
Dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you again. You are all brave warriors. Your very presence in a physical body on earth today speaks of your great courage and readiness to face up to darkness, within and without and to throw your light on it, the light of your consciousness. You are warriors in the spiritual sense and your weaponry consists of both compassion and discernment. One does not overcome the fears and illusions of your reality by love and compassion alone. These essential, predominantly feminine qualities need to be complemented by the masculine qualities of clarity and discernment. Compassion enables you to perceive the core of light in any expression of duality, for instance to recognize the light of someone’s soul even if their personality is full of negativity. Discernment makes you aware of the presence of fear and power-related energies in any such expression and it enables you to distance yourself from it, to let it go from your energy field.

To know who you are you have to let go of what you are not. Discernment helps you let go of that which you are not. Discernment is the “energy of the sword,” the energy that helps you set boundaries for yourself and find your own way. I call it the masculine energy and it is a necessary complement to the feminine qualities of understanding and forgiveness. I am stressing the importance of “the sword of discernment” in this channeling, for it is very relevant to the issue we will discuss today.

Today I would like to speak of your relationship with your parents and with your birth family in general. When you enter a path of spiritual growth, this issue will at some point be in the forefront of your attention.

One might look upon your birth in a physical body as a fall into darkness, if you dissociate it from any notions of sin or guilt. The birthing process is really a plunge into the deep that you have consciously decided upon from some part of your soul. At the core of your soul, you have decided to take upon you this present incarnation, and you felt the trust and perseverance needed to “accomplish the mission.” However at the moment you plunge in, so to speak, you are soaked in a state of not-knowing, a state of temporary unawareness. As soon as you enter the material reality of earth, your consciousness becomes veiled or hypnotized by certain illusions which are nothing but the deeply ingrained habits of the majority of people on earth. This is the net that is cast around you.

When you enter the earth life, the memory of “the other side” is still fresh and alive. But you have no words to express it, no way of communicating the truth of it, the simple things like the unconditional love and safety that surround you everywhere you go. The energy of Home is still self-evident to you, like the feel of water to a fish. But then you enter the physical world and the psychological reality of your parents. You reach out to them, you want to keep that sense of Home alive but it seems that you are cut off, like a net cast around the “fishy part” of you. This is the birth trauma that has physical as well as deeply spiritual aspects to it.

The net that catches you as you fall is predominantly spun by your parents’ way of being, their basic outlook on life, their ways of relating to themselves, their hopes and desires for you. When you were born, the collective consciousness on earth was still in the grip of ego based consciousness, as it is even now. Times are changing, but there is a kind of beginning stage in which things need time to gain momentum before real, fundamental change is actually brought about. At present you are still in these beginning stages, and the inner work you do is vital in this respect. So when you entered earth, you entered a reality dominated by ego based consciousness and you got acquainted with it through the energy of your parents.

When you enter the reality of ego based consciousness as represented by your parents, you get to deal with a number of pervasive illusions, of which I wish to name three important ones.

1. The loss of mastery

The first illusion is the illusion of the loss of mastery. This illusion makes you forget, while you grow up and become an adult, that you are the creator of everything that happens in your life. Most people do not recognize what happens in their life as their own creation. They often feel they are a victim of “greater powers” that make and shape their life. This is the loss of mastery.

2. The loss of unity

With the plunge into collective human consciousness as portrayed by your parents, you also lose your sense of unity with all that lives. The basic realization of the “oneness of all things” is slowly filtered out of your consciousness. You are encouraged to build your own ego. According to ego based consciousness, we are all essentially separate beings, struggling for our own existence, struggling for survival, nourishment and acknowledgement. We seem to be confined to our own body and locked into our own psychological reality with no true and open connection to “the other.” This is the illusion of separation and the tragic sense of loneliness that accompanies it.

3. The loss of love

And then there is the loss of love, meaning the sense of unconditional joy and safety that belongs to the very heart of you like a natural birthright. As you enter the earth plane on which the energy of love is not self-evident at all, you gradually start to confuse love with all kinds of energies that are not love, such as admiration, wealth or emotional dependency. These confused notions of love affect your relationships and basically make you continually search for something outside of you to regain that sense of unconditional love that is actually deep inside you.

How these illusions or losses affect you depends on the specific energy of your parental house and your family environment. Generally the parental consciousness is a mixture of ego and heart, of fear and light. There are certain areas in which your parents are likely to be very attached to or hooked up with the illusions mentioned above. But at other points they may be quite enlightened, for instance by having experienced suffering and inner growth in some area which opened up their hearts. The specific way in which they are stuck in the illusions of ego based consciousness is different for each parent or family.

When you enter this specific configuration of energies that makes up your birth family, your consciousness is wide open with hardly a sense of personal boundaries yet. As a baby, you take in your parents’ energies very thoroughly, like a basic imprint that has a deep effect on how you experience things later. There is no filter yet. It is only much later when you become aware of yourself as yourself, roughly during puberty, that you grow the consciousness needed to sift though these energies and find out what feels good and natural to you and what does not.

First you attach yourself very strongly to the paradigm of your parents, and then as you grow older and gain more self-awareness, you start to question your parents’ outlook on things as you are looking for your own sense of identity. This psychological growth process is very much akin to the transition from ego based consciousness to heart based consciousness. The natural stages of earth life, the biological and psychological cycles and seasons, correlate with natural growth stages in the spiritual sense. The transition from ego to heart based consciousness often runs parallel with overcoming the limiting, fearful energies that controlled your birth family.

The cosmic birth trauma that you experience when you are born as an individual soul (see chapter Cosmic birthing pain, p.121) is to some extent repeated every time you begin a new earth life. At the time of your birth, your parents belong to the energy of the earth. They have already adapted to this dimension, to the laws that apply here. Often these are limiting laws which are not at all self-evident to the child. The parents thus represent the ego based consciousness for the child, the energy of the three illusions. The child meets these through the parental home, and the way in which they have taken shape in the parents will influence the child strongly for the rest of its life.

Especially in the first three months, the child takes in its surroundings very deeply. The energies of the parents sink into the child’s consciousness unhampered by rational thought or defense. On the other hand there is still a “piece of heaven” in its memory, a part of the child’s consciousness that is untainted by the illusions, that knows love, mastery and oneness as the natural state of being. This awareness collides with the ego based energies around it, and this is a deeply painful conflict. It can make the child want to turn around and go back “home;” it can cause grave resistance to life at the very start. It is actually the cosmic birth trauma repeated over again.

How does the child handle this collision or conflict of energies? Most often, it shuts down some parts of himself or herself. Some parts of the child’s consciousness will go into hiding. The child will tend to comply with the energies of the parents, adapt itself to them, for it is wholly dependent upon them from the start. The child is in a very vulnerable physical state and it has a great desire to be nurtured and loved by the parents. Its memory of the natural state of oneness, love and mastery is actually the child’s gift to the parents, but they are often unable to receive this gift, once they have been veiled by the energy of the illusions. They are thus unable to truly receive the child.

Parents have at some point been children as well, of course, and have gone through the same process. Parents do not consciously force their fears and illusions onto their children. However as adults they have unwittingly absorbed many energies of ego based consciousness.

At the moment of the birth of a child, parents often experience a temporary awakening. Watching this innocent little creature coming out of the womb, entrusting itself to the world, so open and vulnerable, stirs a deep sense of awe in almost anyone. This sacred moment opens the gates to Home wide open in the parents’ consciousness and they – unknowingly – reach out to the divine core inside of them that knows unconditional love and oneness. They enter a sacred space for a while, and they feel who they are beyond the illusions. But often this is a temporary state of bliss, because afterwards things will settle down and “get back to normal.” Their ways of thinking and feeling will tend to fall back into the patterns they were used to. And thus the opening to heart based consciousness closes down again.

And what happens to the child that grows up? Most children choose to adapt so strongly to the parental frame of reference that they lose touch with their original soul energy that they were still very much aware of in the beginning of their incarnation. In this first phase of life (until puberty) they are so involved in focusing themselves into this world and getting love and attention from their parents, that they themselves forget who they are.

How does this affect the child? The child has an unbridled longing for love and safety and when it stumbles upon fearful, blocked parts in the parents’ energies, it will be confused by them. It will experience pain and a sense of abandonment. But it will hide these emotions from itself, because they are too painful to fully realise when you are in such a state of vulnerability and openness. What the child will do is put on blindfolds and create illusionary images of love. To survive emotionally, it will allow itself to be confused by the false images of the parents because if unconditional love is not available, conditional love seems better than none. The child will generally bend over backwards to get the love and safety it needs and remembers from Home. And therefore it will mistake the wrong energies for love. For example it will confuse love with a parent’s pride in certain achievements or a parent’s emotional need for the child.

Whenever the child achieves something that makes the parents proud and the child is complimented for it, they may feel their heart open up from gladness that they are liked and appreciated. But if the parental pride is not from a source of genuine understanding of the child, if it is not based upon what the child itself aspires to but more on what society expects from the child, then the pride is really a kind of poison. The child is rewarded for living up to external standards, whereas love means that one gets in touch with the child’s inner standards – what they want to achieve in this lifetime for themselves. When attention is systematically focused on outer achievements, the child will be fooled into believing that achievement equals love and they will tend to grow a guilty conscience when they are not doing “what is right,” what they are supposed to do according to external standards. As an adult, they may become someone who does not recognize when their boundaries are crossed or when they are working too hard. They will simply find that they feel the urge to achieve all the time, not understanding why working hard has become an addiction.

Another distortion of the true energy of love is when the child starts to confuse love with emotional dependency. Many children feel loved when they feel needed by their parents. They are actually filling a hole in their parents’ heart, a hole that the parents have not taken care of themselves, and when the child steps into it, it offers itself as a substitute parent. It seeks to provide the love and support the parents are missing inside. In this way, it wants to please the parents and get the love it so sorely needs. But this kind of service is not love, of course. It is a dangerous entanglement of energies that will create a lot of difficulties later on in both the relationship between the parents and the child and in the intimate relationships that the child will enter as an adult.

Many parents have experienced a lack of unconditional love in their own childhood. They were not truly received by their parents either. This has left a deep seated pain and a sense of abandonment in their being. When they have a child themselves, they embrace it with mixed signals. On the one hand, there is genuine love in them but on the other hand, there is the subconscious need “to make up for the loss.” Parents often try to heal their own emotional wounds through the relationship with their child. When they do so unconsciously, they use the child as a substitute parent – the child needs to give them the love they so sorely missed in their own childhood.

When that happens, the messages “I love you” and “I need you” get completely mixed up for the child. The child’s energy will not be her own anymore, because it will feel sucked up by the parent’s need, and this being sucked up will actually feel good to the child! It will provide a false sense of safety which by the time the child is an adult will make her feel like she is being loved deeply by someone when her energy is depleted and owned by that person. She will feel loved and appreciated when she is stretching her limits to give the most she can. She will interpret emotional dependency, even jealousy and possessiveness, as a form of love whereas these energies are diametrically opposed to it. This tragic loss of self is born from the association of love with need.

So far I have stressed that when you come to earth as a child, you are submerged into an “ocean of forgetfulness,” a net of illusions that at first seems to tie you down very thoroughly. However from the soul level, you consciously allow yourself to be led astray. Deep down inside when you incarnate on earth, you trust that you will find the solution and the way out. It is your mission to find the way out of the illusions and to bring the “energy of the solution,” the energy of love and clarity, out into the world, available to others.

At certain times in your life, there will be opportunities and possibilities that will help you fulfill this mission. As you grow up, you will meet certain people or situations that will invite or challenge you to find out who you are. You will be gently pushed or, if you are stubborn, violently provoked by life to “detangle the knot.” You need to let go of the false images of love that were part of your upbringing, part of your parents’ energy. This may trigger an identity crisis, similar to what has been described in the first part of this book as the first stage in the transition from ego to heart. It may seem that nothing is certain anymore and that everything you believed in is under scrutiny. Indeed, your soul will leave no stone unturned to bring you Home. Your soul will knock on your door incessantly until you open up and set yourself free.

Major events in your life are always geared to offer you opportunities to grow and return to who you are. But it takes courage and determination to get to the bottom of this quest and to regain the energies of the newborn child, untainted by the illusions of the loss of mastery, love and oneness. You will likely find yourself opposed to your own soul energy for a while, for it may lead you astray from what you regarded as normal and befitting for you. Your soul may seem a wayward guest to you, as you have been getting used to the ways of the world, the ways of your birth family.

It takes both the male energy of self-consciousness and discernment and the female energy of love and understanding to release yourself from ego based consciousness. Regarding your parents, discernment means that you distance yourself from the fear ridden and limiting energies they have fed you. Remember the importance of “the energy of the sword” that I mentioned in the beginning. To let go of your birth family in the spiritual sense, you need to be able to distinguish between their energy and your own and you need to be able to “cut the cords” that limit and suffocate you.

This is not primarily about expressing anger and frustration to your parents or telling them where they were wrong about you. It may be a good thing sometimes to try to make clear to them your position on things or your feelings about them. But in many cases, they may not understand what you are trying to tell them. They may not resonate with the part of you that is “different” and at odds with their outlook on life. Releasing the ties to the parental energy means first and foremost to release the energy from your own mind and emotions. It is about looking within and finding out to what extent you implicitly live by your parents’ set of illusions, by their do’s and don’ts which were based on fear and judgment.

Once you are clear about this and you allow yourself to let that go, you will be free to forgive them and really “leave the parental house.” It is only after you sever the cords on the inner level and take responsibility for your own life that you can really let your parents be. You will have clearly said “no” to their fears and illusions (sword of discernment), but at the same time you will see that your parents are not identical with their fears and illusions. They also are children of God simply trying to fulfill their soul mission. Once you feel this, you can feel their innocence and you can forgive.

In a sense you have been the victim of your parents – your parents as they represented ego based consciousness in your childhood. You have temporarily and partly lived according to their illusions. In a way you had no choice, as their child. However to transcend your sense of being the victim here is one of the most powerful breakthroughs you can have in your life. It makes you a free person when you can recognize the deep energetic imprints from your childhood and consciously decide which ones benefit you and which ones you’d rather let go. This is mastery.

You then no longer subconsciously adapt to the wishes and longings of your parents when they are not your own. At the same time, you no longer rebel against them either. You can see the false images they offered you as simply not belonging to you, period. You do not need to judge your parents for burdening you with these aspects. You can be loving and discerning at the same time.

One might say that you are introduced to ego based consciousness through your parents and you transcend it through them as well, by letting them go in love and forgiveness and by recognizing yourself as the independent master that you are.

Lightworkers and their parents

At this point I would like to speak specifically about the lightworker soul in relation to his or her birth family. Lightworkers often carry within them an extra assignment in regard to their parents or birth family. When they come to earth, Lightworkers have the specific intention to awaken, to set themselves free from ego based consciousness and to plant the seeds of Christ consciousness on earth. More strongly than others, lightworkers want to teach and heal others, helping them grow towards a heart based consciousness.

For that reason, many lightworker souls are born with parents or in families which are heavily stuck in the reality of ego based consciousness. Because it is their intention to break open stuck and rigid energy patterns, lightworkers are drawn like a magnet to “problem situations” in which the energy is stagnant, like in a dead-end alley. The lightworker comes in with a certain awareness, a certain spiritual sense which makes him or her “different,” not fitting into the family’s expectations or ambitions. The lightworker child will somehow, by what she radiates or expresses as her truth, challenge the family’s basic assumptions about life. She almost instinctively will do everything to get the energy moving and flowing again.

While the lightworker soul thus wants nothing more than to be of service to the parents and the family, they might look upon her as the odd one out, even as the black sheep. When the inner beauty and purity of the lightworker child is not recognized as such, she will often temporarily get lost in emotions of loneliness and even depression.

When they start their incarnation, lightworkers have the confidence deep down that they will find their way out, that they will overcome the limiting energy of their birth family. However when they are actually born on earth and grow up, they are exposed to the same dilemmas and confusions as any other child. In a certain sense they experience this confusion more deeply and more intensely. Because they are spiritually aware souls who are often older and wiser than their parents, they are very much aware that “something is not right” about the energy of their environment. On the inner level they clash head-on with the parents’ energies, not understanding or resonating with their mind set or behavior. This clash causes great distress inside them, gentle and sensitive as they are. They have to find a way to survive emotionally, coping with the fact that they both love the parents dearly and are very different from them. This causes a lot of psychological problems in lightworkers ranging from loneliness, insecurity and fear to addiction, depression and self destruction.

Thus your journey to earth and to places of darkness where the energy is stuck and hostile is not without risk. It is a dangerous mission. Don’t forget why I call you brave warriors! It is for this reason; you are like pioneers who venture out into strange and unknown territory. There are no signposts or markers. The environment in which you start your journey is inhospitable and does not feel like home. You will have to create the energy of home for yourself, with only your own feelings and intuition as your compass. As a lightworker, you are a pioneer who wants to break the barriers of old and stifling thought patterns and release the energy stuck within. You are almost always the first one in your environment to do so. You do not meet your soul mates until later. It is the struggle by yourself that marks you as the true warrior that you are. You will have to find the way out by yourself and once you have done so you will attract likeminded spirits into your life, people who reflect your awakened state of being.

The solitary struggle you all have to go through to discover your light is the heaviest burden for you. On the soul level you have chosen this path consciously, but to live through it as a child of flesh and blood is a painful thing that wounds you deeply. I urge you to feel and recognize this pain in yourself, because only by connecting to it can you transform and release it. Once you know that wounded child inside that took the cross of alienation upon its fragile shoulders, you will get to the core of your burden. When you get to the core, the solution is nearby. You only need to embrace the pain of that child with a pure and deep awareness. From this awareness an energy of compassion and deep respect will reach out to the child. You will lift the cross just by being with yourself and truly loving and cherishing that part of you that is “different.” This is how you bring the child home and fulfill your mission as the pioneer that you are.

Resolving family karma

The lightworker’s assignment in regard to their birth family is to become who they are. In doing so, they accomplish their mission. It is not their task to change their family; it is not your job to change anything outside of you. You are not here to make the world a better place. You are here to awaken yourself. And yes, when you do so the world will become a better place, because your light will shine upon it and bring joy and enlightenment to others as well. But do not focus on the world, whether it is your family or any other relationship you enter.

The real work is to let go of all those bits of ego based fear and illusion that you yourself absorbed so deeply as a child. Getting to know these energetic imprints which partly created your personality, and releasing the parts of it that do not belong to you is a challenging and intense process. It is about peeling away all the layers of the onion; it is about being born a second time.

By stressing the profundity of this inner process, this second birth, I do not mean to discourage you. On the other hand I would like you to have deep respect for yourselves. You are the bravest warriors I know. You are pioneers who, by kindling your own light in places of darkness and hostility, pave the way for a new consciousness on earth.

It is not your job to kindle the light in someone else’s heart. It is up to them if they do so. You may offer a spark, you may set an example, but in no way are you responsible for anyone else’s awakening. This is important to stress especially with regard to your birth family. You often feel instinctively as a child and more consciously as a grown-up that you have to save your parents from their fears and illusions. Moreover you often think that you have failed in this assignment. You feel that you have not truly been able to help your parents in the way you had envisioned.

This line of thought rests on a mistaken perception of what helping really means and what your assignment is with regard to your parents. In reality, the situation is this. From your birth onward, you begin to absorb your parents’ energies very strongly as if they were your own. You cannot easily distinguish any more where you begin and they end. Because you absorb their fears and illusions as well, you get intimately in touch with their emotional burdens. These burdens may have been passed over to them through several generations on either side of the family. There may be a karmic aspect to it, meaning that the same issue gets repeated over and over again until the “spell is broken.” This you may call family karma. There may be issues relating to an unbalanced male or female energy, energies resulting from old slavery traditions, issues pertaining to certain illnesses, etc. This kind of karmic burden is solved when the energy stuck inside of it gets released and thus is not passed along to the next generation. Family karma is resolved when at least one member of the family breaks the link by setting herself free from the emotional burden that she absorbed from childhood and that may even be in her genes.

The family member who “breaks the spell” does so first and foremost by helping herself. It is about being focused on your own inner growth and expansion. This growth and expansion has an effect on the “energy of the family.” It opens up the possibility for members of that family to find the way out as well. The lightworker who has freed himself of the emotional dead-end ally provides an energetic trail for others of his family. This he accomplishes by his inner work and what he radiates because of that, not by actually trying or even pushing others to change and move forward. What she offers her birth family energetically is the possibility of change. Her energy mirrors the possibility of change to them and that is all she needs to do.

Whether the family members pick up on the trail is entirely up to them. Never are you responsible for nor is your spiritual mission dependent upon someone else’s decision to change or not. You may have freed yourself of the karmic burden that your family saddled you with and be ridiculed or rejected for it by your family, and yet your mission will have been entirely successful. You will have crushed the hypnotic hold that karmic patterns can have over a family line and if you have children, the emotional burden will not be passed along to them. This is what your soul mission is about.

Imagine you are living in a valley which is quite barren and dry. All of your community tells you that you cannot get out of this valley – it is all there is. You seem to be the only one to remember that there are much more lush and fertile lands than this. So after a lot of consideration, you decide to try your luck and climb out of that valley. The climb up takes a tremendous amount of strength and energy. Not only is the road very steep, there are no road signs or marks to hold onto either. While you are climbing up you leave a track behind you. At some point, you come up out of that valley and the landscape that lies before you overwhelms you with joy and a sense of recognition. You knew there was something out there that felt much more like home than your birth ground. Enthusiastically you peer down and look for your family. You would like them to join you and marvel at this great vista. You would like to share your victory. But you can see no one down there and when you notice some folks far off, they do not seem interested in your journey at all.

This is what happens frequently to lightworker souls. I ask you not to mourn the loss of your family in this respect. You will have offered them a great service by walking out of the valley, by clearing the way and leaving a track. This track will stay there and it will be used one day by anyone who wants to climb out of that particular valley. The track is an energy space that you have made available to them.

It is the building of this track that was your purpose when you were born with these parents and in this family. It is not your purpose to make your family go up as well or to carry them out of the valley on your shoulders! That is not your task. Whenever you try to figuratively drag your parents or family up that steep hill, you are hindering your own growth and you will be disillusioned and disappointed. It is not the way of spiritual growth and alchemy. Those others that you love and want to share your light with may choose to live in the valley for another century or more. It is up to them. But one day in their own time, they will uncover a little track that goes up and they will think: “Hey, this is interesting, let’s go up and try this; I am not having a good time down here anymore.” And off they go. They will start their own journey of inner growth, their own climb into the light. And isn’t it wonderful, isn’t it absolutely precious, that they will find marks along the way, a track for them to hold onto? They will have to go through their own struggles, but they will have a beacon set out for them which lightens their journey. As a pioneer you will have cleared the way though a wild and unknown territory and the road paved by you will be used with gratitude and honor.

To be really free and to regain your mastership as an independent spiritual being, you have to let go of your birth family. You have to let go of them, not only as their child but also as their parent. Let me explain this double bind. The child in you needs to let go of the hope that your parents will offer you unconditional love and safety. It has to turn to you for this and you have to help it let go of the angry, sad and disappointed part of the child that feels betrayed by your parents. This is the child part. However you also need to let go of the part of you that wants to be your parents’ parent. It is typical of lightworker souls that at some point when they grow up, they start to feel like they are the parents of their parents. Because of their inborn desire to teach and heal and their developed spiritual awareness, they often see their parents’ fears and illusions clearly and they want to heal them. This may get you into a lot of struggle with your parents because your desire to help them is often intertwined with an unconscious need to be recognized for who you really are. In other words, the wounded child speaks through you when you try to help your parents, and it is a recipe for disaster when you try to help others through the wounded parts of you. You will end up more wounded and your parents will likely end up upset or confused.

To let go of your parents means to let go of any desire to change them. You have to understand that it is not your task to lead them anywhere. Your mission is to deal with your own path – that is all. After you have truly parted with your parents, letting go of the double bind, you will find that a new space opens up between you and them, much more free and open. If they are still alive, the relationship with your parents may become less strained, as the energies of reproach and guilt will have left the scene. On the other hand, you may feel you do not want to visit them so often anymore. There may simply be a lack of common interests. In any case you will feel more free in this relationship, setting your own course through life without the need for approval by them or the tendency to get angry and upset if they do not agree with you.

In your life, you may now get in touch with people who belong to your “spiritual family.” Your spiritual family has nothing to do with biology, genes or heredity. It is a family of kindred souls. Often you know them from past lives in which you bonded through friendship, love or a shared mission. It is very easy to get along with them, for you share an inner likeness; you belong to the same family. It is a kind of homecoming you experience. What made you feel different and lonely among other people first now becomes the foundation of your connection and mutual recognition. Bonding with your spiritual family is a true source of joy in earth life. The key to allowing it into your life is to find your own way “out of the valley” and to recognize the light within. When you are able to recognize your own light in an environment that does not mirror it back to you, you become independent and free. Unburdened by the karmic aspects of your history, the fears and illusions that held you down, you will attract relationships into your life which are based on love and respect and which reflect your awakened divinity.



亲爱的朋友,它再给予我巨大樂趣是以您。 您是所有勇敢的戰士。您的在一個体格的存在地球上今天講話您偉大的勇氣和準備勇敢地面对黑暗,在之內和,不用和投擲您的对此的光,您的知覺光。您是精神感覺的戰士,并且您的武器裝備包括同情和法眼。 一不由單獨愛和同情克服您的現實恐懼和幻覺。這些根本,主要地女性質量需要由清晰和法眼的男性質量補全。同情使您察覺光的核心在雙重性所有表示的,例如认可某人的光的靈魂,即使他們的個性否定性有很多。法眼使您明白恐懼出现,并且在任何如此表示和它的與力量相關的能量使您疏遠自己從它,讓它從您的能量領域去。

要知道誰您是您必須放棄什麼您不是。 法眼幫助您放棄您不是的那。 法眼是劍的「能量」,幫助您設置你自己的界限并且寻找您自己的道路的能量。我称它男性能量,并且它是必要的補全對瞭解和饒恕的女性質量。 我强调「法眼劍的重要性」在這開水道,為了與我們今天將談論的問題是非常相關的。

今天我希望一般來說講話您的關係與您的父母和與您的誕生家庭。 當您进入精神成長道路,在您的注意的前線,這個問題將是。

如果您離解它從罪孽或罪狀的任何概念一也許视为您的在一個体格的誕生作为一落入黑暗。分娩過程真正地是傾沒入您從您的靈魂的某一部分有意識地決定了的深。在您的靈魂的核心,您决定採取在您這當前化身,并且您感覺必要的信任和堅持不懈「实现使命」。然而,在您浸入之時,亦所謂,您在狀態被浸泡沒有知道,臨時不知道狀態。當您输入地球的物質現實,您的知覺变得遮掩或施催眠術由是多數深深地根深蒂固的習性在地球上的人的某些幻覺。 這是在您附近被熔鑄的網。

当您进入地球生活时, 「另一邊」記憶新鮮和活。 但是您沒有表達的詞它,传达真相沒有方式它,像無條件的愛的簡單的事,并且圍攏您到處您的安全是。家能量是不言而喻的對您,像水感受對魚。 另一方面,但是您输入物理世界和您的父母的心理現實。您提供援助對他們,您想要保留那感覺家庭活,但是看起来您被切除,像在「可疑部分」被熔鑄的網的您附近。這是有物理並且深深地精神方面對它的誕生精神創傷。

捉住您的網,当您秋天由您的父母的方式是主要地轉動,他們在生活的基本的外型,他們的方式與他們自己相關,他們的您的希望和慾望。當您出生,在地球上的集體知覺仍然在自我基于知覺夾子,它甚而現在。时间变动,但是有一种事需要时刻在真正的起點階段,根本變動之前得势實際上被达到。 当前您仍然是在這些起點階段,并且您的內在工作對此是重要的。因此,當您进入了地球,您进入了自我基于知覺控制的現實,并且您通过您的父母能量瞭解了它。


1. 精通損失

第一種幻覺是精通損失的幻覺。 這種幻覺使您忘記,而您长大并且变成成人,您是在您的生活中發生一切的創作者。 多数人民不认可什麼在他們的生活中發生作為他們自己的創作。 他們經常感覺他們是做「大国的」的受害者并且塑造他們的生活。 這是精通損失。

2. 團結損失

傾沒到集體人的知覺里如刻畫由您的父母,您也失去團結您的知觉與所有那的生活。 所有事的「統一性的基本的認識」慢慢地過濾您的知覺。您被鼓勵建立您自己的自我。 根據根據的自我知覺,我們本質上是全部分開的生存,奮鬥為我們自己的存在,奮鬥為生存,養料和承認。我們似乎被限制到我們自己的身体和被鎖入我們自己的心理現實沒有與「其他的真實和開放連接」。 這是分離和伴隨它寂寞的悲劇的感覺幻覺。

3. 愛損失


這些幻覺或損失影響您怎麼取决于具體能量您父母親安置和您的家庭環境。 通常父母親知覺是自我和心臟混合物的恐懼和光。有您的父母可能非常附有對或和以上提到的幻覺連接的某些區域。 但是在其他點他們在開放他們的心臟的一些區域也许由體驗遭受和內在成長相當啟迪,例如。他們在自我基于知覺幻覺被困住的具體方式為每個父母或家庭是不同的。

当您输入组成您的誕生家庭能量的這種具體配置时,您的知覺幾乎不是大開與個人界限感覺。 作為嬰孩,您在您的父母的能量非常十分地採取,像有对的一個基本的版本記錄您怎样的深刻的作用后體驗事。 沒有過濾器。 只更晚,当您发觉你自己作為你自己,大致在青春期期間时,您生長必要的知覺雖則過濾這些能量和发现什麼感到好和自然對您,并且什麼不。


您體驗的宇宙誕生精神創傷您什么时候出生,当單獨靈魂(参见章節宇宙分娩痛苦, p.121)在某種程度上被重複,在您開始新的地球生活時候。 在您的誕生之時,您的父母屬於地球的能量。他們已經適應了這個維度,申請得這裡的法律。 通常這些是不不言而喻的對孩子的限制的法律。 父母因而代表孩子的自我基于知覺,三種幻覺的能量。孩子通过父母親家遇見這些,并且他們在父母有了成效的方式將強烈影響孩子毕生。

特别是在前三個月,孩子在它的周圍非常深深地採取。 父母的能量下沉入儿童的知覺無阻礙由理性思考或防禦。在另一隻手上仍有天堂「片斷」它的記憶的,由幻覺是無汙點的,知道愛、精通和統一性作为自然状态是儿童的知覺的部分。這了悟與自我基于能量碰撞在它附近,并且這是一種深深地痛苦的衝突。 它可能使孩子想要转过来和回去「家庭; 」它可能一開始導致對生活的嚴重抵抗。它實際上是再重複的宇宙誕生精神創傷。

孩子怎麼處理能量這種碰撞或衝突? 經常,它關閉了有些部分的他自己。 儿童的知覺的有些部分將躲起來。孩子將倾向于依從父母的能量,適應自己他們,為了它從開始完全取决于他們。 孩子是在一個非常脆弱的物理狀態,并且它有一個巨大慾望由父母哺育和愛。它的統一性、愛和精通自然状态的記憶實際上是儿童的禮物给父母,但是他們經常无法接受這件禮物,一旦他們由幻覺的能量遮掩了。 他們因而无法真實地接受孩子。

父母是孩子,當然和审阅同一個過程。 父母不有意識地強迫他們的在他們的孩子上的恐懼和幻覺。 然而,成人他們無意地吸收了自我基于知覺許多能量。

在孩子的誕生的時刻,父母經常體驗一臨時喚醒。 觀看這個無辜的矮小的生物從子宮出來,委託對世界,很開放和脆弱,引起深刻的敬畏感在幾乎任何人的。這神聖的片刻打開門回家大開在父母的知覺,并且他們-不知道-提供援助對知道無條件的愛和統一性的神的核心裡面的他們。他們有一陣子进入神聖的空間,并且他們感覺誰他們是在幻覺之外。 但是經常這是極樂一個临时状态,因為事之後將安定,并且「恢复對法線」。 他們用于的他們的思维方式和感覺將倾向于下跌回到樣式。 并且對心臟基于知覺的開頭再因而关闭。

并且什麼发生在长大的孩子身上? 多数孩子選擇那么強烈適應他們脫離他們原始的靈魂能量的父母親参照系他們仍然知道非常在他們的化身的開頭部分。 在這個第一阶段生活(直到青春期)他們在聚焦如此介入入這個世界,并且得到愛和关心的他們的父母,那他們自己忘記誰他們是。

這怎麼影響孩子? 孩子有未拘束的渴望的愛,并且安全和,當它絆倒在父母的能量的可怕,封鎖的部分,它將由他們混淆。 它將體驗痛苦和放棄感覺。但是它將躲藏起来从這些情感本身,因為他們是太痛苦以至于不能充分地意识到您什么时候是在弱點和開放性這樣狀態。什麼孩子將做在眼罩被投入和生成愛的錯覺性圖像。要生存情感地,它將允许自己由父母的錯誤圖像混淆,因為,如果無條件的愛不是可利用的,有條件愛什么都更好比不似乎。孩子通常將尽全力得到它從家需要并且記住的愛和安全。 并且它將弄錯錯誤能量為愛。例如它与愛在某些成就的父母的自豪感或對孩子的父母的情感需要混淆。

每當孩子達到使父母驕傲和孩子的事為它被恭維,他們也许感覺他們的心臟從高興開放他們被喜歡并且被讚賞。但是,如果父母親自豪感不是從對孩子的真正理解的來源,如果沒有根據什麼孩子嚮往對,但是更在什麼社會期望孩子,然后自豪感真正地是一种毒物。孩子的實現外在標準被獎勵,而愛意味着一个與接觸與儿童的內在標準-什麼他們在他們自己的這一生想要達到。當注意系統地集中于外面成就,孩子將被唬弄入相信成就均等愛,并且他們將倾向于生長犯罪认识,當他們不做着「什麼是不错」,什麼他們应该根據外在標準做。作為成人,他們也许适合不认可的人他們的界限什么时候过或他們什么时候太努力工作。 他們发现他們感覺敦促一直達到,不瞭解努力工作為什麼成為了癮。

愛真實的能量的另一個畸變是孩子开始与愛混淆情感附庸。 当他們感到需要由他們的父母时,許多孩子感覺愛。 他們在他們的父母的心臟實際上填裝一個孔,父母未採取關心他們自己的孔,并且,当孩子跨步入它时,它提供自己,当替補父母。 它寻求提供愛,并且支持父母是缺掉裡面。 这样,它那么疼痛地需要的它想要取悅父母和得到愛。 當然,但是这种服務不是愛。 它是將制造很多困難在父母和孩子之间的關係以後和在親密的關係孩子將输入作為成人能量的危險纏結。

許多父母體驗了缺乏在他們自己的童年的無條件的愛。 他們未由他們的父母真實地接受。這在他們是把根深蒂固的痛苦和放棄留在感覺。 当他們有一個孩子时,他們擁抱它與复合信号。一方面,有在他們的真正愛,但是在另一隻手,有下意識需要「補償損失」。 父母經常设法通过與他們的孩子的關係癒合他們自己的情感創傷。当他們那么不自覺地时,他們使用孩子,当替補父母-孩子需要給他們愛他們在他們自己的童年那么疼痛地丟失。

当那發生时,消息「我爱你」和「我需要您」得到完全地混合為孩子。不會再將是她自己,因為它將感覺吮由父母的需要和這被吮意志的儿童的能量實際上感覺良好對孩子! 它將提供安全的錯誤感覺,當孩子是的時候成人將使她感覺,如她由某人深深地愛,當她的能量由那個人耗盡并且擁有。她感到愛和讚賞她舒展她的極限給多數她能。 她將解釋甚而情感附庸、嫉妒和佔有,作为愛的形式,而這些能量直接地被反對它。自已這不幸的损失從愛的協會是出生與需要的。

到目前为止我强调,当您走向地球作為孩子时,您被淹沒入丟頭落尾「海洋」,起初似乎束缚您非常十分地幻覺的網。 然而從靈魂水平,您有意識地允许自己被引人歧途。 深刻的下來裡面,当您在地球上时體現,您相信,您將發現解答和出口。 它是您的發現幻覺的出口和带领解答的「能量的使命」,愛能量和清晰,进入世界,可利用給其他。

某時在您的生活中,將有將帮助您履行這個使命的機會和可能性。 因为您长大,您將遇見將邀請或向您挑戰发现的某些人或情況誰您是。您將在對「detangle的生活之前輕輕地推擠或,如果您倔強,猛烈地挑釁結」。您需要放棄是您的養育的一部分愛,一部分的錯誤圖像的您的父母的能量。 這也许觸發丧失自我,类似什麼在這本書的第一個部分被描述了,因为在轉折的第一阶段从自我到心臟。 也许看起来什么都不再肯定,并且您相信的一切受到察視。 的确,您的靈魂將千方百計帶來您家庭。 您的靈魂將持續不斷地敲您的門,直到您開放并且設置自己自由。


它採取害羞男性能量和法眼和女性能量愛和瞭解從自我基于知覺释放自己。 關於您的父母,法眼意味着您疏遠自己從恐懼乘坐和限制他們喂养了您的能量。記住「那的劍的能量的重要性」我首先提及了。要放棄您的在精神感覺的誕生家庭,您需要能區別在他們的能量和您自己和您之間需要能「切開繩子」那個極限和窒息您。

這不是主要關於表示憤怒和失望對您的父母或告訴他們他們哪里是錯誤的關於您。它也许有時是设法的一件好事清楚地做到他們您的在事或您的感覺的位置關於他們。 但是在許多情況下,他們可能不瞭解什麼您设法告訴他們。他們可能不共鳴與與他們的在生活的外型是「不同」和有分歧的部分的您。 發布領帶給父母親能量首要意味從您自己的頭腦和情感發布能量 它是關於看內,并且发现您在何種程度上隱含地居住在您的父母的旁边被設置幻覺,由他們做了和根据恐懼和評斷的don'ts。

一旦您是确切關於此,并且您允许自己去的讓,您自由原諒他們,并且「真正地离开父母親房子」。 它是,在您切斷在內在水平上的繩子并且承担您自己的生活之後的责任您能真正地讓您的父母是。 您對他們的恐懼和幻覺(法眼劍) 「沒有」明顯地說,但是您同時看見您的父母不是完全相同和他們的恐懼和幻覺。 他們也是设法上帝的孩子履行他們的靈魂使命。 一旦您感覺此,您能感到他們無罪和您能原諒。

實際上您是您的父母-您的父母的受害者,他們代表了自我在您的童年的基于知覺。 您根據他們的幻覺臨時地和部分居住。用方式您沒有選擇,作為他們的孩子。 然而超越您的感覺是這裡受害者是您能在您的生活中有的其中一最強有力的突破。它做您一個自由的人,当您能认可從您的童年的深刻的精力充沛的版本記錄和有意識地決定时哪個有益於您,并且哪個您寧可會放棄。 這是精通。

当他們不是您自己时,您下意識地不再然後適應您的父母願望和渴望。 同时,您不再叛亂反對他們二者之一。 您能看到他們提供您如不屬於您的錯誤圖像,期間。 您不需要判斷您的負擔的您父母這些方面。 您可以是愛戀和同時辯明。



这时我希望對lightworker靈魂明確地講話關於他們的誕生家庭。 Lightworkers在他們之內經常運載一項額外任務關於他們的父母或誕生家庭。 当他們來到地球时, Lightworkers有具體意圖喚醒,設置自己从自我基于知覺解脱和種植基督知覺種子在地球上的。 強烈比其他, lightworkers想要教,并且癒合其他,幫助他們增长往心臟基于知覺。

因此,許多lightworker靈魂是出生與父母或在自我基于知覺的現實中沉重被困住的家庭。 由于是他們的意圖出現陷進和剛性能量樣式, lightworkers被畫像對「問題情況的」一塊磁鐵在哪些能量停滯,像一個盡頭的胡同。 lightworker进来以有些了悟,使他或她「不同的有些精神感覺」,不適合入家庭的期望或志向。 lightworker孩子由什麼莫名其妙地將,她放熱或表達作为她的真相,质询關於生活的家庭的假定。她幾乎本能地將做一切得到流動的能量再移動和。

当lightworker靈魂只不过是因而想要是服務到父母和家庭时,他們也許视为她作為奇怪一个,既使败类。 當lightworker孩子的內在秀麗和純淨同樣地沒有被认可,她經常臨時地將迷路在甚而寂寞和消沉的情感。

当他們開始他們的化身时,他們將發現他們的出口的lightworkers有信心深深在那下,他們將克服他們的誕生家庭限制的能量。然而,当他們在地球上實際上被負擔并且增长时,他們被暴露在困境和混亂和其他孩子一样。 在某種意義上他們深深地和更加強烈地體驗這混亂。由于他們是精神上比他們的父母經常旧和明智的明白的靈魂,他們知道非常「某事不是不错」關於他們的環境能量。在內在水平上他們正面與父母的能量撞擊,不瞭解或不共鳴與他們的关注形势或行為。 這碰撞導致在他們裡面的偉大的困厄,柔和和敏感的,虽然他們是。他們必須發現方式情感地生存,应付事實他們非常愛父母并且是非常与他們不同。 這在范围从寂寞、不可靠和恐懼的lightworkers引起很多心理問題到癮、消沉和自毀。

因而您的旅途到地球和到能量是陷進和敵對的黑暗的地方不是沒有风险。 它是一個危險使命。 不要忘記我為什麼告诉您勇敢的戰士! 它為此是; 您是像冒險入奇怪和未知的疆土的先驅。 沒有路標或標誌。 您開始您的旅途是不好客的環境,并且不感覺像家。您將必須用仅您自己的感覺和直覺創造家能量你自己的,作為您的指南針。作为lightworker,您是想要冲破老和窒息的想法樣式障礙的先驅并且發布被困住的能量內。 您几乎总是第一个在您的如此要做的環境裡。您不遇見您的直到以后的知己。 它單獨是指示您成真實的戰士的奮鬥您是。您將必須單獨找到反射您的被喚醒的狀態是的出口和,一旦您做了,因此您將吸引志趣相投的精神入您的生活,人。

孤零零奮鬥您全部必須经历發現您的光是您的最重的負擔。在靈魂水平上您有意識地選擇了這個道路,但是居住通过它作為骨肉和血液的孩子是創傷深您的一件痛苦的事。我敦促您感覺和认可在你自己的這痛苦,因為通过連接到它仅能您變換和發布它。一旦您知道採取疏遠十字架在它易碎的肩膀的那受傷的儿童裡面,您將有您的負擔的核心。 当您有核心时,解答附近。您只需要接受那個孩子痛苦以純淨和深刻的了悟。 從這了悟同情和非常尊敬能量將提供援助给孩子。您將通过是以你自己和真實地愛和愛護是「不同的那個部分舉十字架的您」。 這是您怎麼帶來儿童家并且履行您的使命作為先驅您是。


關於他們的誕生家庭的lightworker的任務是成為誰他們是。 在这种情况下,他們实现他們的使命。 不是他們的任務改變他們的家庭; 不是您的工作改變任何东西外面您。 您不在這裡做世界一個更好的地方。 您在這裡喚醒自己。 并且是,當您做,因此世界將成為一個更好的地方,因為您的光將发光在它并且給其他帶來喜悅和啟示。 但是不要集中于世界,它是否是您的家庭或您输入的其他關係。

实际工作是放棄您你自己那么深深地吸收作為孩子的所有那些位自我基于恐懼和幻覺。 知道部分創造您的個性的這些精力充沛的版本記錄和發布不屬於您的部分的它一個富挑戰性和強烈的過程。 它是關於剝蔥的所有層數; 它是關於被負擔第二次。

通过注重這個內在過程深度,這复兴,我不意味勸阻您。 在另一隻手上我希望您有對你們自己的非常尊敬。 您是我认识的最勇敢的戰士。 您是,通过點燃您自己的光在黑暗和敵意地方,铺平道路新的知覺的在地球上的先驅。

不是您的工作點燃在別人的光心臟。 如果他們如此,是由他們決定。 您可以提供火花,您可以树立榜样,但是绝不是您负责对喚醒的任何人的。 這是重要注重特别是關於您的誕生家庭。 您有意識地本能地經常感觉作為孩子和作為成年您必須从中他們的恐懼和幻覺拯救您的父母。 而且您經常認為您无法這項任務。 您认为您真實地未能幫助您的父母就象您構想的。

這條思想路线基于什麼真正地幫助手段的,并且什麼的错误悟性您的任務是關於您的父母。 实际上,情況是這。從向前您的誕生,您開始非常強烈吸收您的父母的能量,好像他們您自己。 您不可能容易地區別您開始的地方,并且他們結束。由于您吸收他們的恐懼和幻覺,您親密地得到和他們的情感負擔保持聯繫。 這些負擔也许通過了到他們通过幾個世代在家庭的每一邊。也许有一個負面的方面到它,意味同一個問題得到多次重複,直到「咒語是殘破的」。 這您可以叫家庭羯磨。 也许有問題與失衡的男性或女性能量、能量起因于老奴隸制傳統,問題關於某些病症等等相關。 这种負面的負擔,当能量被困住裡面它得到發布和沒有因而通過對下一代时,解決。 家庭羯磨解決,当家庭的至少一位亲属通过設置打破鏈接时自由從她從童年吸收,并且也许甚而在她的基因的情感負擔。

「打破咒語」的家庭成员通过幫助那么首要做。 它獨自地是關於是被聚焦的內在成長和擴展。 這成長和擴展有对家庭的「能量的作用」。 它開放那個家庭的亲属的可能性發現出口。 釋放了自己情感盡頭的盟友的lightworker為其他他的家庭提供一串精力充沛的足跡。 因此他由他的內在工作完成的這,并且什麼他放熱,不通过實際设法甚至推擠其他改變和前进。 什麼她提供她的誕生家庭精力充沛地是變動的可能性。 她的能量反映變動的可能性對他們的,并且那是她需要做的所有。

家庭成员是否在足跡整理完全地是由他們決定。 從未是您负责对亦不是您的精神使命受撫養者在別人的改變的決定。您也许釋放了自己負面的負擔您的家庭備鞍了您與和為它嘲笑或者被拒绝由您的家庭,仍然您的使命是完全成功的。您擊碎了負面的樣式可能有在世家的催眠舉行,并且,如果您有孩子,情感負擔不會通過對他們。 這是什麼您的靈魂使命是關於。

想像您是生存在是相當貧瘠和乾燥的榖。 所有您的社區告訴您您不可能离开這個榖-它是全部那裡是。 您似乎是只那个记得比此有更多醉漢和肥沃土地。因此在很多考慮以後,您决定嘗試您的運氣和上升在那個榖外面。 攀登採取一個極大數量力量和能量。 不僅是路非常陡峭的,沒有路标或標記保持二者之一。当您爬上时您在您之後留下軌道。 有时,您過來在那個榖和說謊的風景外面,在您淹沒您與喜悅和公認之前感覺。您知道有比您的誕生地面感覺更多像家的某事那裡。 您熱心地凝視下來并且正在寻找您的家庭。 您希望他們加入您和奇蹟在這巨大遠景。您希望分享您的勝利。 但是您能看到沒人擊倒那裡,并且,当您注意有些夥計时,他們根本不似乎对您的旅途感兴趣。

這是什麼常常地发生在lightworker靈魂。 我要求您對此不哀悼您的家庭損失。您通过從榖走出去提供了他們一項了不起的服務,通过扫清道路和留下軌道。 這條軌道將呆在那里,并且它將由想要上升在那個特殊榖外面的人使用一天。軌道是您安排可用他們的能量空間。

它是您的目的這條軌道的大廈,當您是出生與這些父母和在這個家庭。 不是您的目的使您的家庭攀登或運載他們在您的肩膀的榖外面! 那不是您的任務。每當您设法比喻地扯拽陡峭的小山,您妨害您自己的成長,并且的您的父母或家庭您將被幻滅并且失望。 它不是精神成長和方術方式。您愛并且想要與的那些其他在另一個世紀的更榖也许選擇分享您的光居住或。 它是由他們決定。但是一天在他們自己的时间内,他們將揭露上升的一條小的軌道,并且他們將認為: 「嘿,這是有趣,我們上升和嘗試此; 我不度过美好时光下來這裡再」。并且他們结束。 他們將開始內在成長他們自己的旅途,他們自己的攀登到光里。并且不它是否是美妙的,不是它绝對珍貴,他們將發現標記,他們的一條軌道能舉行在上?他們將必須审阅他們自己的奮鬥,但是他們將安排一個烽火臺為他們開始哪些照亮他們的旅途。因为先驅您雖則扫清了道路狂放和未知的疆土和您鋪的路將使用與謝意和榮譽。

要真正地自由和收復您的精通作為一個獨立精神是,您必須放棄您的誕生家庭。 您必須放棄他們,不僅作為他們的孩子,而且作為他們的父母。讓我解釋這雙重困境。 您的孩子需要放棄希望您的父母將提供您無條件的愛和安全。它必須转向您此的,并且您必須帮助它放棄感覺背叛由您的父母孩子的惱怒,哀傷和失望的部分。 這是儿童零件。然而您也需要放棄想要是您的父母的父母的部分的您。 它是特点的lightworker靈魂,当他們长大时,他們开始感覺,如他們是他們的父母父母。由於他們天生的慾望教和癒合和他們的被开发的精神了悟,他們經常看見清楚他們的父母的恐懼和幻覺和他們要癒合他們。這也许让您进入與您的父母的很多奮鬥,因為您的慾望幫助他們經常交錯與不自覺的需要為誰被認出您真正地是。換句話說,受傷的孩子通过您講話,当您设法幫助您的父母时,并且它是災害的一份食譜,当您设法通过受傷的部分的您时幫助其他。您將結束受傷,并且您的父母可能將結束弄翻或混淆。

放棄您的父母手段放棄任何慾望改變他們。 您必須瞭解不是您的任務任何地方帶領他們。 您的使命是涉及是全部的您自己的道路-。在您真實地分開了與您的父母之後,讓去雙重困境,您发现新的空間開放在您和他们之間,更加自由和開放。如果他們活,與您的父母的關係也许变得较不緊張,因为責備和罪狀能量离开了现场。 在另一隻手上,您可以感到您不想要那么經常再參觀他們。也许有缺乏共同利益。 無論如何,如果他們不同意您,您將感觉自由在這個關係,設置您自己的路線通过生活,不用需要为获得批准由他們或傾向生氣和弄翻。

在您的生活中,您可以現在與接觸與屬於您的「精神家庭的人」。 您的精神家庭与生物、基因或者遺傳无关。 它是心灵相通家庭。通常您知道他們從您通过友誼、愛或者一個共有的使命結合的過去生活。 與他們相處,您的分享內在相像是非常容易的; 您屬於同一個家庭。它是您體驗的一种歸鄉。 什麼做了您感受不同和偏僻在其他人民中現在首先成為您的連接和互相承认的基礎。結合與您的精神家庭是喜悅的真实的来源在地球生活中。 允许它的鑰匙入您的生活是寻找您自己的道路「在榖外面」和认可光內。当您能认可您自己的光在不反映它回到您的環境裡时,您变得獨立和自由。卸下由您的歷史的負面的方面,使您保持向下的恐懼和幻覺,您將吸引根据愛并且尊敬,并且反射您的被喚醒的神性的關係入您的生活。


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