knows that you need to be sustained on all levels to express your highest potential in this lifetime. There is nothing sinful about that. When you are truly creative from the heart, you will attract a receiving flow as well and only by allowing it in will you keep the outward flow of creativity alive and vibrant.

You may not be consciously aware of the fact that you are blocking the flow of money in your life or that you have a tacit aversion to money. Take some time to examine your innermost thoughts and emotions about money and you can easily see how they are blocking the flow of abundance in your life. Please realize that you are meant to enjoy life on earth! It is a natural thing to take joy in beautiful things that caress the senses or fill the heart with inspiration. This is your home, your dwelling place for quite some time so please allow yourself to create your material surroundings as you wish them to be. Simply loving the earth and material reality alone will create a flow of abundance. The earth will listen to you for she wants to provide you with everything you need, not just to grow and evolve as a spiritual being but also to simply enjoy life as a human being.

So please consider your attitude toward material abundance at the deepest level and feel how the flow of abundance indeed offers you the possibility to help build a new earth, to realize your dreams on the densest plane of reality. This is not the time to withdraw yourself from society, to meditate by yourself on top of a mountain. It is time for participation. It is time to let your energy flow into this world and freely receive all that comes back to you in return. Do not be afraid to receive abundance. Honoring your own input, receiving enough in exchange for your efforts, is part of being a well-balanced spiritual human being.

I would like to say a little more about the word “enough.” I told you that the energy of the heart is characterized first by the flow of ease. When things succeed easily and all you need appears spontaneously on your path, it is a sign that you are going with the flow of your heart. The second energy flow I distinguished is the flow of enough. Enough means everything that I need right now to be a fulfilled human angel is available to me. To live in the flow of enough means that you feel satisfied with and thankful for what you have. You feel nurtured by what surrounds you on the material, emotional, mental and spiritual level. That is abundance. That is having enough.

Experiencing the flow of enough means that you enjoy what you have in the Now. All of you know that to experience abundance is a subjective state of mind. It depends on the circumstances. The amount of material abundance that you have does not necessarily relate to the amount of pleasure you experience. Experiencing abundance is not about being rich; it is about experiencing riches in all that surrounds you. You have to discover for yourself the kind of material abundance that satisfies and fulfills you. For some people this could mean living on their own in a secluded hut where they can enjoy nature to the full. For others it implies a luxurious place in town where they enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. There is no judgment on this from our side, from God or from Spirit.

You need to find out what enough means for you. The key is to find the flow that makes you happy, that gives you the feeling that you are living life to the fullest. That is the flow of enough. You can recognise it not by the amount of material goods you possess but by the sense of joy and fulfillment you have in your everyday life. Enough is a feeling, not a thing.

You can be out of tune with this flow in two ways. You can want “more than enough” or you can want “less than enough.” If you want “more than enough” you crave material wealth that you do not really need or are capable of truly enjoying. Too many possessions make life complicated and actually take away some of your joy. Joy thrives on a good and simple life. When you seek to have more than enough you often do it to feel a safeguard for the future. You can get addicted to the feeling of having money just for the security of it. But that is not to experience abundance in the Now. It is to experience lack in the midst of material wealth! To really be in the flow of enough, you need to let go of fear and dare to enjoy yourself with what there is. This very enjoyment will attract more of the same into your life; it will maintain the flow of enough. If you start thinking that you need more material security, however, you go into fear whereas what you need is more trust and less fear.

If you settle for “less than enough” you are also stuck in fear but here it is the fear of truly opening yourself up to the world, expressing yourself and receiving back from it as well. You are afraid to live life to the fullest. You might think you are not worthy of it, not capable of it or that it is sinful to be all that you are and to receive full recognition for that. What you need is to feel your natural beauty and innocence. You are meant to express yourself and to be loved for who you are. The world becomes a more beautiful and radiant place if you share the gift of your soul with it, and it wants to bless you with enough in return. The universe is geared to abundance and you can be a part of that flow if you open up to your real nature which is pure and unconditional love.

“Enough” is the natural state of being. You are all here to experience enough; the flow of enough is available to all of you. It is quite meaningless to settle for less. It is not true that you will improve yourself spiritually by abstinence or self-imposed poverty. More likely you will develop feelings of bitterness or hostility because of it. Please do not try to seek some kind of spiritual justification for your lack of abundance. You are all here to enjoy life to the fullest, to let your creative energy flow into the world and to receive joy, satisfaction and material abundance in return.

Creating the flow of enough

When you feel yourself to be out of the flow of enough, take a look at your present living circumstances and interpret this as an energy message to yourself. “This is how I create reality now.” Do not judge yourself or anyone else for it. Just take note of it.

Then feel the energy of your present environment – whether it is your house, your social life or your work – and compare this with what you truly long for in your heart. Take some time to really feel what you want. Do not merely content yourself with a vague sense of dissatisfaction or unrest but clearly define to yourself what you want in your life.

In doing this you become aware of “lack” of that which is not there. Take note of the pain in you because of this, but do not dwell on the sense of lack or dissatisfaction. This is not an exercise to make you feel bad. Rather focus on the longings you have and realize deeply that this is what your soul wants for you. Be convinced that these longings point in the direction of what your soul has planned to do in this lifetime. You will be supported by the universe to make it come true.

Your focused, silent and open awareness of these heartfelt desires is enough to make the changes happen. Realizing who you are is the biggest magnet to change in your everyday life. It is not necessary or even useful to push for change on the material level. The key is to feel deeply (but not emotionally) what you are longing for and to then leave it in the hands of your heart. Just release and trust.

Things will start to change in your life. Perhaps you will first start to look more closely at some of your deeply ingrained habits in the area of thinking, feeling and reacting to people. Then relationships or jobs that do not serve your true goals may break apart and fall away. You can trust that you will get into a flow that will slowly but certainly bring you to your goal. Pay attention to the things that happen in your life. The things people say or do to you often contain an underlying message that tells you where you stand in relation to your goal.

All that you need on the physical level to realize your heartfelt desires will appear in your life in an effortless way, out of the blue. It will enter your life with ease and elegance. It may seem miraculous and at the same time feel perfectly appropriate. It is not your grasping, trying, pushing and forcing that will get it to you but your silent awareness of your truest needs, your honesty to face up to them and your courage to trust and let go. Honoring the longings of your heart with such focus and surrender will bring the reality of enough to you.




亲爱的朋友,它是充满喜悅和喜愛我今天是在您之中。 我那么很好认识您和以我所見,好像我們昨天互相遇見了。 在我居住的領土,时间不是那么重要的。 我很好认可您,雖然您的顯示,您的物理出現,是与我认识您的时代不同。

我是Jeshua。 我在人体的地球上居住,作為耶穌。 我是在人之中的人像您。 人的什么都不不适合于我。 是從與人的存在的這經驗我來支持您有您自己的發展的,與您的誕生入新的時代。 一個新的時代在途中。 變革那些日子与哪些匹配你們大家感受強的連接。

我想要告訴您關於我自己的其他。 在地球上我是骨肉的人,并且血液和我形成了與基督能量的一種渠道。基督能量流经向外我,并且那那時是我的對地球的根本貢獻。 但是基督能量不是單獨我的; 它屬於你們大家。你們大家種植一顆種子,帶來那能量的部分這裡給地球今天和由于在您的最大的履行。

然而從老這變革到新的時代連根拔并且震動許多事。 工作面积和金錢非常介入「連根拔」,為此的此精確地是老能量是特别活跃的區域。 您可能描繪這些作为力量和自我能量。

老能量在這個領域之內是那么強烈活跃的您可以发现难有对于工作和金錢問題的一個均勻的态度。在您的工作,在組織或公司中您工作為或在是您的同事的人民,您與社會面对。 許多次您要求自己: 我怎麼应付能量我沒有親合力與,仍然每天是周圍的我?在這遭遇老和新您希望会应付這摩擦。

根據在您的身体的能源中心我希望闡明這個問題有點更。 屬於每人的氣氛包含七個chakras或能源中心。在是第三chakra的腹腔神经丛(在膜片或胃附近),找出意志。 它在力量和志向供以座位個人意志的這個中心。在老能量的時代,舊時人,人们居住對從這個中心的剩餘。 這和態度是敏銳的對贏取,首先投入自己興趣和戰鬥有关犧牲其他。象这样的態度經常被負擔出于恐懼和丟失的感覺。 它不是做出在這些能量的裁决的我的點。 我想要提及他們從腹腔神经丛經常是活跃的,第三chakra。

一chakra更高我們發現心臟的中心。 心臟用您的更高的起源联络您,與能量球形您曾经居住了在和從您带来尖銳与力量和自我形成对比能量的理想的地方。

现在什麼在知覺的當前變革發生是通過從腹腔神经丛的輪子到心臟。 那不意味着應該放棄或一共推擠腹腔神经丛在旁邊。 不是真實的您應該「擺脫自我」。它是更多问题通過沿方向盘對另一個水平的是和這樣作,建立您的在心臟的能量的生活。你們大家在您的個人生活中寻求無論怎樣達到此,或明確地在工作和創造性领域。 你們大家感覺有轉移的親屬關係往心臟的能量。您全部感覺您能居住您的生活以方式的更多喜悅和寧靜。

關於問題怎样我应付自我基于能量(裡面您和在您附近),被要求您的根本步是连接從心臟用腹腔神经丛(意志和自我)的能量和引導他們用一個愛戀和富感情的方式。 它是心臟和提供您以在工作、創造性和金錢的領域的豐盈的腹腔神经丛之间的連接(通常在到处供以座位的chakras之間)。

现在您是否怎麼知道您是否行動從您的心臟或從恐懼或自我? 我希望指出也许帮助您认可它在您自己的日常生活中心臟能量的二個重要特徵。 第一個特徵是缺乏奮鬥和舒適和樸素出现。 我將称它舒適流程


您习惯于奮鬥和戰鬥為您要的事。 特别是在工作面积有很多競爭和自我爭鬥。 通常,如某人您不将得到公認和檢驗,您必須行動。 這反對您的心臟渴望。心臟渴望一种更加自然的存在。 心臟能量不施加壓力并且天生是非常光滑和柔和的。 心臟能量与您谈话通过直覺。心臟給柔和的推擠和建議,并且從未告诉您情感地充電與恐懼或壓力的事。

在您的日常生活中您能明顯地注意事是否順利地去,并且寻找他們的自然道路或您是否一再遇到對某事的抵抗您设法達到。 如果後者是实际情形意味您不完全地不是-或-與您的心臟能量成直線。 心臟能量的秘密是它執行奇蹟不與力量,但是容易地和柔軟。


当您有問題在工作时,当您认为时您不是在正确的地方在您的特殊工作環境裡,花费單獨不少安靜的时间。發現您放棄所有想法和想法您從您的社會環境吸收了和所有恐懼和憂慮同行陪它靜止的片刻。设法看從一個深和安靜的斑點的這些想法和情感在您的心臟的中心。 為什麼看見他們他們是; 他們是盤旋在太陽前面的雲彩,但是他們不是您。在您的心臟去陽光的那個核心并且问您的自已什麼是明智為了您能現在做。連接到您的古老和明智的心臟,您的最高的創造性的來源,并且请求您的直覺告訴您什麼是現在要做的正确的事。不要设法根據您的行動外部观点,關於特别是在工作领域可以壓倒多數行為的社會標準。 社會或集體知覺在這個區域根据恐懼強烈:對失去您的工作的對社會失敗的恐懼,對貧窮的恐懼和恐懼。 所有這些恐懼也许給您的直覺投上陰影,仍然有告诉您怎样現在做的內在聲音。鑰匙是敢听這聲音,并且您看見它將出来與真正答復。

当您设法去那個内核时,缺少自信也许阻攔您和使您驳回您的衷心直覺和傾向如不切實際和錯誤。 缺少自信也许防止您信任為您被計劃的精神道路。由您的精神道路,我意味帶來您和您的最高的創造性的來源保持聯繫經驗,想要流经向外您的創造性的能量的道路。 這些能量已經存在。但是您能通过聽對和信任您自己的感覺只认可和體現他們在外面世界。 您的靈魂与您谈话通过您的感覺。 沒有外部保證或证券。 信任是根本的。要接受您的感覺採取您的方向和行動在您的直覺是对您的心臟开放教導和由自我基于知覺真實做轉移到心臟基于知覺。

您由腹腔神经丛到達了控制權的末端階段。 您的靈魂输入這化身打算發布這個方式是,并且您是所有有高度積極性的表達您的從心臟的創造性。我要求您在這個狀況下信任自己和繼續在這個道路,為了您已經带领进入這個世界新的能量哪些是很大的价值。 這能量經常影響變動,不用知道它的您; 您比您體會做好。 您通过信任您的心臟流程和敢跟隨舒適流程幫助誕生新的時代。 所以不要有疑義并且繼續在您的道路。

心臟的能量比經常統治工作競技場的競爭和苛刻的能量安靜和柔和的。 因此,当您由這些自我基于能量时,圍攏它在心臟採取勇氣和力量停留集中。但是我告訴您此: 跟隨您的心臟流程給是相當真正和實用的創造性的可能性終於將帶來您,并且它將帶來您在物質水平上的豐盈。它是信用行动和勇氣委託自己到這流程。

我說我會提及心臟的能量的二個重要特徵。 我开始了以舒適流程。 我現在希望對我將称足够的流程豐盈的流程講話。


心臟的能量是真實的豐盈的來源在您的生活中。 豐盈和到達從物理,物質水平的您的生活有关所有區域到情感,社會和精神水平。 您在所有這些水平上被认为開心和被哺育。 这时,因为它是與lightworker靈魂的額外相關性我想要特別是论及物产丰富的问题。

Lightworker靈魂和精神上針對的,理想主義的人一般倾向于譴責金錢。 金錢由他們认为有罪的,是低能源。這譴責的原因是他們來同金錢聯繫在一起力量和財富犧牲其他。 金錢實際变得同義與力量。這個協會是其中一個主要原因物资流程豐盈為什麼在讀此的你們变得阻攔。

并且有與生活基本和瑣細的事的偉大的精神熱心同事金錢需要被超越的lightworker靈魂。在这里追溯到嚴肅和節慾過去生活從物質世界的許多信念活跃的。 這些終身在孑然經常度过了,單獨地瞄準精神解放。這些終身能量仍然共鳴在您的能量領域中。 它导致缩小您的一种「嚴格」。

然而金錢是無辜的。 金錢是實際上代表純淨的潛在性能量的流程。 金錢提供机会,金錢是潛在性,并且那没有错。亦不是它通过收到金錢您犧牲其他行動的案件。 金錢您能創造其他的美好和好事。 通过接受它快樂,您擴展豐盈流程兩的你自己和其他的。創造性的螺旋也总是引起接受流程,因此接受和給平衡。 這是心臟的方式。 所以不要害怕收到金錢。

可悲觀看您,当您與世界时真實地分享您的最高的禮物和天分,怎麼仍然有關於問和接受的保留從世界什麼您為你自己想要并且需要。許多老評斷防止您真實支持和享受接受部分。 但是宇宙的秘密是平衡。 宇宙知道您在所有水平上在這一生需要被承受表達您的最高的潛力。沒什麼有罪对此。 當您從心臟真實地是創造性的,您將吸引接受流程,并且將通过允许它您仅保持創造性向外流程活和充滿活力。

您不可以有意識地知道事實您在您的生活中阻攔金錢流程或您有心照不宣的反感對金錢。花些不少时间審查您最內在的想法,并且關於金錢和您的情感能容易地看到他們怎麼在您的生活中阻攔豐盈流程。 請意识到您被认为享有在地球上的生活! 它是採取在愛撫感覺或用啟發填裝心臟的美好的事的喜悅的一件自然事。這是您的家,您的寓所如此相當一段時間喜歡允许自己創造您的物質周圍,您祝願他們。 愛單獨地球和材料現實將創造豐盈流程。地球將细听您她想要提供您以您需要的一切,不仅增长和演變作为是的精神,而且享有生活作為人。

因此怎麼喜歡考慮您的態度往物产丰富在最深刻的水平并且的確感覺豐盈提議流程您幫助的可能性修造新的地球,实现您的在現實最密集的飛機上的梦想。這不是时候撤出自己從社會,單獨思考在山頂部。 是參與的时间。 是时间讓您的能流到這個世界里和自由地接受回来到您反回的所有。 不要害怕接受豐盈。尊敬您自己的輸入,接受足够以交換您的努力,是一部分的是均勻的精神人。

我希望說有點更多關於詞「足够」。 我告訴了您心臟的能量由舒適流程首先描繪。 当事容易地时成功,并且您需要的所有在您的道路本能地出现,它是標誌您连同您的心臟流程。 我區別的第二能流是足够的流程。 足够意味我現在需要是的一切一個被履行的人的天使供给我。 要居住在足够的流程意味着您感到滿意與和感激為什麼您有。 您感覺哺育由什麼圍攏您在物質,情感,精神和精神水平上。 那是豐盈。 那有足够

體驗足够的流程意味着您享用什麼您有在現在。 你們大家知道那體驗豐盈是主觀心境。 它取决于情況。您有的相当数量物产丰富與您體驗的相当数量樂趣不一定关连。 经验豐盈不是關於是富有的; 它是關於體驗在圍攏您的所有的財寶。您必須為你自己發現滿足并且履行您的這种物产丰富。 对于某些人民這可能獨自地意味生活在他們可以充分享受自然的一個偏僻的小屋。对于其他它在鎮里暗示他們享受城市的奔忙的一個豪華地方。 沒有在此的評斷從我們的邊,從上帝或從精神。

您需要发现什麼您的足够的手段。 鑰匙是發現使愉快的流程,那給感覺您是居住的生活充分。 那是足够的流程。 您能认可它不由您擁有的相当数量物質物品,但是由喜悅和履行感覺您有在您的日常生活中。 足够是感覺,不是事。

您可以是走調與這流程用二種方式。 您能要「足够」或您比足够能想要「較少」。 如果您要「足够」您熱衷您真正地不需要也不能够真實享用的物质财富。許多財產做複雜的生活和實際上拿走你的一些喜悅。 喜悅在好和簡單的生活興旺。 当您寻求足够时有您經常做它感覺一個保障为将来。您能得到上癮對感覺的有金錢安全的它。 但是那不是體驗豐盈在現在。 它是體驗缺乏在物质财富中間! 真正地在足够的流程,您需要放棄恐懼和敢開心有什麼的那裡是。 這種享受將吸引更多同樣入您的生活; 它將維護足够的流程。如果您开始認為,然而,您需要更加物質的安全您进入恐懼,而什麼您需要是更多信任和较少恐懼。

如果您為「較少比足够」您在恐懼安定也被困住,但是在这里它對真實的恐懼对世界开放,自我表達和接受從它。 您害怕居住生活充分。您也許認為您不是值得的它,不可勝任它或那它是有罪的是全部您是和接受那的最大公認。 什麼您需要是感覺您的自然秀麗和無罪。您被认为自我表達和為誰被愛您是。 世界成為一個更加美好和更加光芒四射的地方,如果您與它分享您的靈魂禮物,并且它想要保祐您有足够的反回。宇宙適應對豐盈,并且您可以是那流程的部分,如果您對是純淨和無條件的愛的您真正的自然開放。

「足够」是自然状态是。 您在這裡體驗足够的全部; 足够的流程對你們大家是可利用的。 為較少安定是相當無意義的。不是真實的您將由節慾或自願承擔的貧窮精神上改进自己。 由於它,您可能將开发冤苦或敵意的感覺。 不要设法尋找精神辯解由于您的缺乏豐盈。您在這裡享有生活充分,讓您創造性的能流到世界里和接受喜悅、滿意和物产丰富的全部反回。


当您感覺自己是出于足够的流程时,看一看在您的當前生存情況并且解釋此作为能量消息给你自己。 「這是我怎麼現在創造現實」。 不要判斷自己或任何人它的。 请注意到它。

然后感覺您的當前環境能量-它是否是您的房子,您的社会生活或您的工作-和此与什麼比较您真實地長期為在您的心臟。 花些不少时间真正地感覺什麼您想要。 對不滿情緒或不安隱晦的感覺不僅僅使滿意,但是明顯地定義给你自己什麼您在您的生活中想要。

在做此您发觉「缺乏不在那裡的」那。 因此注意到在您的痛苦,但是不要居住在缺乏或不滿情緒感覺。 這不是做您感受壞的鍛煉。相反集中于您有的渴望并且深深地意识到這是什麼您的靈魂為您想要。 朝什麼的方向被說服這些渴望點您的靈魂在這一生計劃做。 您將由宇宙支持做它實現。

您的這些衷心慾望的被聚焦的,沈默和開放了悟是做变动的足够發生。 體會誰您是改變的最大的磁鐵在您的日常生活中。 争取在物質水平上的變動是不必要甚至有用的。 鑰匙是深感覺(但是不情感地)什麼您渴望和然後把它留在您的心臟的手。 發行和信任。

事將开始在您的生活中改變。 或許您在區域首先將开始仔细地看你的一些深深地根深蒂固的習性認為,感觉和起反應對人。然后不为您真實的目標服务的關係或工作也许分开和背离。 您能相信,您將进入給您的目標將慢慢地,但是一定帶來您的流程。 注意在您的生活中發生的事。事人民說或做给您經常包含告诉您的一則部下的消息您哪里關於您的目標站立。

您在实际水平上需要體會的所有您的衷心慾望在您的生活中將出现用一個不費力的方式,莫明其妙地。 它將容易地进入您的生活和高雅。它也许似乎完全適當神奇和同時的感受。它不是將有它您的您掌握,嘗試,推擠和強迫,但是您的您最真實的需要的沈默了悟,您的誠實勇敢地面对他們和您的勇氣信任和放棄。尊敬您的心臟渴望與這樣焦點和投降給您將帶來足够的現實。

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    * miao.。.:✿*Baby cat ~ღ

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